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posted by Positive Girl
23 July 2012

Breast reconstruction - LD FLAP

Last reply: 15 June 2019 21:03
Hi everyone, Having gone through a very traumatic and failed DIEP Flap just 3.5 months ago I am now looking at my options. The LD Flap has been suggested to me and I would love some feedback from u out there who have had that surgery Who did it for you ? can u give me the advantages / disadvantages of this surgery ? How are you managing with the implant ? Was your LD muscle in your back effected ? I am v nervous about proceeding with the LD Flap as the failed DIEP took 20 hrs and only now 3.5 months later am I beginning to get my energy back. Thanks for your help Viv x
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posted by Lily1974
01 March 2019

Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy

Last reply: 15 June 2019 20:39
I had breast cancer 6 years ago. I initially had reconstruction using Latissimus Dorsi Muscle and an implant. The reconstructed breast sat higher than my real breast; as the implant seemed high on my chest. I had the implant removed as I had radiation and the implant suffered because of it. I had my breast rebuilt by fat grafting. This has made a huge difference. I have had 5 sessions of fat grating and completed my final one 2 years ago. They could never get my reconstructed breast to the same size of my real breast, therefore I had reduction on my real breast but the reconstructed breast is still a cup size smaller. My surgeon suggested that I have the smallest implant available inserted to make up the difference, as they cannot harvest anymore fat. I don’t know what to do. Has anyone had the same experience, or is there something else I could do instead of an implant. Don’t get me wrong the most important thing is I am healthy and well but I would like to feel normal when I look in the mirror too. If any of you can give me information or help it would be very much appreciated.
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posted by
29 April 2019

Holiday after lumpectomy

Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:47
Hi there, looking for some advice please? I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on April 8th last. Unfortunately didn’t get clear margins so am booked in for a 2nd op on May 13th. Thankfully nodes all clear so no more surgery needed on lymph nodes. My partner and I are booked to fly for a week to Lanzarote on the 25th May (holiday was booked months ago before my diagnosis) surgeon reckons I’ll be okay to travel and could do with the break before I start into radiotherapy. Has anyone else travelled that soon after a lumpectomy (12 days)? Would welcome any advice? Also any suggestions on travel insurers who will cover mid treatment? Unfortunately my annual travel insurance policy which I took out in May 2018 expires the day we are due to fly out!
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posted by Triona34
05 April 2019

12 week wait for symthomathic breast clinic

Last reply: 03 May 2019 14:12
Hi all, I found a large marble size lump over a week ago, attended my GP on the day who made the referral while I was with her. She said she placed it as an urgent referral and since then I have being going slightly crazy with worry. I can’t concentrate on work or anything really ... I havnt told any family as I don’t want to worry them. Attended the GP again yesterday as the anxiety is overbearing I havnt been sleeping which I think is adding to my slight craziness. So GP contacted the clinic to no avail and this morning I received a letter saying I will be called within 12 weeks I’m at a loss and have no idea what to do .... I was hoping 2 weeks and due to my age I was thinking maybe within 6 at most. A 3 month wait just seems unbearable has anyone else had this experience or paid to go to a private appointment .... I can ask friends and family for some money but not hundreds
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posted by Kildaregirl
27 April 2019

Found a lump, now what?

Last reply: 03 May 2019 11:25
Hi all, I found a lump last night in my left breast, what now, just wait to see gp on Monday? Is there anything else I can do? Feeling so flustered, I haven't told my husband cause I don't want to freak him out.
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posted by Sarah M
26 March 2019

Tamoxifen prescription

Last reply: 02 April 2019 14:56
Hi there, just coming towards the end of my time on tamoxifen and the experience has been positive. But one thing that has been a pain from beginning to end has been the hassle of trotting around getting prescriptions from the GP or consultant then going back and forth to the pharmacy to pick the medication up... they hardly ever have more than one or two months in stock, sometimes they don’t have it at all, the GP won’t give more than a six month prescription at a time and ordering a repeat prescription can’t be done over the’s just a constant toing and froing over what is a very straightforward medication which I’ve been on for ten years and would only ever have changed at my own request. I see no reason why I can’t get a 12 month prescription at my annual check up and pick it up in one go, but every time I suggest this I’m told how it’s all for my own good... which I find irritating and paternalistic. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
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posted by Janey77
08 March 2019

Did you have any symptoms

Last reply: 02 April 2019 14:51
Hi, I am going for a triple assessment next week in the mater. Found a lump behind my nipple-inside the breast not outside, and my nipple is retracted. I just wanted to ask anyone if they had any other symptoms? Tiredness or anything like that? I can only find the usual symptoms for the breast, lumps, change of colour etc. And the side effects from treatment. Thank you, Jane
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posted by mmck
04 March 2019

Breast biopsy

Last reply: 02 April 2019 14:50
HI all. I'm 56 and just waiting to have a breast biopsy. Basically I missed my previous breast mammograms (long story). Anyhow about three weeks ago a felt a bruising on my right breast which I couldn't initially account for. Over the next few days I found myself poking at it (as you do!) and it became somewhat inflamed and sore so I went to the GP. Only on that morning I remembered having hurt my breast, approximately the day before the first time I noticed the bruised feeling. Stupidly I'd leaned on the arm of a chair to pull out a plug rather than get up and do it properly. I remembered i leaned to hard. Anyhow when my doc saw it she immediately said there was a bruise and it looked like mastitis though the area wasn't that warm. She said it was very possible to get mastitis as a result of an injury. She booked me in for a mammogram anyhow as I had missed the other. She gave me antibiotics and sure enough all returned to normal very quickly. Last Friday I went to Beaumont and the doctor first did a physical examination and was very happy, saying it felt normal (i have small breasts so easy to feel anything out of the ordinary). I then had the mammogram and on my right breast they took extra images. Then the doc did an ultrasound. Now what she says was that she saw nothing sinister. What she did say was I had calcificatiions (she didn't specify what type and it was all new to me anyway) and that sometimes these can be a marker for trouble later on. She said that as she couldn't compare the images to previous ones, that she wanted to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s , as she put it. She once more stressed that as far as she can see there is nothing so not to worry. I am now booked in for the 12th with results she said between 7-10 days later. I'm just wondering if she was only trying to not worry me by saying that though she did mention it a couple of times that it wasn't sinister looking. Also, the fact that a week before I had had some inflammation from the mastitis, would it have an impact on what would appear on the mammogram. Thanks in advance for any views.
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posted by CeCe
22 February 2019

Areola Tattoo

Last reply: 08 March 2019 10:33
Hi everyone. I had breast cancer 9 years ago and had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with an implant but following radiation my implant was mis-shapen so I dedided to have it removed and my breast built up over the years with fat grafting. In October 2017 I completed my last fat graft and my boobs are amazing. I had my nipple reconstructed at the same time. I had a aerola tattoo done last year with semi-permanent medical grade tattoo. Since then my reconstructed breast has dropped down and the nipple is not in line with my real nipple on my right breast. I have since purchased a custom made nipple for my reconstructed breast from pink perfect prosthetic nipple, absolutely amazing product. My question is: how long does the medical grade tattoo last, as I want to get rid of the tattoo but don't like the idea of laser and was hoping maybe it goes completely from the skin in a couple of years. Anyone have experience of this?
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posted by Dolly
22 February 2019

Reconstruction and smoking

Last reply: 25 February 2019 11:12
Hi, I have been off cigarettes for months in the wait for breast reconstruction but recently split with my partner and caved a bit last week. I just got a date, very soon and I'm terrified they will test me prior to surgery and not proceed. Do you get checked for smoking prior to surgery. I am back off them again.
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