Breast cancer
posted by Newtothis
03 October 2013

Another new member

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all, I've been reading all your posts for the last few months and finally registered. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July and have read some great advice on this forum so far. I just want to say hi prior to posting any specific questions in the coming weeks. I'm starting chemo tomorrow and I'm sure I'll probably be looking for advice / reassurance on symptons in the next while! I dragged my husband to the cancer forum 2 weeks ago and saw lots of groups of woman together, so hopefully next year I'll be able to leave him at home & meet up with some of you instead!
Best wishes to all!



commented by WicklowLady
03 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh you're so welcome. The women on this forum are legends I love them all. I joined this time last year when I was into my second chemo having got diagnosed in August 2012. It's been a strange year but I've met some fantastic people along the way and am doing really well and am looking at life a lot differently. I wish you all the best with your first chemo and hopefully you'll get through it unscathed which I'm sure you will and we are all here for you if you're feeling under the weather. Good to have you on board xxxx

commented by WicklowLady
03 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh I've just read that you're expecting a baby in February. Pardon me for asking this question but how does that work with the chemo? What hospital are you attending?

commented by Superwhy
03 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

I hope tomorrow goes ok for u. Let us know how u got on.

commented by Newtothis
04 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Wicklowlady,
You can have AC as normal once you're past your first trimester but if I have taxol/radiotherapy I've to wait until after babs arrives. I've been told the only possible affect of AC on the baby is that it might be slighter smaller than it could have been but I'm not sure if it will worsen or lessen the normal side effects. I'm attending the Mater private and my oncologist is very nice but I saw Janice Walshe at the cancer conference and she was very impressive!

Today was fine, easier than I thought it would for the side effects and hair loss....

commented by WicklowLady
04 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Oh good. Janice is my hero. I love her to bits. I was so lucky to hve her. I missed the conference I was on holidays. Was raging. It's really 5-7 days after the chemo that you might feel a bit crappy but then you'll start to pick up again. I wish you all the luck in the world but this time next year you'll be great and a little baby as well. You've that to look forward to. Xxxx

commented by deefed
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Pamela, sorry to meet you this way.

Glad to hear first chemo went okay and big congrats on babs number 3 on the way.

Like Wicklow Lady this forum is great any questions I had asked them here and never ever googled

Anything we can help you with please ask or private message that's what we are here for

Its mad with the hair loss when I was diagnosed I was more worried about losing my hair then my boob! When it was time to shave and get wig in a mad mad mad way it was liberating it was like another step on the cancer trail.

You will be beautiful either way but by Jaysus you will be cold get loads of cotton hats for bed time as you wake up freezing, only problem is the buggers fall off in the middle of the night

Please keep in touch and best of luck

commented by LindyLu
10 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi Pamela,

welcome but sorry you had to join us. Think we may have virtually met on RC???

Am a few years out but was diagnosed when babs no 2 was 5mths old and no1 was 21mths. It feels like a lifetime ago. If I was to offer any advice as a mum to 2 with another on the way I would just say take all the help that is offered.

I also got very tired on chemo so needed a nap during the day so tried to nap when my babies slept. Thankfully in did not suffer too badly with nausea.

As for the hair loss, if you can bear to shave it off I would definitely recommend it. I (stupidly) did not do it myself and think it was more traumatic seeing it fall out in clumps in the shower. Once you loose it it is actually quite ok, it the fear of loosing it that is the worst.

Good luck and please do post or PM any of us if you have questions.


commented by WicklowLady
11 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Ha dee you're gas great to have a bit of humour here in the middle of despair

commented by deefed
12 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Image removed.Image removed.

commented by Newtothis
20 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Hi all, thanks for all the messages of support, it's great to talk to people that have experience of this. I'm glad to say that I didn't have any major side effects from my first bout of chemo. Once I ate regularly then I didn't really have any nausea, I could start to feel it coming on if I didn't eat after 3-4 hours but once I had something small I felt fine again. Hopefully the rest of the sessions will go the same way. I was a bit tired the first few days but I'm not sure if that was because I was expecting to be or not, I suppose I'll figure it out after the next few sessions.
I started to notice more hair in my hairbrush and on my clothes last Thur so I got my hair shaved yesterday. I probably could have kept it a few more days but I wasn't sure if I'd make it over to the shop to buy some hats next week or how quick it would go so got it done as they had an appointment free. Losing my hair has definitely hit me harder then losing my boob, I'm a bit sad about it but I'm sure I'll be fine in a day or two, keep telling myself that its the next step in getting better. I've let my kids, husband and sister see my bald head so far,but will need to work up a bit more courage to let others. I previously had long blond hair so I think I look really grey/old without it lightening my face. I never really wore hats so I find the feeling of the wig / hats on my head quite restrictive. I went for a walk last night with my hood up and nothing else on my head just to feel the wind against it and enjoy the breeze.
Again, thanks for the warm welcome, I've my next session on Friday and hopefully it will go as well as the last one did too!

commented by WicklowLady
20 October 2013

21 October 2015 11:50

Good for you. I had shoulder length blonde hair and hated the thoughts of losing it but to be honest once it was gone then it was done . I now have a thick head of wavy hair , (finished chemo end of dec) . I quite liked the hats (hated the wig) and it's amazing how people get used to you looking different.

Everyone is different but I find it best to be honest with the women here. My first two chemos were a doddle I only had two days when I felt a bit tired. By the time I got to number 4,5& 6 i had a lot of nausea and tiredness , it seemed to get worse as I got more into me. Hopefully you'll be different to me.

I wish you well in your next session

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