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posted by Gem
12 October 2023

Scared While Waiting For Mammogram

Last reply: 04 November 2023 12:04
Hi, I'm nervous posting here. For the past two months my life has been turned on it's head. My gynae referred me for a hysteroscopy due to a thick endometrium. It turns out I have a polyp which will be biopsied and removed. Ok I thought, that's that sorted. Then I received some information about my biological mother's family. My great grandmother, 2 great aunts, and 1 aunt all had breast cancer. So I had a breast exam on Monday. One area of my left breast was quite sore when doctor was pressing. She said that it was "lumpy" but was quick to add not a lump, and told me she isn't worried and I shouldn't worry. I know young women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and who lost their lives to it. I'm 41. 3 years ago I had a mammogram because of tingling sort of pain. Outcome was mastalgia. I'm also newly diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and am taking Eltroxin. I'm very scared. I have a history of health anxiety so all of this is my worst nightmare come true 😥 Thank you for reading.
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posted by Cancer Nurse
06 October 2023

Remember that Breast Cancer can affect men too!

This October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While breast cancer mainly affects women, approximately 30 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in Ireland. Men have a small amount of breast tissue behind the nipples where cancer can develop. The exact cause of breast cancer in men is unknown but there are some factors that may increase your risk. Breast cancer risk increases with age and most commonly affects men over 60 years of age, however it is important to get checked out at any age if you are concerned about symptoms. Other risk factors include obesity, high oestrogen levels due to other medical conditions, previous radiation to the chest, and a family history or genetic link. As the incidence of breast cancer in men is rare, most men with these risk factors will never develop it. The most common symptom of breast cancer in men is a painless lump in the breast under the nipple. Other symptoms of breast cancer in men and women can include an inverted nipple (nipple turning in), nipple discharge (often blood stained), changes in size or shape of the breast, rash around the nipple area, skin ulceration on the breast, or swelling under the arm. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned or are concerned about any changes to your chest area, you should see your GP to get checked out. Most changes are not breast cancer but the earlier breast cancer is diagnosed and treated the better. Our website has information on male breast cancer here including information on diagnosis, treatment and supports available. If you would like to speak to a cancer nurse regarding any of this or to get advice or support you can call our Support Line on 1800 200 700, Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm.
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posted by Ned707
29 September 2023

Private Triple assessment

Last reply: 08 November 2023 17:08
Hi all, Has anyone been for a private triple assessment and then went back to the public clinic afterwards? South east area but would fly to the moon… Also how much would it cost in total including seeing consultant for results etc I am 59 days waiting publicly on an urgent mammogram and ultrasound. I have been told there’s no available dates on the system yet and I will be informed when there is. I don’t feel I will be able to relax unless I have a biopsy. after going through this journey with my own mother who was told scans were good and nothing concerning but had a biopsy same day to be sure. It’s a stressful time.
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posted by Hope@2023
18 September 2023


Last reply: 08 October 2023 23:39
Hi I am 64 and was diagnosed in Feb Invasive Ductal, Grade 1, Tubular. ER & PR+. Had lumpectomy, radiotherapy and started Anastroloze in March. I am finding the side effects difficult, mainly Fatigue, sleep issues, cognitive impairment and low mood . I also have bone pain, nausea and my bad cholesterol has doubled. I need to work as self employed and live alone. Some days fatigue really bad. I am considering stopping taking this but that causes me more anxiety. I am not prepared to take more medication for side effects or change medication as they all seem to be the same . I am due in Oncology soon and wonder 1 what questions to ask re Risks in stopping/taking and 2 if anyone else has stopped ??. I am trying to weigh up quality of life Vs recurrence risk
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posted by Sarah2023
13 September 2023

Grade 2 - 34 year old woman

Last reply: 13 September 2023 19:12
I am a 34 year old woman, I was diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer yesterday. I am having surgery to have it removed next week. I am expecting a call from the Cancer nurse tomorrow but I am just looking for suggestions for questions I should ask? It doesn't look like I should need chemotherapy as of yet but I am aware that can change once they have a look at the lump and surrounding tissue once it's out. Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.
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posted by Tessa Daly
08 September 2023

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 16 October 2023 17:17
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. I suppose we all agree that cancer can take your life over. It started for me in April 23. when I found a lump. I didn't rush to my GP when maybe I should have. I had a cyst before and hoped that this was another one. I was wrong, it was Lobular cancer and I had a Mastectomy on June 15, plus 3 lumpectomy's on the other breast. Now I am waiting for Radiotherapy and wondering about the side effects of that. How long more before I can feel normal again?
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posted by Rebecca365
04 September 2023

St James appointment

Last reply: 05 September 2023 12:18
Hi, I attended an appointment last week for a mammogram at St James hospital Dublin. I was told the hospital would be in contact when as to when ill have to return for an ultrasound. I thought the two would be carried out on the same day? My question is , has anyone had any experience of this in James hospital? If so how long does it take usually to hear back in relation to the follow-up appointment? I have a big lump for over a month now, which came out of nowhere, it isn't mobile and feels attached, Its just under my areola and I'm stressing about it a lot. I'm in my mid forties and I've just had my first baby a few months back, although I'm not breast feeding or using a pump. Thanks in advance.
1 comment
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posted by Paola
01 September 2023

Mastectomy with reconstruction

Last reply: 19 September 2023 00:42
Hi all, Sorry to meet you here. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, originally stage 2. I have not been updated on the current stage after MRI, but a new tumor has been found, and have been "kind of" recommended a mastectomy with reconstruction. I did not receive much support or information. Can someone who has gone through this give me some advice, please? Have you done a mastectomy with an implant reconstruction? Can you kindly share your experience? Thank you so much!
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posted by mos1977
27 August 2023

Invasive Lobular BC

Last reply: 03 September 2023 17:45
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with Invasive lobular breast cancer. I have had lumpectomy nearly a week ago so waiting to get results of margins and lymph node biopsy. It’s all very surreal and hard to accept at the moment.
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posted by slippingin
15 August 2023

Is it always an in person meeting for results?

Last reply: 16 August 2023 10:27
Hi there, my mother has an appointment for Friday for results of a biopsy taking after calcifications found on routine mammogram. The clinic just called to move her appointment forward 2 hours. If the news was good would they have just told her over the phone or do they always bring you back in for a face to face regardless of the results? Feeling very worried. Thanks so much in advance
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