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posted by KatieStaniford
09 March 2022

Waiting for breast clinic appointment - will my age affect the waiting time?

Last reply: 12 March 2022 11:28
Hi I am a 27 year old woman. I recently found thickening on the top of my breast a few really hard tiny bumps near my arm pit swollen collar bone blue vein sticking out around nipple dip/flattening near armpit which seems more pronounced then the other side I had a small lump on the same side 4 years ago but no mammogram was done all symptoms are on the same side I have absolutely no pain or discharge My grandmother and her grand mother had breast cancer so somewhat of a family history, I went to my GP 15 days ago and they referred me to the Mater breast clinic as urgent. I know pre Covid urgent cases will be seen within two weeks and now it 4-6 . I literally feel like my world has been turned upside down. the feelings I have are totally debilitating. Does anyone know if my age will have an impact on the waiting time for me? I already am finding it extremely hard to cope with the fact it may be a 4-6 week wait. I am trying to convince myself it's nothing serious but with my collection of symptoms I just have a gut feeling. I just feel so overwhelmed right now - whatever it is could be getting worse and I am doing nothing about it.
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posted by Penelope
04 March 2022

Mastectomy & Reconstruction

Last reply: 10 March 2022 19:51
I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I have to have a mastectomy, I am thinking of having reconstruction on the same day. Has anyone done this? What was your experience?
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posted by libra1975
13 February 2022


Last reply: 02 March 2022 17:28
Hi, I am 46 and was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Last Tuesday I had surgery to remove a 2 little tumours and a big cyst. They also took a sample from the lymph nodes. The breast seems to be healing well, but I find it hard to cope with the pain in the armpit. The area is still numb and swollen. The pain is going into the shoulder and sometimes down the arm. The painkillers don't do much to relieve the pain. And I am only able to sleep about 4-5 hrs before I wake up again. Any advice?
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posted by n_d_2022
14 February 2022

Waiting for results

Last reply: 14 February 2022 15:18
hi all, i found a lump in Dec and had a mammogram 2 weeks ago. I had a follow up appointment this morning where I had a mammogram followed by ultrasound and a lot of biopsies. they confirmed there are two lumps so took biopsies from both as well as from my lymph nodes. I was given an appointment for 10 days time to go back for results. My head is all over the place. i was asked by the dr. taking my biopsies if there was a history of breast problems in my family (there's not), she also asked if i'd recently had my vaccines, which I hadnt. I was told i could bring someone in for my results appointment. So all of that has me in a spin, or do they always tell you to bring someone even if nothing sinister? but then from reading other posts it seems that they try to prepare you if the news will be bad, which I don't think they did, or the rush appointments through - is 10 days considered rushing or is that standard? I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here, I know no one can predict my results but I also know this community will understand how I'm feeling. I'm finding myself emotionally flip flopping from "it will be fine, they didnt rush my follow up" to "they wouldnt have told me to bring someone if it wasnt bad news". Like other posts I've seen, I think the waiting will be the hardest part. If it was good news, grand, if bad news, I'd rather know now and have a plan in place. anyway thanks for reading, like I said I'm not sure what I'm looking for other than needing to write this down.
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posted by emerbarry01
10 January 2022


Last reply: 27 January 2022 18:22
I recently finished chemotherapy prior to surgery for breast cancer. As the response to chemo wasn’t as good as expected I am now being put on a treatment called Kadcyla instead of herceptin. I’m worried about the side effects of this drug. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by Alisha42
13 January 2022


Last reply: 25 January 2022 10:22
Hi I got diagnosed with breast cancer 8 weeks ago and had bilateral mastectomy within four weeks when I got the biopsy done before op there was no cancer in lymnodes then after operation it was in 3 of them 4th was negative I have since had to go in and get another op to remove lymnodes in left arm and get a few tested in right arm. They also had to replace one Implant as it has completely moved I am now at home 3 days afraid to move incase the implant moves again it has been an awful lot to take in in 8 weeks can someone advise me if the implant should be ok as I’m up the walls worrying and my back is killing me because I’m not standing properly due to fear of moving the implant wrong . I know it probably sounds silly but I can’t go through another operation I’ve to start chemo in 6 /8 weeks and I’m trying just to deal with this
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posted by Robin123
29 November 2021

Tamoxifen- first few weeks

Last reply: 04 January 2022 23:07
Hello, I am have been through mastectomy, chemo and rads. Its been a rough journey with lots of side effect during treatment and a visit to hospital for infection. Anyhow I'm now out the other side - 12 months on, and I started in Tamoxifen 2 weeks ago. Thing is I am getting bad headaches since starting this med- I know it was noted as a possibly side effect. Just wondering if anyone else went through something similar? How long will it take for the headaches to ease? I'm also more tired than usual but tbh the headaches are bothersome. Hot flushes too but nothing too bad. Thanks :)
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posted by Mrs_H
21 November 2021

COVID and School going children

Last reply: 30 November 2021 11:54
Hello I have finished 4 x AC Chemo sessions and am starting weekly Taxol and others Chemo sessions from this week. My daughter is and there are cases of Covid in her school. The school are great and communicating with parents - so I kept herself off for the last 10 days. I also don't want her to miss out too much - and am in a quandry as to send her back in or not. What are others doing? Thanks
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posted by Louisa
16 November 2021

Finished treatment

Last reply: 29 November 2021 14:59
Hi, I'm just finished a year of treatment for breast cancer. After a tough road everything has gone very well and my oncologist said he is very happy with my response to treatment and seems quiet positive about going forward. I am of course very relieved and happy that my treatment has gone well, however I feel somewhat lost at sea. Its like the tsunami has hit and now I'm just in open water bobbing along, also the fear of it coming back is always there. Has anybody else felt like this following treatment and does time really help heal? Thank you x
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posted by Tee
18 November 2021

Mam newly diagnosed and terminal

Last reply: 24 November 2021 13:14
Hi I am hoping someone can help me. My mam went in for routine apt in hospital for her heart (she hasn't had one for 2 years due to covid). They found shadows on her lungs which was not like something that would be found in the lung. It was found to be breast cancer and she has spent last few weeks in hospital and was transferred to the mater and then released. We have now got word that she has apt in Tullamore hospital next week. She is on oxygen now and very weak. The original cancer was breast but now in lungs and lymp nodes. Can you please advis of what questions to ask the doctor at appointment..they have already told her that they will not be operating but that is all we know. Thanks for any advice just a bit lost
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