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posted by WicklowLady
21 January 2013

Lumpectomy done

Last reply: 22 January 2013 22:22
Happy days I'm back in the ward since 6pm all is well I feel ok. I'm STARVING!! Please God the results will be good next weekxxx
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posted by RoseoHH
23 January 2013

Feeling strange before last Taxol tomorrow

Last reply: 11 February 2013 16:58
I've been following the BC forum for the past 7 months and this is my first time to post. Tomorrow I'm due to have my last Taxol and I'm feeling kind of strange today. The chemo I had was EC x 4 and Taxol x 12. My treatment will not end tomorrow as I also have to get radiation x 28 and this will begin on 5th February. Did any of you feel strange or apprehensive before your last chemo? I can't believe I've made it this far (mastectomy and chemo) but when I think of all I've gone through the last 6 months, it's still all a bit of a nightmare. I just hope that the chemo has done it's job and that I never have to go to the oncology day ward again. Any feedback on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by Starlight
08 July 2011

Another Need reconstruction advice

Last reply: 25 July 2011 23:16
Hi, I have been reading your messages for some time but this is my 1st to write 1 myself. I was diagnosed last summer and have had my chemo, a mastectomy and rads. I was wondering if there is anyone that could give me advice on my reconstruction. I have been referred to Mr N Ajmal in Beaumont. Has anyone had their reconstruction done by him or can you give me any feedback on any of the plastic surgeons in Beaumont. Also as I am in my 20's and I'm considering having a Preventive mastectomy on the healthy breast. Has any one any advise on this too. Sorry for all the questions.
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posted by wexlass
11 July 2011


Last reply: 30 June 2015 02:43
Hi everyone, Following a strong family history (Mother, aunt, maternal grandmother) I was diagnosed with DCIS on May 26th. Had wire localisation on June 15th which showed more cells in the margin! Back on July 20th for another excision to see if they can get the clear margin and will definitely be having radiotherapy. I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? Do surgeons keep going back until they get a clear margin or are they more inclined to recommend a mastectomy?
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posted by ceedee
14 July 2011

Chemo Over

Last reply: 21 July 2011 00:25
Ive finished the chemo thanks for all the advice ladies.I had the chemo on a Friday and found Mon to Thurs after that my bad days but then I picked up.I found rice crispies and ice cold milk a life saver as I didnt feel like eating much for the four bad days.I never bought mouth wash just gargled with salt water after eating. Any weight loss after the first week was soon put back on by the next session.So its great to be finished I have to go on Tamoxifen in a few weeks so thats it for now.Looking forward to the hair growing back.Off to England tomorrow to see my 82 yr old Mum it will be a lovely suprise for her shes as fit as a flee and sharp as a razor. Looking forward to getting back to work part time and riding horses again. Good Luck ceedee
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posted by sunflower
23 July 2011

What happens next

Last reply: 03 August 2011 17:48
hi I have finished my treatment now and have 2 appointments coming up. But what happens next? Do the docs order new scans to see if the cancer is gone? I have asked these ? but cant get a straight ans from any one. After radio th when does the tiredness go? I seem to be sleeping alot but know that if i didnt need the sleep I wouldnt be sleeping. I guess i thought that I would be able to get back to the way I was. i also feel that all my postivity has gone. The cancer wont take over me but I guess the past year has just drained me and I dont want this to contiune. Is this normal to feel like this? I dont miss the hospital and have to say the staff every where were great. Sorry for all the questions. Sunflower
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posted by ger53
28 July 2011

