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posted by jane456
15 May 2021

No lump in breast

Last reply: 20 May 2021 21:52
Hi I'm currently waiting biopsy results. I had a dull pain in my left breast and went the doctor. There was no lump but he sent me for mammogram to be cautious. The mammogram showed something they think might be a radial scar but ultrasound was clear. The doctor said she is nearly sure it's the radial scar but I needed a biopsy to check. I'm up the walls now waiting for results. Do they tell you that they think it's ok just so you don't worry or would they tell you it's serious. I'm so worried about results.
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posted by Fifil
18 May 2021

Breast lump

Last reply: 18 May 2021 17:16
Hi, I've been referred to a breast clinic after finding a couple of lumps. The GP think they are 2 different types of cysts. The whole area is now quite painful with the pain going up into my arm pit. Has anyone experienced this before? Don't know when I'll have appointment due to the cyber attack Thanks F
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posted by Fifil
11 May 2021

Waiting time for referral to

Last reply: 17 May 2021 22:14
Hi, I found a lump and the GP found 2 more. I've been referred to the Galway Breast Check clinic. I've phoned them and they have my referral letter 2 weeks. GP marked it urgent. They couldn't say how untilI get my appointment. What has your experience been? Also how long should I expect to be at the clinic the day of the appointment?
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posted by Fifil
15 May 2021

HSE cyber security breach - Appointments next week

Last reply: 17 May 2021 10:33
Hi, I've an appointment early next week. This will be my first appointment in a symptomatic breast clinic. I'll likely be having a mammogram and ultrasound at least. Do you think these type of appointments will go ahead? It sound like the cyber security breach will be ongoing? Thanks
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posted by MakeMeMelt
28 April 2021

Waiting for breast clinic

Last reply: 11 May 2021 12:46
I went to my GP this week with a strange lump on one of my breasts. At first she was very reassuring, saying that because of my age (35) it would probably be nothing to worry about. However as soon as she felt it, she said she was making an urgent referral to St James's breast clinic. She said I should get an appointment within two weeks. I'm not usually one to worry, but I knew myself from when I felt the lump that it was bad news. It's a small hard painless lump, deep down, and it seems to be growing and changing very quickly. I'm just wondering if anyone knows is the appointment usually within 2 weeks? Or should I consider going private? And what can I expect at the clinic? Thanks very much, appreciate any advice.
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posted by Daysey
27 April 2021

Second surgery after DCIS diagnosis

Last reply: 10 May 2021 10:05
1. Just back yesterday for the ‘results’ of lumpectomy. I wasn’t expecting surgeon today to say another surgery is needed. Does this happen much? Is there someone out there with the same experience? 2. Also, I would love to know what are the chances of needing radiotherapy afterwards, surgeon hopes I might avoid it, but again, I would love to hear from people. 3. (Couldn’t sleep last night, was inclined to blame surgeon for missing the extra calcification that now bring need for the second surgery. ) All help welcome.
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posted by Marguerite
24 March 2021


Last reply: 06 May 2021 12:12
I'm going for my second round of chemo next tue and I'm dreading it. I was so sick after my first round for a week I'm wondering is it worth it.
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posted by maybaby
15 April 2021

DIEP Reconstruction

Last reply: 01 May 2021 08:42
Hi, I was diagnosed with Breast cancer in 2016 (aged 28) I had a mastectomy with auxiliary clearance with immediate reconstruction using an implant and the muscle from my back, (latissimus dorsi flap), followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy and tamoxifen for 5 years. The implant became distorted and I had it replaced in 2018. The implant was placed very high and overtime a fold formed over the implant, so when I bend down there would be a deep crease, I believe this is called a capsular contracture. I mentioned it to my surgeon a few times but it was dismissed as just something that just happens. I waited until the time was right and I was finished having my family, so I bit the bullet as they say and plucked up the courage to go back and see another surgeon in 2019. I was rushed into making a quick decision and ended up having another implant late 2019, the job looked good at first but over the next 6 months I needed some fat harvested from my tummy to fill in the fold again. This was delayed until October 2020 because of covid. The capsular contraction appeared again 6 weeks later and another fat transfer was suggested. I didn't opt for this as site of the harvest was quiet painful for a time afterwards and I wasn't guaranteed that it would fix the problem. I decided to go to another surgeon and see what my other options would be. This time the DIEP flap was suggested. I have done some research on this and I am not sure it is an option. I know the feel etc is supposed to be great. Can anyone advise me on this. Is the scar on the tummy really hip to hip. Is the recovery really 3 months, do you have to go back for various adjustments, if I needed another mastectomy down the line DIEP wont be an option. I would really appreciate any advice from someone with similar experience. I am conscious of the seriousness of the operation and the fact that I have a young family with little support.
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posted by mersc
14 April 2021

Breast cancer

Last reply: 23 April 2021 15:55
Hi, I am just looking for some advice or experience Diagnosed with Dcis back in September had surgery and radiotherapy treatment which I finished in January. Roll on to 14th March and I am still suffering really severe headaches. Have had scans & bloods, all clear but the ponding in my head is on going. Also my breast that I had treatment on is still very very tender/painful. Is this still normal after 3months? Any advice or other experiences much appreciated. M
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posted by bmth19
01 April 2021

Lump under armpit

Last reply: 09 April 2021 23:07
Hi everyone, I am looking to see if anyone can advise me please. I am 31 I have a lump under my right armpit, I have breast pain in the right breast and my right breast has become larger. I have constantly niggley pain under my armpit up to collar bone and shoulder pain into my right breast and every now and then I get a shooting pain right through my nipple and the pain takes my breathe away and i double over with the pain. I attended the breast clinic on Tuesday in Beaumont. The first doctor I seen said it was definitely a lump and it was concerning, I told him all of my symptoms. The second doctor came in and it was just like he was in a rush he said he couldn't find anything and asked me to point it out which I did, then he still said there was nothing there asked the first doctor to find he did and still said he couldn't feel anything there. And said he was more concerned about my left breast as there were nodules. The first doctor pointed out that my breast was larger and he ignored him, I mentioned the pain and I was ignored. He said he would refer me for an ultrasound but it was nothing. They said the wait for an ultrasound is two months. I felt so embarrassed and that I was being a waste of their from the way I was treated. Basically I'm just wondering if I was to be referred privately the cost and if they would do an ultrasound and a consultant. And if it is anything could I change back to private. I am keeping positive that maybe its just a cist and needs to be drained 🤞🏻🤞🏻 but I don't think I can wait two months for an ultrasound as the pain is starting to become unbearable and keeping me awake at night. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thank you x
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