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posted by deefed
11 January 2013

During Chemo do you see your Doctor?

Last reply: 12 January 2013 12:36
Hi Girls Just wondering about something. Just had my fifth chemo, three more to go. On your chemo day does your doctor come around to you and check you? I didnt see my doctor yesterday and three before that either - that means by next time it will be nine weeks. I feel a bit put out about it as I feel I go in on chemo nobody tells me about my bloods if they are good or bad asked once and they said you wouldnt be getting chemo if all not ok. I know they are all really really busy but sometimes I wonder am i missing out something. Doc said on first meeting they will of course be keeping a close eye on me and she will know exactly how I am doing. How does the doc know how I am doing do they read my file or something? Should I ask to see my doctor all the time? Is it normal to see a doctor all the time? Should I get a clinicial examination all the time? I go in once every three weeks. Have MRI, Mammo and Surgeo Meeting week after next so of course thats my big meeting to see if the tumour is shrinking. Let me know that I am not being paranoid........ I just feel sometimes like being in school afriad to speak out when I saw her yesterday with another patient I should have said something like are you coming to see me or? Thanks xx
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posted by kazoo
11 January 2013

Tamoxifen and sleep probs

Last reply: 19 January 2013 12:40
Hi I've been on tamoxifen for a year now. But my sleep has been gradually getting worse, last night I woke up every 2 hours. Am wrecked then all day, have two kids and am back at work full-time. I hate the thought of sleeping tablets as I fear their addictive nature, but not sure what other options are open to me - does anyone else take them??. I take my tamoxifen tablet in the morning, it improved things for a while (used to take it at night) but doesn't seem to make a difference now . Any advice/help?
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posted by wilmaone
12 January 2013

infections after treatment

Last reply: 12 January 2013 22:07
Hi all Just wondering I got thru chemo with no infections and finished herceptin in November.Since I finished all treatments I have had kidney infection,chest infection,flue and am now heading downhill again with either flu or infection I feel rotten!!anyone else find they picked up sickness easier after treatment? On a positive note head back in good place without drugs thankfully but have them there as back up if needed. Xxx w
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posted by Annie272
14 January 2013

Found a lump - a bit scared

Last reply: 23 January 2013 18:09
Hi guys, New here, as found a lump at Christmas (2 weeks after my dad died of a very aggressive cancer). I went to my GP last Tuesday and she found it too so referred me to the Breast Clinic in Limerick. Now as ye all know, this is an anxious time. I rang the hospital on Friday to know how long the waiting lists are to find that they never received the fax . So I rang the GP and she faxed it to them again. I rang again, and the lovely girl told me that she got it, its marked urgent but the consultant won't see the letter until Tuesday (Tomorrow). Then the consultant will deem me urgent/not urgent from the letter? Is this true, has anyone else experienced this? As you can imagine, i'm worried sick. If he/she doesn't deem me urgent then its a 12 week wait. I've the lump near my breast bone (just on the edge of left breast) and its size of a 2 euro coin. I can feel it through my clothes. I'm a 44 year old single mum, so I'm sure you can imagine how anxious I am. Regards Annie
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posted by youngk
16 January 2013

prophylactic mastectomy and double diep reconstruction

Last reply: 16 January 2013 21:44
Hi there, I am new to this discussion so forgive me if I ramble on. Had right mastectomy Sept 2011 followed by chemo and RT. I know cancer can hit anyone but my diagnosis was a shock as no family members had cancer and I thought I wasn't in any high risk group till I looked up links between overactive thyroid (which I had years ago) and breast cancer. I Discovered a medical paper saying radioactive iodine (which I had to treat my thyroid in 2006) doubles the risk of breast cancer 5 - 10 years after treatment. Now I am really worried that I may be at higher risk of cancer appearing in the left side. I have asked to have a prophylactic mastectomy and then double diep reconstruction. Has anyone else had this? I am not suitable for LD as no tissue on my back. Diep is not done in Limerick so I am to be refered to Beaumont. Anyone know what the current waiting list is like? I feel I cannot get my life back together till this is done. I already had to wait an extra 3 months for the referal because my surgeon was on maternity leave and the locum wouldn't refer me!
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posted by wilmaone
18 January 2013

Tamoxifen and taste issues

Last reply: 27 January 2013 16:14
Hi Just wondering if anyone on tamoxifen have any issues with their taste?I have noticed that every couple of weeks my taste changes and although i can eat nothing is enjoyable which is a disaster when it comes to my cup of tea!!!!I had thought it was left over side effect of chemo but am now wondering if its tamoxifen related. Thanks W
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posted by Dane7
19 January 2013

Aromatase Inhibitors

Last reply: 20 January 2013 11:19
Hi guys Can't do Tamixofen because chemi has given me Clots so they are starting me on these next week. A few questions for anyone who has has these - what were the side effects and how did you deal with them. Was it better to take first thing in the morning or before bed? With or without food. Thanks guys any tips or hints gratefully Received.
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posted by Dane7
19 January 2013

Constant Sore Throats

Last reply: 22 January 2013 12:50
Hello all Before I was diagnosed had got lots of sore throats and lost my voice regularly. This continued through every Chemo session. Bit concerned about it but medics ignoring my concerns. Anyone else experience this at all?
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posted by Neadi
20 January 2013

Good luck!!!!

Last reply: 22 January 2013 22:13
It's a big week for dee (tests) and Wicklow lady (operation). Best of luck to the two of you!! Will be keeping all crossed Xx
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posted by WicklowLady
20 January 2013

Chemo fluff!!!

Last reply: 20 January 2013 21:51
Well girls got very excited this morning as I have something growing on my head!! Couldn't say it's hair but it's something. Think maybe because I had a 20% reduction in my last 2 chemos the regrowth is quicker. Happy days think it'll be a long time before I've a pony tail but I'm happy with my chemo fluff lol xxx
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