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posted by Ash
06 March 2021

App on Tues

Last reply: 05 April 2021 19:21
Hi all, I got my app in Beaumont for Tues next. I'm just wondering if I should bring someone with me or is that even allowed with covid? Thx
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posted by MMK7
28 March 2021

Mater Breast Clinic

Last reply: 29 March 2021 23:50
Hello all, hope you are good! Quick question, I was recently referred to the Mater breast clinic by my GP and am wondering if anyone knows the approximate waiting times at the moment? Would it be rude to call and ask as they would be extremely busy. Thank you in advance.
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posted by Iamstrong
25 March 2021

Tomoxifen-what foods to avoid

Last reply: 29 March 2021 16:19
Hello for those taking tomoxifen what foods must be avoided as the interact with the metabolism of the drug? Thank you
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posted by RC
05 March 2021

Biopsy results

Last reply: 28 March 2021 21:08
Hi all, I had mamo, US and biopsy last Tuesday and got phone call today to attend clinic for results next tuesday. The lady on the phone didn't mention bringing someone with me for results so I'm assuming the news is good. Just wondering if it's a good sign and also what the protocol is, can I bring someone with me during covid times?
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posted by Sallyanne
09 November 2020

Mastectomy and reconstruction

Last reply: 22 March 2021 14:11
Does anyone have any experience with a skin sparing mastectomy with implant and strattice direct implant. I had wanted to have skin stretching instead but because I have to have radiotherapy the success rate would be reduced, I have just had the operation a few days ago and am feeling very down - the breast implant looks so different to my other breast. Does it settle to look better when it heals? Has anyone else gone on to have surgery later on that worked better? Or does anyone have any words of advice? I know I should be focusing on recovery but am feeling so distraught with the loss of my breast - will it serve as a reminder that I had cancer all the time Thanks in advance
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posted by lovelife
15 March 2021

inverted nipple

Last reply: 17 March 2021 22:45
is it normal after breast surgery for nipple to become inverted
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posted by tara c
15 March 2021

breast cancer

Last reply: 15 March 2021 20:49
Hey, i was wondering if anyone has any advice on accepting your new body after breast reconstruction. I am 23 and i had an immediate reconstruction with an implant last year. I'm finding it hard to like my new body. Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you :)
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posted by cal89x
08 January 2021

Appointment wait

Last reply: 24 February 2021 14:03
Hi all, 4 weeks ago I went to my doctor with a new area of lumpy tissue that was not normal. I am 31 years of age have no other symptoms and my doctor does not seem concerned at all as she told me so. My mam suffers with breasts cysts a lot and we don’t have breast cancer in the family. A referral letter has been sent but marked as non urgent. I rang the hospital today and because I am non urgent my wait could be a couple of months as the list is getting longer. I am a tad anxious but the what if and unknown is always in the back of my mind. Just wondering has anyone been in the same situation or know how long the waiting list is? I am based in cork. I am thinking of asking the doctor to send the letter privately and I will pay whatever the cost it. Thanks a million
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posted by Positivevibes
08 March 2021

Ultrasound Do you find out results the day?

Last reply: 08 March 2021 21:38
Hi guys x Hope you are all keeping safe and well. I found a lump on my breast 3 weeks ago. My GP seen me and referred me to Breast Clinic. Went to St James last Thursday for initial assessment. Consultant was not worried about lump on right breast but I've 2 on my left that need more investigating. I'm back tomorrow for a mammogram on both breasts , an ultrasound and biopsy on left. I'm wondering will the Dr that is doing the ultrasound be able to tell me or let me know if it's just a cyst and nothing to worry about. I've not slept great in 3 weeks and although I'm trying to keep positive it would be great to have some idea.Do they say nothing about what is seen on screen and you've to wait for all results when biopsy results return?
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posted by Shiv
28 January 2021

Lonquex Injection

Last reply: 08 March 2021 21:29
Hi. Could anyone tell me their experience after injecting Lonquex the day after chemo. How severe was your bone pain and how long before it kicked in if it did. I know everyones experience is different. Thanks
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