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posted by scoobydoo
07 October 2019

Using prosthesis post mastectomy

Last reply: 11 October 2019 16:12
Hi, I am looking at post surgery options (risk reducing double mastectomy), one of which is no reconstruction. I would like to talk to someone who has gone this route, and hear about their experience and advice with wearing or not wearing 2 prosthesises. Thanks
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posted by jacqinthebox
22 September 2019

Hospitals with cold cap therapy

Last reply: 30 September 2019 09:34
Hi all! Newbie here and newbie with BC Stg2 diag in last 2 weeks. I'm interested in any hospitals that you may have seen or recieved cold cap therapy for hair loss. On my confirmation diagnosis, my "Prof" laughed off the notion of cold cold cap therapy, until my angel of a cancer nurse injected and said it sometimes works, and "sometimes" is all I need. Information in Ireland is not readily out there about this. I know I can rent one from an English company but is there an alternative? Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated on this. I've yet to start my chemo, (in a few weeks) but I'd like to hit the ground running on this while I have the energy (and anger I guess) to scrap on to holding onto a semblance of the life i have. I know hard days are coming and i won't always be up for the fight. So any ideas, lists, companies (like penguin in UK £££) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks x
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posted by Deedles
26 August 2019

Brand swap tamoxifen

Last reply: 04 September 2019 12:27
Hi all, I just swapped from nolvadex to tamox brand. I was fine on nolvadex but pharmacist said they cannot get it any more. I'm so sick on tamox and my hair is falling out and I feel so tired. I really want to go back onto Nolvadex. Anyone having similar issues?
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posted by Limerick85
08 July 2019

Corrective breast reconstruction

Last reply: 19 July 2019 10:53
Hello I am wondering could anyone recommend a plastic surgeon who specialises in breast reconstruction and corrective surgery. I underwent a preventative double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using implant and ADM earlier this year. Unfortunately there has been displacement of one of the implants and I am eager to correct this. I would obviously like to get the best outcome and wish to have a surgeon who comes highly recommended and skilled in corrective surgery. I also do not mind travelling anywhere within Ireland. I would greatly appreciate any help with this matter.
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posted by Lena
07 July 2019

Tamoxifen side effects

Last reply: 19 July 2019 10:47
Hi I am on tamoxifen seven months now and while some side effects have diminished I find the fatigue is not improving much despite walking every day etc. Has anyone on this drug longer than me seen an improvement over the long term or is this it ?
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posted by Ballinamona1
04 July 2019

Medical braclet

Last reply: 08 July 2019 12:32
Does anyone know where you can get a id braclet to let people know you can not have bloods or bp taken from hand with no lymph nodes
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posted by Leanne_5
19 June 2019

Mastectomy after chemo

Last reply: 24 June 2019 14:45
Hi all, I recently found out at a scan that not all the abnormalities were removed from my breast back in November. I was never told, I’m raging to put it mildly, not to mention scared as hell... Surgeon reckons there’s no point to scans, end result is a full mastectomy when chemo is over. (He describes my first surgery as a half mastectomy as my breasts are on larger side) I’ve only a couple more weeks of chemo and everyone is delighted but I’m the opposite worrying about how my body will get through the surgery after all the chemo I’ve had, 5 months. Sorry for the moany post, it’s my 1st post and I’ve being trying to put all this out of my head but there’s no getting away from it!
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posted by Hutch74
19 June 2019

DIEP flap reconstruction

Last reply: 20 June 2019 15:36
Hi all, Im scheduled to have my DIEP flap reconstruction this Friday after a 2yr wait so am full of varied emotions. I know I will be in hospital for at least 5days so I guess Im just looking for any tips of what to bring with me. Any advice/experiences would be great. Thanks a mill
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posted by Eveni
05 June 2019

Worried and can’t sleep

Last reply: 20 June 2019 15:31
I 35, recently I noticed that there was a change in the shape of my right breast. Underneath there is a slight indent and the skin is a slightly different colour. Went to GP and they have referred me to the systematic breast clinic. I can’t stop stressing and googling doesn’t help but I can’t seam to not look up stuff. The waiting for an appointment is driving me crazy and I’m not really sleeping. Has anyone any tips on how to take your mind off of thinking about worst case scenarios?
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posted by Johanna
11 June 2019

Reconstruction Decision ??

Last reply: 17 June 2019 00:35
Hi I am trying to talk to someone about Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction (Tissue from your Back) I have had a failed implant and my surgeon in now suggesting this procedure. I would like to know the long the effects so any who has had this some time ago. I am only considering this as my skin is tight and teddered at the scar and very uncomfortable when I move. My mastectomy when very well but I had two additional operations because of infections with the expander and implants. Any help would be great. ..... Johanna
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