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posted by sarahq
06 March 2020

Preventative masectomy, looking for advice or info

Last reply: 10 March 2020 14:51
Hi All, I am a childhood cancer survivor. I had Hodgkins at 16 and am now 37, I have been screened with MRIs for breast cancer for the past 3 years. Last week I met with the family clinic and they recommended preventative double mastectomy. I have asked to keep being screened for 2 more years to get my head around it and to get fit for it. I'm looking for anyone who has been through this and any help they could give me regarding finding supports for the mental and physical journey. Thanks a million!
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posted by dotgos
10 March 2020

Taxol and liver enzymes

Hi all I have had 6 cycles of taxol and my liver enzymes have risen to a very high level over last few weeks. I was told on Thursday that I would not be getting my taxol, just my herceptin was given. The nurse mentioned that I might need a liver ultrasound, which had sent me into a panic. I am for repeat bloods and hope to get a plan this week . Has anyone any experience with this kind of interruption to their weekly taxol, any advice welcome. Good luck to all receiving treatment, especially at this worrying time with corona virus, Thanks , Dotgos
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posted by Lena
06 March 2020


Hi I am one year and 7 months after my ops for breast cancer, 5 months ago I had a mini stroke. Is it normal to still suffer with fatigue after this time. I also find I get very tetchy coming up towards my next mammogram etc. Does anyone else find these problems of fatigue and moodiness?
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posted by thinlizzy1979
21 February 2020

Biopsy results

Last reply: 02 March 2020 12:14
So I bumped my breast on the top of a hard chair about 6 weeks ago, it def hurt at the time but I soon forgot about it. About a week later I got a really sharp pain at the site and when I put my hand to it I could feel a swelling, on further investigation I could feel a sort of long ropey lump. Went to gp and she advised wait til after period to see if it went away. Didn’t go away so I was referred to Breast clinic although gp said it was prob nothing and didn’t refer me as urgent, I didn’t want to wait so I decided to pay privately and was seen within a week. Anyway, consultant examined me, said that i had similar lumpiness in other breast just not as prominent, but would send me for mammogram and ultrasound. I have very dense breast’s so when she did ultrasound she said that although the lump looked cystic it wasn’t clear so she wanted to do a biopsy, she also mentioned haematoma? Well I was not expecting this and got very upset, when I went back in to the consultant there was a cancer nurse there and he said that I would have to wait for the results to be sure, but he did clearly say that it might still be all clear and that she had scanned my lymph nodes and they were clear which is a good sign? Sorry for the long post, just wondering if anyone has been through the same or if this sounds good or bad.
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posted by sunshinegirl
09 February 2020

Swollen Lymph Nodes and Breast Changes

Last reply: 17 February 2020 12:06
Hey there I have been feeling poorly for a few months and noticed a lump on my neck. Turns out I have an enlarged supraclavicular lymph node on the right hand side, as well as breast changes, bowel issues and anaemia. I have been referred for ultrasound and also to a breast cancer specialist for consult. I was offered appointment immediately. Very anxious and just wondering has anyone been through similar and what was your outcome. Thanks so much in advance.
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posted by Tara358
05 February 2020

Annual Mammogram

Last reply: 13 February 2020 22:07
Hi everyone, I am a 10 year Breast Cancer Survivor. I was diagnosed at 35 but made it through the journey and I am now healthy and happy. I have a query and I hope someone can help me. I don't have to attend a Doctor since my 5 year all clear, when I was attending my Breast Surgeon he would always book my mammogram for the following year. But now that I don't see him, every year I am waiting to be called for my mammogram and I am not called - I have to ring the secretary to get my Dr to book it and then I have to contact the mammogram department to make sure it is booked. I thought I would be called automatically each year. Can anyone tell me what I need to do about getting annual appointment without having to contact the office each year and go through all the departments. Thanks in advance
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posted by ephemere
17 June 2011


Last reply: 07 February 2020 13:22
Girls, Wondering if there's anyone out there who is/was in the same boat as me? Am being advised by oncologist that my chances of fertility being there are negligible after chemo (unknown regime yet), and also with the liklihood i'll be on tamoxifen 5 yrs, and also not to have eggs harvested because of the oestrogen boost needed to do that which could feed the cancer- all largely of course because of my age, 44 (45 in january). I do know the facts of life, so no lectures about menopause and age please however the facts of MY life are mine- (we had tried, had had miscarriage, and were open to trying again until cancer struck); I'd appreciate any reply from anyone roundabout this age going through a similar issue. Going to talk to Rotunda anyway next week, though to be honest I'm not sure I have the energy;it feels hard to have to fight a different battle in a different sub-discipline in a new hospital system when I'm dealing with cancer anyway. Hmph... x
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posted by anniembb
28 January 2020

Core Biopsy Cost

Last reply: 06 February 2020 15:45
Hi, would anyone know how much a core biopsy would be in Bon Secours in Cork or any other private hospital? Just worrying about work & money. Thanks
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posted by dotgos
14 January 2020

Taxol query

Last reply: 23 January 2020 01:22
Hello all, I met with consultant today to get my plan , I had originally thought I was going on AC first and then taxol, but am now going on taxol weekly for12 weeks with herceptin infusions every 3 weeks and then herceptin injections. Could anyone please give me any advice regarding the weekly taxol , and how doable it is. Thanks very much and good luck to all of you going through treatment.
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posted by Mac78
22 January 2020

Underarm tenderness

Hi I am 2 years post bilateral mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast Her+ and am BRACA 2 positve. Had 3 lymph nodes removed with one testing positive. Had chemo and rads which caused capsular contracture in my left breast. My question is that I am experiencing pain and tenderness when I touch my arm close to my underarm. Do not remember hurting myself and it only hurts to touch but not move my arm. Have an appointment with oncologist on Friday but am just wondering has anyone had a similar experience tia
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