Breast cancer
posted by MakeMeMelt
28 April 2021

Waiting for breast clinic

Last reply: 11 May 2021 12:46

I went to my GP this week with a strange lump on one of my breasts. At first she was very reassuring, saying that because of my age (35) it would probably be nothing to worry about. However as soon as she felt it, she said she was making an urgent referral to St James's breast clinic. She said I should get an appointment within two weeks.

I'm not usually one to worry, but I knew myself from when I felt the lump that it was bad news. It's a small hard painless lump, deep down, and it seems to be growing and changing very quickly.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows is the appointment usually within 2 weeks? Or should I consider going private?

And what can I expect at the clinic?

Thanks very much, appreciate any advice.



commented by Jenni53
28 April 2021

28 April 2021 22:13


As your GP made an urgent referral you should be seen within two weeks.

When you go to the clinic you will be seen by a doctor who will examine the breast with the lump and refer you for a Mammogram and a scan and in all likelihood a biopsy within a short space of time.

Hope this helps and best of luck with your appointment.

commented by Jane2021
29 April 2021

29 April 2021 17:01

Hi Makememelt, I had a similar experience 3 months ago. My Dr made the urgent referral to the Beaumont. I was called right at the 2 week mark. I had an initial consultation followed by a mammogram and a biopsy. These can be long appointments followed by a week wait for results.

commented by ari2020
29 April 2021

29 April 2021 19:52

Hi, I'm only a year older than you and was in a similar boat last year and was seen the week after I saw my doc.

My experience in the triple assessment clinic in Vincent's was they advised allowing 3 hours, it took about 2-2.5 I think. On arrival I was checked in at admin. Brought for mammo by a radiographer (poor squeezed boobs but it is over fairly quick). I was set up in a room for an ultrasound, this was done by a radiologist who determined I needed a biopsy (solid lump on the scan), she numbed me and this was done with an assistant/nurse also, they were lovely and helped distract me from my fears, and it was not painful at all thanks to the local anesthetic. Then I had to have another mammo on the suspect boob (they put tiny little markers in where they take the biopsy and like to get a scan with them on it). I got dressed and was sent to see the consultant and nurse. There were some small waits between each step. The nurse and consultant explained what they'd done and when I'd get results (1-2 weeks normally) and gave me a return appointment for the following week. In my case they were up front that the lump was suspicious, and that I would likely need some treatment regardless of the results (I took this to mean it would probably have to come out even if benign).

In the end I got the bad news the follow week but am now free and clear. Due to the specifics of my situ there was chemo and surgery (both now done), and I still have to do some physio and radiation for preventative reasons, but over the hump :)

The waiting sucks, so try stay busy and keep positive there are as many likely benign things as malignant - I read in numerous places that 8 out of 10 lumps are not cancer!


commented by Funkychicken
01 May 2021

01 May 2021 00:19

Hi there i am in a similar position at moment (Lung Cancer Survivor at 36) 2018 and now im facing the unknown I found a lump on my left breast just over 2 wks ago was reffered as urgent Was seen yesterday 29th in clinic in UHL limerick I was seen by a nurse answered few questions she examined my breast accompanied by a nurse.....brought in nurse specialist to examine me I was sent gor Mammogram (painless i found) Ultrasound then followed by a biopsy (painless due to anesthetic)mini waiting breaks in between these Got dressed and waited another 15 mins where Nurse specialist said they found 2 things..... 1 a cyst benign and other is a question mark She said it could be most likely another cyst thats benign r could be cancer I have another appointment 4 my results 17th May and its the waiting thats the hardest i find All i can say is please do not go to that dark place in ur head where its all negative try as hard as it is to keep distracted and be positive Once we have love hope and faith we will get there I believe thats wat got me through my lung cancer Too much to fight 4 best of luck to us all and i hope just like@arir2020 comment above we will have a happy ending. Xxxx

commented by Jenni53
11 May 2021

11 May 2021 12:46

Hi again

I hope you’ve had your appointment at the breast clinic by now.

Best wishes

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