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posted by fluffy
01 May 2012


Last reply: 04 May 2012 15:43
Hi all... Im 39 years old and was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer in March this year. Im currently in the 3rd week of radiotherapy and all is going well. Last week I had my appointment with the Encologist and at the weekend I started to take the hormone replacement tablets Tamoxifen.. Ive read so many things on the drug and read alot of people's post's about how severe the side affects can be.... I think I am more scared of taking these then anything else that has come my way in the past 8 weeks.... Does anyone have any advice or has anyone been lucky enough not have any of the side affects... Be good to hear from anyone... Fluffy...
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posted by Dane7
13 May 2012

Shave hair off as it falls out or not

Last reply: 17 May 2012 10:15
Hi all Had my first chemo (Taxotere) on 24th April and head/scalp burning ever since. This morning lots of hair on my pillow and more came off in the shower. Question is how long before it all comes out. Only looks a bit thin in places and should I just shave it all off. Is it less traumatic. What do you think?
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posted by maggiemay
14 May 2012

Testing for Breast Cancer Gene in Ireland????

Last reply: 14 May 2012 22:03
Can anyone or does anyone know if its possible to test for the Breast Cancer Gene in Ireland. Breast Cancer is particular prevalent in my family & I am thinking I should have the test. Can anyone advise me please. Thank you so much. Maggiemay.
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posted by wilmaone
15 May 2012

reconstruction recovery

Last reply: 16 May 2012 21:07
Hi all Well its 2 weeks already since surgery!!!Healing up very nicely thankfully.Am delighted with result already so when it settles it should be just fine.Am up and about and itching to get going again. Got great news last thursday that ive had a complete response from treatment and surgery and am now absolutely thrilled at the same time cautious!! XXXX
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posted by wilmaone
19 May 2012

advice on peripheral neurapthy

Last reply: 27 April 2014 21:52
Hi ladies Am just wondering if anyone has any advice.I had very mild peripheral neurapthy after chemo which didnt bother me at all. Unfortunately after coming round from surgery i couldnt feel my feet at all.This has subsided,but am now nearly 3 weeks post surgery and recovering well except for the pain in my feet.It is dreadful i cant even put on socks without pain they are so sensitive.They go between burning to feeling like they are being stabbed with pins and needles!! I shouldnt complain,but its really starting to get me down as no pain killers even take the edge off. Any advice would be great xxx
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posted by pattie
20 May 2012


Last reply: 20 June 2012 17:01
Please help, has anyone got lymphnodeoma in the breast. I had reconstruction and mastectomy together, now two years later have got this in the reconstructed breast. Very disappointed.
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posted by Taurustwin
28 May 2012

A new member :)

Last reply: 04 June 2012 09:44
Hi everyone, Taurustwin here I never knew this forum even existed, could have done with it the last few months.... My story is that I found a lump on the 15th of February, left it a week to go to the doctor as I tend to get breast mice... The doctor referred me straight away to the Symptomatic Breast Clinic in Limerick where I attended another week later... In a few days later for mammograms, ultrasound and biopsy and when I went back up to the clinic they could tell me I had breast cancer, even without biopsy results... On the 14th of March I had a lumpectomy, right breast, and lymph node biopsy... The lump was only 1cm, I'd caught it very early.... So lymph nodes were clear but I had to go back and have a wider exision done of the original lumpectomy... That came back positive again and I had a mastectomy with reconstruction done on the 2nd of May... I opted for nipple saving surgery so the biopsy on the nipple came back clear too... I have an expander at the moment and going back to the reconstruction clinic next week... Met my oncologist last week who confirmed that the cancer is definitely gone But my Oncotype test was sent off that day too so I'll find out next week if I need chemo or not...As it is I'll be on Tamoxifen for 5 years.... Looking forward to chatting with ye xxx
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posted by Fighter
29 May 2012

New to all of this

Last reply: 06 July 2012 15:34
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last week, am over the initial shock and the hardest thing I ever had to do in telling my two teenage kids and my mum. I have lobular cancer and am having an MRI next Friday, so I reckon everything will kick off from there. It's great to have this forum to have people who are going through the same process to talk to.
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posted by FunkyChick
03 June 2012

Post Treatment effects

Last reply: 04 June 2012 09:49
Hi does anyone have any experience of post treatment effects. I am so fatigued, unbelievably forgetful & can be quite depressed at times. Generally finding it difficult to cope. Should be so happy that the worst is behind me but find it difficult functioning "normally" or whatever the new normal is. Was back at work part-time but found I couldn't cope & am now back out on sick leave & awaiting re-con. Would appreciate knowing if anyone else has had this experience.
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posted by Northern100
03 June 2012

Waiting on oncotype results

Last reply: 14 June 2012 17:39
Hi all I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer following routine mammogram just turned forthy in December. I had macestomy and reconstruction in April and pathology report showed 5cm of dcis and 5mm of invasive grade 3 I am currently awaiting results of oncotype dx test and just wondering if anyone has experience of this test and score is considered ok to skip chemo. Thank you so much Molly
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