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posted by MollyAB
03 October 2020

Breast Thickening

Last reply: 08 October 2020 09:53
Breast Clinic I was referred to the Breast Clinic Eccles St 3 weeks ago, for a thickened area in my breast. I attended my appointment yesterday and had a mammogram done. I was expecting to see a Doctor and be examined and perhaps have an ultrasound or biopsy which didn’t happen. I thought there must be some mistake here. I was then told I would wait 3 weeks for results of the mammogram, It’s so worrying and stressful and the system seems to work so slowly. If I go private for a triple assessment would I be able to be treated in the public system if there is was a problem.
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posted by Iamstrong
15 September 2020

So scared

Last reply: 22 September 2020 18:51
Hello All, I recently found a lump on my left breast and had it looked at by my GP. She said it didn't seem craggy but sent me anyhow for a mammogram and ultrasound. I went in a tad worried but filled confidence at the same time that everything was fine. However, while mammogram showed up nothing the ultrasound was cause for cause for concern and I had a biopsy done there any then. They gave the lump a bi rad 4 rating. From what I've read this has more of a chance of being benign but I'm so so scared. My tumor is 8mm and they said from what they could see it didn't go to the this something they need to double check or are they sure from an ultrasound. This waiting a week and a half for results is just awful. I'm crying all the time and just can't work. I have 3 small kids and I want to be strong for them but I'm finding things tough. Blessing and good luck to all. Xx
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posted by Nala
28 August 2020

Recovered after Breast Cancer-medically induced menapause

Last reply: 07 September 2020 11:17
Hi there, In April 2018, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, had Mastectomy- one breast removed 7.5 cm Tumour, then Auxillary clearance, port inserted, 6 months of Chemo and 15 Rounds of Radiation, on Tomoxifen. All good, thank God now. I was 46 at the time and after the first round of Chemo, I was put straight into Menapause. I actually was having a period when they did the first AC round. That was it and I was put straight into menopause. I had unbelievable hot flushes, night sweats. I started putting on weight and I cannot loose it. I tried going back to weight watchers but not a's like my body has shut down and I can't get it going again. It's so frustrating. Has anyone else has this experience and were you able to find a way to get the pounds down. I always was able to do that with weightwatchers ( more so than Slimming World). I have to say that the 2 issues are the hot flushes still....and weight gain. As you know, we can't take anything with Estrogen to help. Is there a way?! Help. Thanks,
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posted by EmmieP
17 June 2020

Rethinking my reconstruction

Last reply: 29 August 2020 23:36
Hi all. New to the forum! Diagnosed with breast cancer 2.5 years ago, single mastectomy and my chemo treatment, which I finished 18 months ago. Still on the wait list for a reconstruction. I’ve been thinking a lot about moving forward and I’m reconsidering having the reconstruction at all. Has anyone been in similar situation? Anyone not had a Reconstruction done and regretting it or happy with their decision? Any thoughts would be a help! Thank you x
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posted by DaisyLane
25 August 2020

Review appointment after breast clinic?

Last reply: 26 August 2020 12:15
Hello everyone. Hoping you guys could share a bit of knowledge. I had some worrying symptoms in my left breast (dent in breast and nipple inverting). My GP referred me to hospital and I had a triple check appointment last week. They did a breast check, mammogram and ultrasound. They told me at the end that my results were fine (other than a few cysts) and no follow up would be required. However im after getting another appointment card in the post for October. This one is an afternoon appointment which is when they do their review appointments. Googling brings up nothing about review appointments, all the phone numbers the hospital give go straight to voicemail, and I havent had an answer to the email I sent. Can anyone tell me what a review appointment is for? Im worried they've now found something concerning on my scans or now think the black spots on my ultrasound arent cysts after all. Thanks in advance.
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posted by Flowers
28 July 2020

Capsular Contractor of Breast Implant and Breast Implant Illness.

Last reply: 20 August 2020 15:03
Would be interested in hearing from anyone that has had their breast implant removed because of Capsular Contractor and have not had the implant replaced. Also, anyone that has been diagnosed with Breast Implant illness?
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posted by just_me
14 August 2020

My appointment

Last reply: 17 August 2020 15:55
Hi St Vincent's in Dublin called me to say my appointment is scheduled for next week. ( my gp sent in a referral) I was suprised to hear from them so soon so I didnt properly take in all the info the really nice lady gave me. She said i will be there for three to four hours and if i need a biopsy they will tell me the following week? Is that how it normally works and does everyone usually have a biopsy regardless of their diagnosis. Thanks so much in advance x
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posted by Catherine Kiely
30 July 2020


Last reply: 31 July 2020 07:25
I had my first cycle of Taxol on Wednesday last week. Had 4 cycles of AC previous to that. Tough days were had. I'd read that taxol is a walk in the park after AC. Not for me. Suffered horrendous bone and joint pain along with pelvic pain from 2pm two days after taxol. I had to contact Oncology ward to seek advice Re pain management. Upped oxynorm every 2 to 4 hours, it barely touched the surface of the pain. Sleeping tablets were the only way I could get sleep. Meeting with a Registrar tomorrow to discuss my options, lower dose, weekly dose instead of 2 weekly. I just know I could never face that pain again. Saves to say don't believe everything you read as we are all different. I can't help but think I've had 4Ac, 1 taxol, do I really need to put my body through more of this, as it's an insurance kind of treatment to make sure the cancer is wiped out. I know I'm wiped out. Let's see what tomorrow's discussion brings to the table.
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posted by samantha
17 March 2020

Lump on breast

Last reply: 22 July 2020 19:23
Hi I’m wondering can anybody give some advice, I found a lump on my breast 4 weeks ago. Went to my doctor straight away she said she was referring me to st James and marking it as urgent and I would been seen in 2weeks, a week and a half went by and I heard nothing so I ring the doctor back turns out she didn’t send the referral and only sent it 2 weeks ago, I rang James hospital and they said it will be 8 weeks before I’m seen I forgot to mention I’m a brca 1 gene carrier this seems to make no difference I explained to the receptionist in st James my case but she didn’t seem to bothered, now I’m panicking that I won’t be seen at all with all the corna virus and not been allowed into hospitals, I’m going out of my mind with worry, any advice would be greatly appreciated
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posted by finno99
24 March 2020

breast lump

Last reply: 22 July 2020 19:20
Hi I found a small lump in my right breast which my GP found straight away and gave me an urgent referral for the Mater Hospital, this was on the 12th March, i rang the breast clinic in the Mater Hospital and was told due to the ongoing Corona Virus all appointments have been paused for the time being and that referrals are being looked at. This is a very worrying time for everyone and I completely understand that resources are needed to help with the Corona Virus but does this mean all other urgent medical appointments and screenings such as breast lumps are not being done at the moment. Honestly going out of my mind worrying and the wait is awful, thank you.
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