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posted by star123
10 October 2011

BRCA1 Mastectomy & Reconstruction Advice

Last reply: 12 October 2011 09:27
Hi Everyone I am very new to this so apologies for lackof/too much information! I am 25 and BRCA1 positive. I have decided to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery next month. I tested positive 4 years ago so plenty of time to think about it and it is the right time for me. I intend to get the back muscle with implant reconstruction. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips or useful information that they think may be of use to me for both in hospital and recovery at home? Also, I am looking to have this done in the Mater Private - although not sure if my health insurance will cover it (or most of it!) I have Level 1 hospital with Aviva. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of coverage and costs if not covered? Any help or information is truely appreciated. Thank you all
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posted by FunkyChick
29 September 2011


Last reply: 13 November 2012 16:24
Anyone know how long you have to wait before getting reconstruction? What are the medical reasons for delaying this surgery? Am still on Herceptin till next Feb. Decision already made that I will have Diep flap but am hearing different things about how long I have to wait to get this done. Am interested in medical reasons, I know I'll have to face some sort of waiting list.
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posted by ger53
04 October 2011

waiting waiting waiting................

Last reply: 06 October 2011 03:32
Hi all Wow I never knew Breast Cancer was a waiting game. I have been diagnosed in July and its now October, I'm still waiting on some decisions. I have been on hormone treatment and its been great, but I can't stand the waiting game. I need to get on with my life. How do I do that when I know nothing. I am seeing the surgeon tomorrow and I'm hoping I will have some answers to my questions. Please God its gonna be some sorta plan or other. I have had a couple of job offers and I can't accept them cause I dont know whats going on............................I want to know I really want to know.. I'm desperate now.......I'm mean mama now..let me go thru the process and get thru it without too much fuss.. Sadly yours Ger
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posted by ger53
06 October 2011

The new face of Femara

Last reply: 13 October 2011 00:22
Hi guys My surgeon says I'm a tribute to Femara, meaning I've responded so well to the drug I can sell it......Here's to Femara!!! hip hip hooray! Ger xxx
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posted by phylie
06 October 2011

breast reconstruction

Last reply: 03 November 2011 10:31
Hi Would love to hear from any ladies who underwent recon after mastectomy. I had mastectomy 5 years ago and had recon done with tissues expander and implant, one year later developed bad infection resulting in removal of implant and inserting another to save my skin? it was all done so quickly and i really did'nt have much choice. Anyway now 2 years on im having more problems with implant, so i am going to see my surgeon about new recon with the Latissimus Dorsi Flap from my back. What i would like to know, if any ladies that had this recon done are you happy with the result? do you have any problems after? The reason im anxious about this is because ive have been through so much and i feel this time this is my decision completely. I would be having my operation with Margaret O Donnell. Phyl.
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posted by shinners
06 October 2011

DIEP Reconstruction

Last reply: 08 October 2011 15:50
HI Guys Just wondering if anyone out there who has had the DIEP reconstruction feels like the new boob is very heavy and almost like wearing an iron bra all day. I am 9 weeks over the op and would have thought that it would have softened by now but it still feels like a load of playdough stuck to my chest and its not a very pleasant feeling. Was back with PS and BS and both say it feels perfectly normal and the swelling will go down. Anyone got any idea when???? Its starting to really get me down as I am battling cording in my armpit/chest/arm as well and this is not helping. Sinéad x
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posted by kazoo
12 October 2011

Masectomy or lumpectomy? Advice please!

Last reply: 13 October 2011 00:11
I was diagnosed in Jan, had 3 months of hormones followed by neo adjuvant chemo - have just one more round of that to go Saw my surgeon yesterday, was expecting the worst to be honest. My cancer is lobular and the tumour was very large (8cm). We discussed masectomies (i told her if I was losing one, I wanted to consider a risk-reducing masectomy in other breast as didn't want it coming back, couldn't face going through it all again etc). She took all that on board and said yes, they would consider doing that. Then she examined me and looked on the ultra sound and said the tumour had shurnk loads so chemo has done its job really well. She said now we may not need a masectomy, a lumpectomy could do the job. Now I'm confused. I have to go back after last chemo and have MRI and mammorgram, I will be having surgery end of November either way. I know it's good news and I should be delighted - and I am - but I fear that if I have a lumpectomy I'm going to spend my time worrying about recurrence. If I do have a masectomy I will have to wait up to 12 months for reconstruction, she said, will have to have radiotherapy first. Any advice girls?????
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posted by roslynroad
16 February 2012

newbie with breast cancer query

Last reply: 17 February 2012 11:10
Hi first time posting Does anyone know if a soreness or rather discomfort in one breast should be anything to worry about? no lumps that I can find but a big history of cancer in the family. I had bloods taken for tumour markers and all came back ok. thanks
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posted by bsj
01 November 2011

Referral to Breast Clinic

Last reply: 11 November 2011 07:36
Hi there, My GP has referred me to the breast clinic in Beaumont Hospital, how long should it take for an appointment to come through? Would I be better to go privately to the Mater? Many thanks
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posted by bear12
08 November 2011

chemo still paining me

Last reply: 11 November 2011 08:37
Hi, Got Breast Cancer May 11, did 4 AC and 3 Taxol since. Didn't do 4 taxol due to side effects. Good News, on Breast Lump it went way down and chemo worked. Finished Chemo 6 weeks ago. Still suffering. Pain in feet peripheral neuropathy, pain in breast and under arm and stiff all over. Feel so weak and only get 4-5 sleep with sleeping tablet. Due surgery next Fri week and dreading it. Have people found chemo effects to last so long. bear12 E xxx
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