New member to message board

Last reply: 10 September 2011 19:28
Hi all, Just a short introduction to you all. I have just been diagnosed with Lobular breast cancer and have been reading the boards with great interest. There is a wealth of experience here and I feel so comforted at the thought of being able to share my inner most thoughts whilst having to go through this process. It is a very surreal feeling having been given the information for my treatment and it still does not feel like its happening to me, more like I'm talking about someone else. I have just started taking Femara and as my medical history is very complicated I have lots of worries over adding to my very large medicine cupboard. The odd thing is I have not even cried other than when I got the news, I'm not sure if its because i still don't believe it or I'm holding it together for everyone else in the family. The biggest shock I got was the other day when I noticed a girl in the local shopping centre with a bandanna and the sleeve for lymph edema, she made me want to go over to her and hug her and say hey I'm going to be with you in another while.The very thought of being able to chat with someone who is going through this is so good. I'm not in the least bit vain but have the same issues most women have and like to try to look my best. I dont have a face like Sinead O'Conner for baldness and have ample boobs so the thought of having one gone is scaring the bejaysus out of me. I am so confused over the whole discussion on re-construction. Do you do it along with your mastectomy or later? what are the pro's and con's to it all. I have read some of the information you guys have posted which is definitely helping. I too like some of the posters here have had enough of people saying ahh theres great success for breast cancer and I know someone who had it 10 years ago and they are great now etc. Its so daunting the idea of the whole process and I would be really happy to join you all in the different topics that arise here. Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to hearing how you all are getting on. Love and peace Ger53
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posted by LindyLu
29 July 2011

And then there were four!

Last reply: 02 August 2011 20:46
Just wondering whether many of ye lovely ladies have a family history of BC with a negative BrCa diagnosis ??? Here our our family stats. Interestingly they all run down the paternal line if that is the correct word for father. 1 - My aunt, my dads youngest sister diagnosed aged 45 about 8 years ago now. Mast, chemo, rads, tamoxifen - she is doing well today. 2 - me, diagnosed at 39 two and a half years ago. Mast, chemo, rads and now a clinical trial instead of tamoxifen 3 - my first cousin, so my dads brother's daughter, diagnosed about a year ago aged 41. Mast, chemo, tamoxifen 4 - my aunt, another sister, diagnosed last week aged 70. My cousin and I have both had negative BrCa results but holy God, this has to be too many in one family. I should add my dad is one of nine. All are still alive and range from about 75 to 55. Any thoughts???
1 comment
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posted by sunflower
02 August 2011

Arimidex/Zoladex, anyone with info

Last reply: 21 September 2011 08:58
Hi I went to see Oncology Doc today and he suggested I start taking Arimidex and Zoladex. has anyone been on these? How is zoladex given? Is it an injection? The nurse said something about a pellet??? I was a bit taken back cause i thought I would be on Tamoxifen. I dont mind what I have to take but just wondering if anyone else has taken these durgs? The staff are great but as always it is good to hear from people who have firsthand experience. Sunflower
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posted by wexlass
04 August 2011

For the first time...I'm rattled!

Last reply: 06 August 2011 21:26
Went back for results of 2nd excision today and they still haven't gotten a clear margin. Unfortunately, my consultant is on hols for 3 weeks, so I only spoke to Registrar. My options are: 1. Have 3rd excision done (Day procedure) in the hope that they'll get it this time, but big possibility I'll lose nipple. If it is clear, then that could be the end of it and I may not need radiotherapy as previously suggested. If NOT clear...then it will definitely be a mastectomy and I will want recon and reduction on healthy breast. 2. Forget the above and just have a mastectomy with recon and reduction. I am leaning more towards option 1 in an effort to try and spare the breast as long as possible. The thing is....DCIS is very treatable and I know they will get rid of the cancer one way or another...but at this stage, what has me rattled, is, if I have to have a mastectomy and recon how I'm going to look I very vain or wha? I need to do a bit of research into mastectomy and recons. I am in Waterford Hospital and they only do implants which I'm not enamoured with. The Registrar today says that they rarely do TRAM flaps nowadays as many people were getting hernias after them. He mentioned Latissimus Dorsi recon, which didn't appeal to me either. I have heard that DIEP is the "Rolls Royce" of recons and that Beaumont Hospital do them. Has anyone else any experience that they would like to share with me re DIEP? Latissimus Dorsi? Which Surgeon? Which hospital? Is it all covered by health insurance? I am going back on Aug 25th to discuss options with my consultant but would like to have my homework done beforehand. Thank God for this site and such wonderful people as you all are. Sending you all the healing angels.
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