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posted by Paddy007
17 March 2023

Triple Negative Breast Cancer that can't be treated with Pembrolizumab

Last reply: 20 March 2023 14:37
I've been living with stage four positive breast cancer for 4 years now my cancer has mutated to triple-negative and I cannot be treated with Pembrolizumab. Looking for people to talk i
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posted by carrie1983
04 March 2023

Lump in breast, scared

Last reply: 07 March 2023 19:38
Hi everyone I'm looking for advice please. Last Tuesday I found a lump in my right breast. I went to my GP the next day. She found another lump in the same breast. I'm almost 40. I don't have any children. I've been referred to Beaumont clinic but In all honesty I'm terrified. Whenever I'm alone my head starts spinning to worst case scenario. Husband is very supportive but I'm trying to hide my fear from him. Does any have a rough idea of wait times for Beaumont? I'm driving myself crazy here. I tried ringing but no joy. Thank you
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posted by rubiablanch
25 February 2023

Eribulin / hair loss

Last reply: 07 March 2023 16:59
Hi there Does anyone know if the hair loss is severe on this chemo? Do Mater Public do cold cap? thanks x
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posted by Panada
21 February 2023

Breast puckering

Last reply: 23 February 2023 14:16
Hi I'm 16 yrs old. When i lift up my arm on my right breast around my nipple the skin puckers. Today I noticed that by my underarm my skin is dimpling/puckering now. My right breast is also more larger and veinier than my left. My grandma also had breast cancer I know it's rare to have breast cancer this young but should I be concerned?
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posted by emsarah11
12 January 2023


Last reply: 12 January 2023 16:33
Good Afternoon, i have had a double masectomy, and have two prosthesis i find them very heavy and hot can someone recommend a lighter one please.
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posted by libra1975
30 December 2022

Late effects radiotherapy

Last reply: 07 January 2023 18:00
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience. I finished two weeks of radiotherapy the end of July this year. I had mild side effects, like itchy skin, redness, breast feeling hot. They disappeared about five weeks after. But for the last six weeks or so, it has come back stronger than before. I am still moisturizing twice daily and doing my exercises. But my breast has become slightly bigger than the other one, is painful, itchy red and sometimes feels warm. I was referred back to the breast clinic but was told it's from the radiotherapy and to take paracetamol. I honestly felt fobbed off by the doctor (not my breast surgeon). Has anyone advice on what product to use? I am using Aveeno at the moment. Has anyone experienced something similar? Its really getting to me now, and I don't sleep well, due to the pain. Thanks for any advice
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posted by twig88
12 September 2022

Starting chemotherapy

Last reply: 19 November 2022 22:15
Hi all, I’ve been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and I am starting AC chemotherapy on Wednesday. Feeling quite anxious, nervous and frightened, if anyone has any advice or tips for me on what to expect/do. Thank you.
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posted by Whatelse
25 October 2022

Colouring hair

Last reply: 02 November 2022 16:47
Hi, new here. Sounds very fickle but finished chemo in the summer had surgery now waiting on radiotherapy. My hair thankfully has started growing but it is Silver/Grey..... not what I would choose. I wear a headscarf currently but I was wondering has anybody dyed their hair before the recommended 6 months or what did you use? I couldn't be in public with it as it is I'm in my early 40's. Thanks
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posted by claire cc
20 October 2022

3D Nipple Tattoo Recommendation

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in June 2020 and I had an immediate implant reconstruction in December 2020. I got upset daily when I caught a glimpse of my new breast in the mirror as they were unable to keep my nipple. I found a most wonderful and skilled tattoo artist based in Dundrum Hannah Vard Ryan. I went to Hannah twice the first time was in July of 2022. To say she is an angel on earth is an understatement - she completely puts you at ease and takes time to listen to any concerns/nerves you may have and discusses in detail the process. The first session took c. 2 hours and was not painful and I went home with a pep in my step. Seeing it transforming over a number of weeks was very heartening. She provides you with detailed home care and is always available if you have any queries. I had my second appointment last Sunday (great she works Sundays no need to take time off work :)) . I was in there for about an hour chatting away to Hannah while she worked her magic - when she completed the job and showed me the finished result in the mirror I was beyond emotional and feel like the old me is slowly coming back that is thanks to Hannah. She is an expert in her field the 3D effect is unbelievable. I would recommend Hannah to anyone she is so kind, considerate, professional and an all round lovely woman and I wish her all the best with her career she really is a gem and the light at the end of a dark tunnel for us all. As I said to her she is the full stop at the end of a very tough chapter. Happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Hannah can be contacted at where she has numerous photos of her fabulous work.
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posted by Debbie Harrington
30 May 2022

DIEP Breast Reconstruction

Last reply: 02 October 2022 21:41
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last September and had a mastectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy and I am now on Hormone Therapy. All along I was adamant that I wanted Breast Reconstruction but after my appointment with the Plastic Surgeon last week I am now not so sure. I am exhausted after nearly a year of treatment and just don't know how I could face, voluntarily, into another surgery. I believe the procedure is around 5 - 7 hours long and there is quite a long recovery time. I am also worried about the side effects. I am on Tamoxifen and would be worried about the risk of blood clots etc. I would love to hear from anyone else in the same position or anyone that has had Breast Reconstruction and if you honestly felt it was worth it? Thank you.
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