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posted by Iamstrong
25 February 2021

Herbal Teas

Last reply: 04 March 2021 21:24
Hi, I received a gift from a friend that included a box of herbal tea. In the tea were ingredients like Lemon Balm Leaf, Chamomile, Star Anise, Passionflower, Ashwagandha and Valerian Root. I stupidly drank the tea without thinking. Now I read it could interact with chemo and I'm in a real state about it and worried I've signed off on more cancer for myself. Anyone know anything about these and if I've made a massive mistake that could intimately cost me my life? I only had those tea bags really. I feel like an idiot for not just going for water. Thank you
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posted by Dizzy63
27 February 2021

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 03 March 2021 13:55
Hi Guys, Am totally new to this whole journey and just wondering if there’s a forum for people newly diagnosed with breast cancer, post Mastectomy and commencing chemotherapy. I find very limited posts and would love to interact with people in same situation. Many thanks.
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posted by Cheshire
03 March 2021

Periods Return after Finishing Tamoxifen

Last reply: 03 March 2021 13:02
Hi everyone. I completed 10 years of Tamoxifen in November 2020. My periods had stopped in March 2020 and had been irregular for the past 3 years with breaks between periods of up to 3 months sometimes. They originally had stopped during chemo but returned after I finished treatment and I always had periods whilst on tamoxifen and the oncologist was worried. My oncologist had told me I was in Menopause when they had stopped altogether and was surprised I lasted so long without entering menopause as I was 36 on diagnosis. I finished with my oncologist in November after 11 years. But in December my periods returned and are regular every month since. I am just wondering if my breast cancer was Oestrogen positive and I have no tamoxifen to help with levels is it dangerous to have periods. I had a left side mastectomy but still have my right breast. Would love some advice as I cannot call my oncologist anymore.
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posted by mersc
10 February 2021

Post Radiotherapy

Last reply: 23 February 2021 09:49
Hi I was diagnosed in September with DCIS. Have had surgery and have finished Radiotherapy on January 8th after 20 sessions. I felt really good throughout treatment but about a week after completion I started suffering from headache and dizziness. I am also on Tamoxifen since October. I am just wondering jas anyone else suffered in this way? I was back in hospital and had scans etc and thankfully they were all clear. Thought I was improving but came back last night again with a bang literally! I am also very badly constipated and not sire if its a build up of toxins or what going on.??? Any advice or wisdom is much appreciated. Regards M..
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posted by Valerie62
19 February 2021


Last reply: 19 February 2021 16:05
Went for a follow-up mammogram on the 8th feb 2021 still no results. However received a letter to attend on the 15th march for Symptomatic breast services. Have rang my doctor for mammogram results but he hasn't received any. Rang every department to try get my mammogram results but just answering machines. Out of my head with worry.
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posted by Iamstrong
18 February 2021


Last reply: 19 February 2021 15:33
Hello, I am starting tomoxifen soon and would love to know other peoples experiences on it. I'm petrified to be honest as reading about some people's side effects online lately and they sound awful. Thank you in advance. X
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posted by RC
16 February 2021

Breast lump worry

Last reply: 16 February 2021 16:31
Hi all, I had a pea sized lump in my left breast in Oct 19, went to Beaumont and got the all clear. Lump never actually went away and in the past 6 weeks I've had itchy, bleeding and discharge from nipple. Went to GP today as the lump felt really large and burning but felt like I'd been hit on my breast not sore but only on touch it felt bruise like. Anyway GP said there's a definite 5cm lump on left breast and has referred me for urgent referral to Beaumont as they have previous US and mammogram ect. I'm so worried all day and wondering if I should go private for new scan and us or wait for appointment. I'm worried with covid it'll take a long time.
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posted by tara c
20 January 2021

Nipple tattooing

Last reply: 05 February 2021 05:37
Hi all, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer two years ago at the age of 21. I had the standard treatment including mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant. I have been considering getting a nipple/ areola tattoo and I found a tattooist called Aisling mahon in Kildare. I was wondering has anyone else opted to get a nipple tattoo and if so, were they satisfied with the result? Thank you, Tara.
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posted by Iamstrong
30 January 2021

Post mastectomy and chemo

Last reply: 04 February 2021 14:00
Hello all, so I had 2 small tumors and pre cancer cells. Tumors were 8mm and around 1cm. My lymph nodes were clear. I had my mastectomy in Oct 2020 and just finishing up chemo soon (4 rounds of TC). No radiation as margins were clear etc. Lately I've been feeling my mastectomy scar if that makes sense and I have shoulder and arm pain. Not severe but it's there. I've been assured my cancer is gone but my mind is not in a positive zone and so I'm imagining all sorts. What have other peoples experiences been post mastectomy and chemo? Am I nuts or should I worry? Thank you
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posted by sunflower
16 August 2012

Teeth falling apart

Last reply: 24 January 2021 15:35
Over the last few months my teeth have been falling apart. Has this happened anyone else? I had 6 months of chemo and 33 sessions of RT. Finished this last year. It has been a bit of a shock as I look after them!! Sunflower
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