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posted by just_me
25 August 2020

Waiting for results

Last reply: 20 January 2021 12:07
Hi... I had a swollen lympnode biopsy last week and tomorrow I'm a having a core biopsy because of suspicious calcifications. I know nobody can tell me the answer I really want to hear but has anyone any experience of the both?
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posted by LisaJH
07 January 2021

Hot Flushes / menopause

Last reply: 12 January 2021 00:07
I am 43and have stage 2 breast cancer, I just finished chemo last Monday. I haven’t had a period for months which I was told to expect and have been experiencing intense hot flushes and night sweats for about a month. While I know chemo is the cause of this, I’m just wondering if it will continue now I am not on chemo anymore or if the menopause I’m starting will reverse itself? Has anyone had any experience of this?
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posted by Siobhan S
17 November 2020

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Last reply: 29 December 2020 11:26
Hey, Hope all are doing ok. Found out yesterday my breast cancer is now at Stage 4. I dont know what to do or how yo feel! Found a breast lump in June. Pre op scans threw up a query which docs were happy to check again after 3 months. Had a mastectomy and complete auxiliary clearance in Sept. My chemo is to start next week. I recovered really well post mastectomy and have been getting with life, getting walking and looking forward to getting back to work after chemo. The repeat bone scan has confirmed a lesion on one of my ribs so now I have gone from Stage 2 to Stage 4 overnight. Now i feel it's all up in the air again! It's like I'm living someone else's life, it's weird. Anyone out there similar story that can share their experience? Thanks S
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posted by Vision
19 December 2020

Onkotype test

Last reply: 23 December 2020 17:01
Hi I was wondering if anyone has had a Onkotype test done as part of breast cancer treatment
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posted by BM
18 December 2020

Recurrence in underarm lymph node

Last reply: 23 December 2020 13:13
Hi I never posted in anything before so here goes, I was diagnosed 6 years ago with dcis with mi, sentinel node clear, I had a mastectomy and no other treatment. I've had pain in mastectomy side on and off but since August it got worse. My gp sent me for an ultrasound in breast clinic. The radiologist seen a swollen lymph node and done biopsy. Got the results Tuesday, cancer cells in node. I had a ct and bone scan since, I'll get results Tuesday. Has anyone had anything similar. Im so scared. Thank you
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posted by VC
14 December 2020

Awaiting appointment.

Last reply: 21 December 2020 11:57
Hello, I went to my GP with a small lump in my right breast and a referral was sent to the Mater Hospital clinic for review. I have been waiting 10 weeks now for an appointment and told there are delays because of Covid19. In the mean time a larger lump has developed in my left breast and I have noticed my breast is larger and feels heavy. I cannot lie on my front due to pain in both breasts. I am wondering if I should revisit my GP or continue to wait for an appointment? Also, during the clinic visit will both breast be reviewed or just the one on the referral? Kind regards.
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posted by LadyLily
06 December 2020

Starting Tamox post-surgery

Last reply: 11 December 2020 09:44
Hi all, I have recently gone through the whole diagnosis and surgery element of breast cancer. I was fortunate enough to have caught it early after a screening and was told I had a 2mm tumour removed. Thankfully it wasn’t in my lymph nodes. I am still finding my feet about information on post-surgery with radiotherapy and treatment. I have just began Tamox 20mg and am quite scared with how many side effects are listed on the patient information leaflet. I’d really love to hear from others who have or still are going through the treatment and see real stories about the drug. If anyone also has any tips on dealing with treatment day-to-day I’d be so happy. It’s been a scary few months and I am trying to stay positive but it is hard. If anyone could give me an insight, I’m keen to hear your stories 💗 sending best wishes to all of you through these times
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posted by CMarvelJ
15 November 2020

Pre-Existing Endometriosis and Hormone Treatment

Last reply: 03 December 2020 13:57
Hi all, It is 18 months since I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (Triple Positive). A mastectomy (Including lymph node clearance) in May 2019, Chemo (AC and Taxol), Radiotherapy and Herceptin all behind me. Each of these was a challenge, however the biggest unexpected challenge for me is Tamoxifen. I have a history of Endometriosis which had calmed down, however when I started Tamoxifen in August it triggered the worst symptoms of Endometriosis I ever had within a matter of days. This was only addressed through stopping the course as agreed with the Oncologist. It hasn't gone away, but it is manageable. I am 48 years old and in peri-menopause. I am at a crossroads and I have no idea where I go from here. When I look up alternatives to Tamoxifen all I can find is solutions for Women who are post menopause. I cannot go through the pain again, there is no point in taking a medication if the side effects are impossible to live with, for me it was worse than the chemo. I am hoping that somebody out there has been on similar journey and has some advice, some information that can help me understand a way forward, before I meet my Oncologist in a weeks time. Many Thanks
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posted by blezzedray
10 November 2020

32 yrs Stage 3 Estrogen + BC

Last reply: 16 November 2020 14:15
Hi I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast in August 2020 and my life has changed ever since I went in for an ekg in early July yearly requirement for my job physical and the doctor said that my results showed I had a heart attack he an I both agreed it was false reading but stated to be on the safe side see a cardiologist which I didn’t because I know I didn’t have one...little did I know this was a warning sign Well in August I went for my yearly visit to the gyno and durning the check doctor noted she felt a lump on my left side the next week I was scheduled for a mammo and us then a few days later went in for biopsy an another mammogram My result came back showed I had breast cancer I request to go to MD Anderson instead of local doctors. My mass grew within two weeks from 2cm to about 6.5cm my ki-67 is 70% my cancer is very aggressive I was very scared worried a would die fortunately I was but in the hands of wonderful doctors My treatment plan is 4 ac every 3 weeks and 12 weekly treatments of taxol. I have severe nausea I am taking zofran and comp. I’m only on 2nd ac but my mass has shrunk drastically after my first treatment I do receive steroids bf infusion I started losing my hair after my second week of chemo, I’ve had night sweats and joint aches I do have a port installed on the right side of my chest since cancer is on the left I will also have to have a mastectomy and radiation Today I was informed from genetics test that My bc was gene mutation not sure if it came from mom or dad and that I might want to consider double mastectomy because I am now high risk and later on down the line I’m at a risk of ovarian cancer...I have 7 yr old daughter an at the age 18 will be screened for cancer every year Out of all this I have a wonderful support team hardest part for me is the nausea, working full time , and trying to stay positive because chemo does cause depression almost everyday I have family or friends texting and calling checking in. My mom is a two time Breast cancer survivor She had it in 2001 and 2011 (Had mastectomy in 2011) took genetics test came back negative technology has changed since 2011
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posted by Cheshire
17 September 2020

Turmeric with Curcumin

Last reply: 16 October 2020 17:19
Hi Everyone I had Breast Cancer 10 1/2 years ago; diagnosed at the age of 35. I am coming off Tamoxifen in November this year after 10 years on it. My Cancer was Triple Positive. People are telling me about the benefits of taking Turmeric with Curcumin Supplement as a security for it's cancer preventing properties. But when I looked up should a Breast Cancer patient take this supplement it states that curcumin might act like the hormone estrogen. I am confused now, I had ordered a years supply to start when I come off tamoxifen but don't know what to do now. Anyone any further information on this.
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