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posted by BeachVibes
16 March 2024

Waiting for Triple Assessment

Last reply: 16 March 2024 21:45
Hi All, I found this forum when I went down the rabbit hole of Dr. Google as the wait for my triple assessment is two weeks! There’s one more week left now of waiting and it has been agony. I’m 42 and when I was 21 they found a through an ultrasound a 1cm benign cyst in my right breast. Fast forward to January this year I found out my great-aunt has stage 4 breast cancer and my mum’s cousin is a breast cancer survivor hence I asked my GP for a breast check referral. The day after my first mammogram they sent me a recall letter which has now got me thinking the worst case scenario as I have have two young kids. I’m going to Vincent’s and was told I will be there the entire morning and to bring someone with me. Anyone here had this experience before? I’m currently in the middle of dealing with Depression hence don’t really need the anxiety of not knowing and waiting on top of it!
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posted by Genevieve
07 March 2024

Post chemo hairdresser

Last reply: 26 April 2024 23:32
Hi there, I am almost 12 months post chemo & my hair has grown back really well. I haven’t had it cut yet & it’s a bit mad looking now! I went for a consultation today at a hairdressers & the guy was really unhelpful. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good hairdresser in Co.Wicklow/Dublin who knows what they’re doing with post chemo short hair? Many thanks 😊
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posted by lovelife
21 February 2024

breast cancer

Last reply: 27 February 2024 14:20
diagnosed 3yrs ago with ductal carcinoma had my annual mammogram on the 09/02/2024 received a phonecall from breast clinic today to come up on mon for ultrasound worried..
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posted by Hanacon
12 February 2024

Pain relief following mastectomy

Last reply: 14 February 2024 10:51
I had a mastectomy three weeks ago today and am still taking paracetamol every four hours and vimovo twice a day. Is it common to still need this much pain relief at this stage post op? Thanks for any advice.
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posted by 🦋
06 February 2024

Waiting on breast biopsy

Last reply: 14 February 2024 10:05
Hi out there Waiting 2 weeks now for my breast biopsy results breast cancer as a normal doesn't run in either side of my families but my mother's sister did die of ovarian cancer which is worrying me that I might have the gene from my mammogram through ultrasound I was told that whatever it is that's there will definitely have to be removed its small by all accounts just so hopefully its got in time just want to know out there some info about this genetic gene and If I do carry it what happens next thank you
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posted by ccg2
05 February 2024

Tamoxifen side effects

Last reply: 14 February 2024 10:03
Hi I'm on tamoxifen. I take a low dose 5mg a day and my doctor is happy me doing this. I was coping v well for about 3 months but last couple of weeks sweats and hot flushes have really kicked in. The sweats wake me several times a night so I'm tired and getting low mood now as a result. My risk of recurrence is v low but I wanted try stay on tamoxifen as I feel better knowing I'm taking it. I'm just wondering has anyone had side effect symptoms l like this improve over time. I'm close to stopping taking it as I'm so tired all the time and feel I've no energy tp do the things I like doing. Any advice v welcome. If I thought it might improve I would stick at it maybe.
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posted by bellaboo
11 January 2024

Urgent referral

Last reply: 13 January 2024 17:08
Hi I recently discovered a lump under my arm, I went my GP and she advised a private Ultrasound and mammogram in St Jame's, she said it could take up to two weeks, two days later, I got a call to book me in for the following week, the fast turnaround (however greatful I am) has me very anxious, any advice or is this normal practice, thank you in advance
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posted by AoifeGenevieve
07 January 2024

Covid and radiotherapy

Last reply: 10 January 2024 10:45
Hi as it is Sunday I cannot contact the clinic in CUH, I have tested positive for covid today. Meant to start my 2nd week of radiotherapy tomorrow morning. I presume I cannot go? I tested negative on Thursday AM, felt poorly all week though. Any advice appreciated. Will try clinic first thing in the morning but I need to travel from kerry to Cork so its all very stressful.
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posted by Lisameam
18 December 2023

Coping without a breast

Last reply: 13 February 2024 05:01
I could not see myself surviving my masectomy operation. Today I am 4 weeks post op. The physiotherapist said I could go back driving today, which I really wanted to do to get my independence back. However I got extremely upset after the short drive. My left breast is gone. The seat belt now does not sit right accentuating the fact I have no breast. I am struggling putting on a bra with the sponge insert, never mind the meltdown I had when the lady called to fit me for a prosthetic breast. 😭 is this normal? I'm really struggling with all this to be very honest.
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posted by joi_
13 December 2023

DIEP Breast Reconstruction

Last reply: 09 February 2024 20:31
Hi, I would like insights on this type of procedure for Breast reconstruction. I’m just wondering if anyone have gone through this. Can you share your own experience. I opted for a delayed breast reconstruction, I’m offered this type of procedure vs Implant. It would be very helpful if you can share …. Thanks ! Joy
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