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posted by wexlass
11 November 2011

The long wait is almost over...

Last reply: 02 January 2012 00:32
...and I start Radiotherapy on Monday. It's been hanging over me for 2 months now and am relieved at last to be starting...30 will be going right up to Dec 23rd. Hopefully there won't be any machine breakdowns or snow! Anyone have any tips please? Hope you are all doing well on your journey. Micheline.
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posted by ephemere
08 December 2011

working whilst on chemo

Last reply: 13 December 2011 09:06
Hi anyone who is wondering about this- Thought I'd post quickly on this topic, as I'd started asking about it a few months ago, before starting chemo. Anyhow, and we don't all have choices in this regard, I recognise, but I kept up my work- a bit. And it helped enormously. I went on sick leave from my full time job as that involved too much travelling, but I kept up, sort of, my self employed practice. To be honest, my super-employee fronted for me, and did everything, but it kept me sane to try to work. I sort of followed her into meetings and pretended to understand what I was doing, and typed aimlessly a lot of the time, but other times I did make good and big decisions and presentations. I really felt much better for the sense of doing something worthwhile and not being a full-time invalid. However, I did have help, I did have a choice, and I also slept and rested a lot. There were days when I was in a chemo daze and towards the end my cognition and memory definitely deteriorated (that was a bit frightening), but its grand again now, seven weeks after final chemo. I was on the pretty aggressive TAC, which though horrid and not at all easy, was survived. There you go, started rads and Tamoxifen this week. Waiting for menopause to kick in any day now. Sincere good luck to everyone... xxxxxxxx
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posted by mary23
03 January 2012

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 13 January 2012 14:46
Has anyone had mamosite and brackytherapy for breast cancer. I had this last year and have had a lot of problems
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posted by mary23
04 January 2012


Last reply: 05 January 2012 00:32
I had mammosite and brackytherapy last year wondered did anyone else have this and did they have any problems
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posted by Twiggy
12 January 2012

Anyone starting chemo in late Jan/early Feb?

Last reply: 20 January 2012 17:27
Hello! I was diagnosed with breast cancer in late Nov, grade 2 stage 2, had lumpectomy and node biopsy which showed minuscule traces of cancer so had lymph glands removed on 14 Dec but luckily all others were clear. Scans all clear. Met my Oncologist the other day and am due to start chemo, 6TC over 18 weeks, in 2 weeks in Tallaght (am patient in Vincent's but they have no cold caps) Just wondering if anyone else will be starting then too? Was terrified but seem to have my head round things a bit better now especially after meeting th Oncologist who was so nice and also reassuring. Love Linda xx
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posted by Annie3
01 February 2012

Hello Everyone! First posting, a bit scared!

Last reply: 29 April 2012 16:23
Hi Everyone, Just a quick introduction. Today I'm exactly two weeks post-op - lumpectomy plus wide margins plus three lymph node removals. Discovered lump (just under 2cms) end of November'11, had mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy by mid-December. Diagnosis of IDC Christmas week and two days before my 60th birthday! Shocked but overall, took it very well, didn't have too much time to dwell on it as I was up to my eyes in Christmas preparations! Back with Dr. yesterday who told me the great news that the lymph nodes are clear, my cancer is hormone positive so now I await appointment with Oncologist. My treatment will either be hormones or Chemo but definitely five weeks of Radiotherapy. I'm scared that the hormone treatment won't be sufficient to prevent the reoccurance of the breast cancer. The people I hear of having a 15-20+ years of being cancer free probably would have had chemo plus radiotherapy. Should I be scared? Feeling more confused than ever and very weepy. Thanks, Annie3
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posted by GlassHalfFull
08 February 2012

Fertility considerations?

Last reply: 09 February 2012 20:33
Hi Girls, Sarah here from Cork. I'm new to this and this is my first post (although I did compose others before this one!!). I've been very positive and upbeat since my DX on 16th Jan. I've had my surgery etc and all that already. Things are moving very quickly. I had my first meeting with my oncologist yesterday evening. And I'm a little overwhelmed with all the info. I followed and understood everything so that's not my question really. The subject of fertility came up. And I was told I'd go into an early menopause that I may or may not come back out of. And I'm going to be on Tamoxifen for 5 years too. So I have to decided today if I want to go and see a fertility guy here in Cork for a consultation. And if it's something I want to take further they'll send me to London or Belgium. It's all a lot to take in and think about. I'm 36 (37 in April) and very very single!!! And I can't see that changing in the near future. So I'm not sure the kids thing was on the menu for me anyway. But this is very much closing that door for good. I'm just wondering if anyone else had to make these sorts of decisions and how you handled it all. I'm facing into so much as it is. 6 sessions of chemo, a year of herceptin, a lengthy spell of RT and tamoxifen.... Definitely overwhelmed today. Oh and where did people go for their wig??? I have all that to sort too. So much to do... Sarah XXX
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posted by RachPower
20 March 2012


Last reply: 23 March 2012 12:11
Hello, I've never posted for this reason in a message board, so forgive me please if it's the wrong forum to do so. I'm a final year journalism student doing my FYP on the health care system in Irleand, and I'm also writing an article on breast cancer care and treatment here too. I'm looking for people to share their experiences with me about this - it's something that has touched my family too but I'm looking for outsiders to give me a better view on how the health system cares for breast cancer patients. I apologise again if this is the wrong forum in which to do or ask so, Rachael
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posted by ceedee
20 February 2012

One Year On

Last reply: 06 March 2012 19:00
This time last year I had just been diagnosed with BC my world was turned upside down but after surgery and reconstruction in March and Chemo from April til July treatment was over, im taking Tamoxafen every day. I started back to work two days a week in October and im in great form,I go to Zumba once a week ride my pony nearly every day and generally keep myself fit.We went skiing as a family in January and had a ball and im off to Cyprus in March with my mum and sister . I go to our local Cancer support Centre nearly every week and have reflexology and various other treatments and love to meet and chat with all the new friends I have met. My next check up is not until May so please God everything will be fine. Any new ladies if you have a local Cancer Support Centre do go along you will meet some amazing people who will give you great advice and all the services are free of charge.
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posted by Positive Girl
21 February 2012


Last reply: 28 February 2012 10:53
This is my 1st time to post but just wondering if anyone out there has had a DIEP FLAP reconstruction I am planning mine for April/May time and am excited but a bit scared too......I had a masectomy a year ago and that went as smoothly as these things can go.... 6 cycles of TC chemo and 25 sessions of Rad Therapy..I am fit and well and found during that journey that there were more good days than bad.........this is the final part of the process for me.....there was no cancer in any of my lymph nodes....I was stage 2 with lobular cancer..... thanks for any feedback
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