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posted by ola2
21 June 2023

Breast cancer Facebook support group

Last reply: 29 June 2023 14:52
Hi I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and have started treatment in St vincents hospital. I am looking for some Irish facebook support groups for people going through Breast Cancer where I can connect with people on a similar journey. Thanks
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posted by mylo0307
17 May 2023

Kinda anxious

Last reply: 08 June 2023 17:28
Hi, I hope it's ok to post, I found a lump just under 2 weeks ago due to my dog constantly sniffing my left breast, i know, sounds totally strange! I've had lumps and an abcess in the same breast before but when i felt this 'new' one, it just felt 'odd'. I made an appointment to see my gp on the 9th & she referred me immediately and said I would be seen within 2 weeks. The same breast sometimes feels burny, shooting stabby pains on & off and it can be intensely itchy. I am a fairly logical thinker and i am 99% sure the appointment will go well. I am in next Wednesday 24th at 10:30. So, all in all, its been quite quick from finding it, to seeing my gp and going to the breast clinic. I wont lie though I am quite anxious only because it doesn't feel 'familiar' like the other lumos ive had previously. Im attending the appointment on my own cause id only be stressing more worrying about the person waiting for me. I've no idea what to expect at this appointment. Am i right in thinking an early appointment would mean possible tests if they feel its necessary? As im going on my own, is it ok for me to drive IF they do a biopsy? I feel quite alone to be honest, im only 38 so my friends & husband are like youll be grand, itll be nothing, try not to worry. Its easier said than done though, i guess thats why im posting here, for a listening, non emotionally involved ear. Thanks a mill for reading. All support & advice hugely welcome!!
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posted by aloevera
18 May 2023

Side effects of T-DM1 vs T-DXd

Last reply: 02 June 2023 15:21
Has anyone been given either trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) or trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd)? If so, what kind of side effects did you experience with either of them? I’m after completing neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer and surgery, and my oncologist has suggested these drug treatments. As the drug treatments could last approximately 10 months, and I need to consider their impact on my ability to return to work, I need to get an idea of the likelihood of side effects. Please let me know.
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posted by Von23
09 May 2023

Biopsy Result

Last reply: 23 May 2023 10:10
I was called today and asked to come in this Thursday to get my biopsy results. Does this mean it is more than likely bad news? Just wondering what common practice is. This waiting is so hard.
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posted by Coming off Tamoxifen
17 May 2023

Coming off Tamoxifen

I came off Tamoxifen on the 13th May after 10 years, I do feel slightly anxious coming off it even though I did have some side effects whilst taking it. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced any bad side effects when they came off Tamoxifen - what they are and how long they lasted. I've read on some forums, mainly English ones, that some people experience quite bad tiredness and fatigue and what they describe as 'brain fog'. I have noticed that I'm feeling quite tired the last few days but, having only finished taking Tamoxifen on Saturday, I don't know if I would be feeling the effects this quickly. Has anyone else experienced this?
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posted by Maggiemakes
05 May 2023

Bad first time chemotherapy reaction

Last reply: 11 May 2023 14:42
Hi there, I was diagnosed in January with IDC 3cm tumor and 1 sentinel glad with 5mm met. My doctor said it's localised I've had a lumpectomy and started the 1st of 4 AC's to be follwed by taxol every week for 12 weeks. After my first AC last week I became extremely unwell 3 days after and was diagnosed with septicaemia I became extremely unwell and am currently in hospital and will be for another few days at the least. My 2nd chemo can now not take place obviously. Has anybody had anything similar happen to them ? Im so upset as I follwed everything they said to the letter but this has happened. They cannot find the source of the infection which is worrying. I'm 56 and in general good health. Any advice or similar problem I would much appreciate to hear.
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posted by ccg2
07 May 2023

Tamoxifen brands switch

Last reply: 08 May 2023 15:08
Hi I've been on tamoxifen for 6 weeks. 4 weeks on 10mg and 2 on 20mg. Since upping the dose I'm struggling with side effects. Acid reflux very extensive skin rash fatigue sweats flushes. I have read online but mostly on UK forums that changing brands sometimes helps. I'm on rexa brand just wondering if anyone has experience of this working with brands in Ireland. I'm contemplating going back to pharmacy to see if they will swap a packet but I don't know of any other brands. Anyone done this?
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posted by Greenday
02 October 2022

Radiotherapy and Implants

Last reply: 02 May 2023 22:17
Hi I am due to start 21 session so of radiotherapy next week. My margins were close and near the chest wall hence radiotherapy. However I was so disheartened to find out that capsular contracture is a possibility. Have you experienced this after radiotherapy or did you manage to avoid it ?
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posted by Er34
06 April 2023

Herceptin tomorrow

Last reply: 09 April 2023 13:34
Hello. I've had my chemo and my surgery. Now tomorrow I start my herceptin. Its a shot in the thigh every 3 weeks. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Are there any side effects? Will I need to remove my trousers? Thankyou
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posted by lizzie01
11 March 2023


Last reply: 29 March 2023 13:22
Has anyone been able to get access to Abemaciclib? It is not yet approved for reimbursement by the HSE but I wondered if anyone has been able to get it prescribed privately. I think it costs about €3k a month.
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