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posted by internalsolutions
14 August 2023

If you had the courage what questions would you have liked to ask?

Last reply: 19 September 2023 00:36
Hi, I am a breast cancer survivor and currently supporting someone going through their journey with breast cancer. I have been asked to give a talk to a group about my journey with cancer and that of a supporter. I want to give as much value to this group as I possibly can and I just want to ask the women and men in this group who are going through their journey or who have gone through their journey with breast cancer 1. If you had the courage what questions would you have asked? 2. What questions did you most want the answer to. 3. What information supported you the most. 4. What were you most afraid of? Thank you in advance.
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posted by Ned707
14 August 2023

Mammogram wait time after breast clinic assessment

Last reply: 28 November 2023 23:46
Hi, Has anyone not had a mammogram and ultrasound on their first visit and would you know the wait times for scans?? I should add I was with the Waterford hospital breast clinic… I was assessed at the breast clinic within 6 days of seeing my gp after finding a large enough lump in left breast. Long family history for TRBC on my mams side. My mams cancer was only found after biopsy (was told nothing suspicious up until then) mine is in the same place and feels quite similar to what she described hers to be.. So I am freaking out and so stressed waiting to be called for mammogram and ultrasound. I was seen by the consultant and am down for a review annually until 50 due to history (if all this turns out ok). I was told it would be a week but it’s been over 2 now…
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posted by fritche
31 July 2023

Radiation therapy after lumpectomy

Last reply: 02 October 2023 14:46
Hello everyone, I am 6 weeks post op now and I was told that I will be contacted by the hospital for the radiation therapy and I am so worried because they never start my radiation yet. I just want to ask for anyone who had undergone lunpectomy and radiation how many weeks you have waited before the radiation had started? Thank you and God bless us all
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posted by Genevieve
29 July 2023

Hair re growth & removal post chemo

Last reply: 29 July 2023 15:45
Hi there, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last November. I’ve had chemo & a blilateral mastectomy with right auxiliary clearance & reconstruction. Still have radiotherapy & anti hormone treatment to go. My hair has grown back so fast since my last chemo at the end of March. I have some hair fuzz on the side of my face, not sure if it’s menopause related! Has anyone experienced this & if so did you have it removed? And how? Also, I can’t shave under my arms anymore as the nerve endings are gone since the surgery. I did a patch test with VEET this morning. Just wondering what others have done? Thanks 😊
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posted by Valerie62
29 July 2023


Last reply: 01 August 2023 01:38
After 3 clear mammograms last one in February I am been called back for an ultrasound. Should I be worrying like I am?? Many thanks x
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posted by ShoobyBooby
25 July 2023

Are biopsy results ALWAYS in-person? Or does this mean bad news

Last reply: 26 July 2023 16:04
Are in-person callbacks/appointments ALWAYS bad news? Have already been called back after first consult/mammaogram (details below) ... and now waiting for adenoma/biopsy results. Have now received another appointment with initial consultant. If it was nothing bad/clear, would they simply send a letter saying so? I don't think I can wait two weeks ... I rang the admin number and they said the results haven't been discussed at the multi-disciplinary meeting yet, so it's neither good nor bad. Thanks everyone! - Initial consultation/examination 1st mammogram: callback - 2nd mammogram: generalised calcifications, ultrasounds: benign lymph node, and adenoma, chose to have excisional biopsy there and then rather than the "wait and see".
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posted by lovelife
19 July 2023


Last reply: 21 July 2023 15:32
had invasive ductal carcinoma 2 1/2 yrs ago and have just noticed some skin discolouration and a small swelling on the same breast
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posted by BellaBubble
02 May 2023

Scalp cooling

Last reply: 13 July 2023 23:46
Hi, Has anyone here used scalp cooling/the cold cap in recent years? (I see there is another post about cold caps, but it's ten years old and I don't want to potentially trigger the original poster if they get email alerts to say there have been replies to it.) If so, what are your thoughts? Did you find it successful? How much time did it add to your day? I've read that the cap should be on for 30 minutes before and 45 afterwards (the afterwards time seems short - is that an accurate timeframe to expect?). Any other information that you think would be relevant or useful would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you.
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posted by divinemercyjesus
11 July 2023

Breast cancer

Last reply: 21 July 2023 14:53
Breast cancer
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posted by wiv
10 July 2023

Breast cancer stage 0

Last reply: 11 July 2023 11:15
Hi I am wondering is there anyone on here that has experienced or is experiencing the overwhelming decision of receiving chemo or not with stage 0 cancer diagnosis? I am in this situation right now.I have had my surgery and 2 lymhnodes removed 1 of them had a couple of cells but overall I'm feeling good but oncologist recommends chemo and I'm really struggling to decide what's the right decision.
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