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posted by lecky
03 August 2021

Wait times for triple assessment breast cancer clinic

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:08
Anyone know what current wait times are for follow-up at breast cancer clinic? In this case for the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG. I found a lump in my breast recently. Went to GP a couple of days later. She sent a referral to the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG. That was two weeks ago. No contact from them yet. I rang them last Thursday and was told the referral wasn't received. Back to GP and was told it went through whatever secure system they use and had been acknowledged as received. Back to UCHG and was told they did have it after all and that all incoming referrals would have to be "triaged" and didn't know when xxx would do that as he was typically only there on Mondays. I have a history of breast cancer. Diagnosed in 2009 - I had a lumpectomy in the other breast and chemo and rads. Had surgery in NY so I don't have any contact with a breast surgeon here. Wondering what to do next. I don't want to leave this hanging. My next mammo not due until end of September.
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posted by Dane7
15 August 2012

Did Chemo work for you?

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:04
Ladies Just received news last Friday that post 5 chemos chemo didn't really work for me and only a very small shrinkage of my tumors occurred. Has anyone been in this boat? Oncologist expected a very good response .... hence my surprise, disappointment and let's be honest, fear that it is not the case. Anyone else experience this at all?
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posted by Siobhan S
24 July 2021

Metastatic lesion already?

Last reply: 04 August 2021 13:21
Hey peeps, not sure why I'm here I just need to vent??! Stage IV Breast Cancer diagnosed last November Post mastectomy and node clearance last Sept. Had chemo and stereotatic radiotherapy on a single met lesion found on a rib which was described at aggressive. Finished treatment on March 26th last and am back at work 4 weeks and loving it. Last week have been getting pinching/ sharp pain just below my mastectomy scar ( right where original lump was on my breast). Contacted the breast unit and have an appt on Wed next. I'm afraid it another rib lesion. I don't feel any lump/ scar tissue on or around my scar in fact I have never had a bother with the scar. Does anyone know if another metastatic lesion could appear this soon after chemo ( finished chemo on 1st March). Thanks
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posted by ES
28 May 2021


Last reply: 30 July 2021 01:09
I had mammogram and ultrasound in symptomatic clinic in Galway on 26th March. I still haven't received results. Neither has my gp. Its impossible to get through to them on the phone. Can I assume as I've been waiting this long that my results are clear?
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posted by emerbarry01
07 July 2021


Last reply: 17 July 2021 21:41
I’m starting treatment next week and I’m looking for advise and what types of headwear to buy and where to buy them.
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posted by wobbles
22 June 2021


Last reply: 12 July 2021 22:55
Hi, I'm looking for some advice or tips regarding taking tamoxifen. I got my 1st prescription today and am quite anxious about taking it due to possible side effects. I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in March needing 2 mastectomies but no radiation or chemotherapy. Any advice or tips greatly appreciated
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posted by lovelife
23 June 2021

post breast cancer

Last reply: 24 June 2021 16:55
finished radiotherapy 6wks ago still having discharge from nipple, and have thickening of the skin, dimpling and quite a lot of breast pain also the breast now seems larger than it was, is this usual after radiotherapy
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posted by Itsme1307
08 June 2021

38 year old- awaiting mammogram result.

Last reply: 08 June 2021 15:31
Hello I hope this post finds you well. I discovered a strange mass in my armpit approx 6 weeks ago- was a strange bump within that. I do regular checks on myself and this really stood out as different. I got check at gp, i thought she’d tell me it was nothing to worry about. But she felt something that she couldn’t tell what it was. She referred me on urgently. So I received letter from st James‘s, saying they’d see me (today) but for a hand exam only. That if any other test would be required it would be booked for another day. Again, initial doc couldn’t really feel it, she got more senior woman to come in and then she referred me on for a mammogram there and then. Which is fab, I appreciate it. But now results are 3 weeks away. I had melanoma last year and I’ve had lletz procedures a few time due to pre-cancerous cells. I’m so grateful for screening, but I’m so nervous now. I’m a single parent of 2 boys and the idea of being sick for them, or worse still. Is literally my worst nightmare.
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posted by Flowers
21 May 2021

Capsular Contractor of Breast Implant and Breast Implant Illness.

Hi, am wondering if there is anyone in a similar situation that suffers with Capsular Contractor from a Breast Implant and also anyone that may have had a Breast Implant removed completely and not replaced? Barbara.
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posted by Cheshire
11 May 2021

Finishing Tamoxofen

Last reply: 21 May 2021 10:32
Hi everyone. I completed 10 years of Tamoxifen in November 2020. My periods had stopped in March 2020 and had been irregular for the past 3 years with breaks between periods of up to 3 months sometimes. They originally had stopped during chemo but returned after I finished treatment and I always had periods whilst on tamoxifen and the oncologist wasn't worried. My oncologist had told me I was in Menopause when they had stopped altogether and was surprised I lasted so long without entering menopause as I was 36 on diagnosis. I finished with my oncologist in November after 11 years. But in December my periods returned and are regular every month since. I am just wondering if my breast cancer was Oestrogen positive and I have no tamoxifen to help with levels is it dangerous to have periods. I had a left side mastectomy but still have my right breast. Would love some advice as I cannot call my oncologist anymore.
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