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posted by Twinkle3
13 October 2021

Current Wait Times for Symptomatic Clinic

Last reply: 16 November 2021 20:29
I am just wondering what everyone's experience has been regarding waiting times to be seen at the Symptomatic Clinic? I discovered a lump on my breast about two weeks ago. I was seen by my GP a few days later and she agreed it needed to be assessed and sent a referral to the Clinic in Galway. I am reading about wait times of up to 8 weeks given COVID backlogs. Does anyone know if I am likely to be waiting that long? I have a very strong family history of aggressive breast cancer unfortunately so am absolutely worried sick. I also have private health insurance but not sure if this is something I can use to get an initial assessment or where? Any help would be really appreciated.
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posted by mrsb
07 October 2021

DCIS - constant sweating

Last reply: 03 November 2021 12:41
Hi all, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in June 2020. I had a lumpectomy, 25 sessions of radiation treatment and am currently on Tamoxifen 20mg. I had numerous infections post surgery which delayed the healing process and I also have lymphoedema. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had issues with severe sweating? When it starts it’s from the top of my head to the tips of my toes and can last for some time and I’ve even had to change my clothes on numerous occasions because of it. I know hot flashes and sweating are a side effect of the tamoxifen but just wondering if what I’m dealing with is ‘normal’? It’s getting to the point now where I don’t even want to leave the house as I never know when it’s going to happen, how bad it’s going to be, how long it will last and I feel like I constantly smell as I can’t use any of the deodorants I used before being diagnosed. Thanks, MrsB.
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posted by Dilly
11 September 2021


Last reply: 15 September 2021 22:33
Hi all, I was diagnosed with DCIS 10 years ago. I had 2 surgeries to remove it. Then I had my radiotherapy 30 sessions. Everything went like clockwork. Then my husband started having heart problems. Well long story short I start looking after him. This all happened at the same time as my surgery. Anyway I'm on a waiting list for reconstruction as I'm lopsided. Where would I get the bras and prosthetics. I can't wear anything tight. Thank you and I wish you all well on your journey.
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posted by Freesia71
07 September 2021

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 September 2021 16:30
Hi Everyone. Wanted to share my story so far to see if anyone else is in the same position as me. I am 49 and in May was initially diagnosed with breast cancer. I was scheduled for surgery and after reporting a pain/lump in my neck got referred for a CT scan. The CT showed lesions in my liver so the unfortunate diagnosis of MBC came. I was on Ibrance, zoladex and letrozole for two months. Due to high liver enzymes I've been taken off the Ibrance. I am waiting to see the oncologist to see what's next. I went back to work and want to stay in work. I am finding the whole thing as nothing short of torture as it's on my mind 24/7. I was ok whilst I was on the treatment and I thought that everything was going well. How is anyone else coping with the diagnosis of MBC?
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posted by Mrs_H
01 September 2021

Waiting Times

Last reply: 02 September 2021 13:39
I had a biopsy on July 20th, which showed grade 2, Her2 positive cancer, stage 2. Since then - nothing has happened... I am waiting. Is that normal for COVID times?
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posted by Iamstrong
12 July 2021

Mirena Coil post breast cancer diagnosis

Last reply: 25 August 2021 18:15
Hello, I was diagnosed with hormone positive breast cancer in Sept of 2020. I have since gone on to have a mastectomy and did 4 rounds of TC Chemo. Throughout all my treatment and even now I have been told that I can leave the mirena coil in - it will not affect my body causing more cancer. Speaking to other women however I note they have been advised to have it removed asap. Which is the correct course of action as now that I am back to myself again I can't go through this ever again? Thank you.
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posted by claudia merfu
19 August 2021

Hysterectomy after breast cancer diagnosis

Last reply: 19 August 2021 16:53
Hi, I'm 45yo, and in April i was diagnosed with stage 1abreast cancer , hormone positive and HER negative, i went through a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy, and nodes were clear, I'm on tamoxifen now, and my gynecologist is advising on a total hysterectomy with a dual oophorectomy. Is this a normal thing to do under the circumstances, i mean i don't want kids, nor do I have any, but the ovaries taken as well, seems ,to me obviously, a very extreme measure, and although I am aware that ovarian cancer might be in the books, it seems from the things that i read, that coronary artery disease,ling cancer and colorectal cancer might be following this procedure anyway....Obviously, my doctor would know better, as I read this information online, but I'm looking for a bit more information on the subject...has anyone been through a similar experience?thank you
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posted by Resolute
10 August 2021


Last reply: 11 August 2021 10:23
Hi there, following breast cancer, surgery and radiotherapy I did 5 years of Tamoxifen and I am now in my third year of letrozole .. Mensturation stopped completely when I started Tomoxifen but I now suddenly have some bleeding/brown discharge .. is this normal or so I need to make an appointment with my doctor?
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posted by anthony80
04 August 2021

Male Brest cancer

Last reply: 10 August 2021 14:43
Hi all anyone other males going through this or have gone through it I’m 43 and facing chemo next since surgery x2 This just came out of nowhere for me like a lot of cancers I suppose
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posted by hederahelix
05 July 2021

2 year wait for referral

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:14
Hi guys I was referred by my doctor to the breast clinic with a lump on my breast 12 weeks ago. I was put on a 12 week wait period and my doctor received information from the hospital about this. She gave me a number to call if I hadn't received a letter in a couple of weeks and the lady who answered quite quickly got me off the phone with a solid answer of "you're down for a year, ok? Bye". I'm residing in Waterford at the moment. I called my doctor and she told me to call again after the 12 week period had ended and I did today. I reached a voicemail of the same lady directing anyone to call another number. Once I called this number I was told that my wait will be up to two years! I asked her if there is any point in me waiting 2 years with this and she said "well it's up to you" and that they wouldn't have any more information about the 12 week period because they are new to taking over the department. I will be calling my doctor again who said she will see what she can do following this but who knows how this will end. I'm 29 with a history of breast cancer in my family. I can't afford private healthcare as I'm a student who has been receiving grants to support my cost of living here. Has anyone else been dealing with this conflict? This seems absolutely ludicrous and terrifying for me now to deal with and I can't find too many personal stories about it or how to handle it; all I can find are recent statistics here and there regarding wait times. I mean, why even bother saying 2 years to me. I will be beyond the point of saviour once that time has come. I can't believe this is going on really. Breast cancer is a common enemy in our female society. How it's not the top priority is beyond me. Please reach out to me and help me out with some resolutions or personal stories. Thanks so much for reading. Jade
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