Breast cancer
posted by anriocht
19 November 2013

Tamoxifen & Joint Pain

Last reply: 22 November 2013 19:46

Hi all,
Just trying to ascertain if any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen. I have been suffering with pain in my left shoulder and my upper back since September. (Had mastectomy on left hand side).
Saw my Oncologist today, as I had a mammogram last week, my first since my diagnosis last October 2012.
The mammogram on my existing breast is normal, T.G. However, he is referring me for a bone scan next week, to get to the bottom of the pain. He did say that sometimes, hormone therapy can cause joint pain, but that tamoxifen is not usually the worst offender for this!
Now, he may only be saying this, so that I will not worry, or it may be a common occurrence.
I am back to where I was last year again, virtually going out of my mind with worry, until I have the scan done and results got.
If any of you have suffered with joint pain whilst on tamoxifen, I would love to hear about it.
Thanks, M xxx



commented by TrJen
19 November 2013

19 November 2013 18:00

Just thought I’d let you know my experience. I started tamox September 2012, in March 2013 I got a pain in my ribs on the side where I had the radiotherapy after 3 weeks of it I phoned the breast care nurse and she said to come in, they couldn’t see anything that was causing it but I had a bone scan done in May and it was all clear so I just took pain killers it lasted till end of July, Since end of October I am having pain in my shoulder at night. As my bone scan and my mammogram in July were both clear I’m putting this new pain down to tamoxifen

commented by anriocht
19 November 2013

19 November 2013 20:32

Thanks for your reply TJ. Sounds similar to my situation at the moment and delighted for you that bone scan was clear. Please God, that will be my news too. Thanks again. xx

commented by encee
22 November 2013

22 November 2013 19:46

Hi ladies
I didn't have any pain but certainly had discomfort and tightness on my shoulder - I had revisional surgery earlier this year and my surgeon went in to try and release the tendon on my shoulder but it didn't work out as it was too tied in with my muscles to release it. Even that bit of tweaking did me the world of good... I kept up exercises, was a great girl but have been too busy since September to keep at it properly and funnily enough I can feel it dragging again.
So maybe would you consider asking your team if a referral for physio would be of any benefit to you?
Good luck and good luck xx

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