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posted by ger53
14 August 2011

Thinking of you!

Last reply: 16 August 2011 14:49
Hi there Mimiraffo, I know you are going in for surgery tomorrow and I will be in touch with you, just wanted to post a note here on the message board to wish you all the very best for a very speedy recovery and hope you are not too worried. I'll pop in to see you and if there are any special requests for anything please let me know. Go girl go! I'm with you all the way! Hugs Ger
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posted by ger53
14 August 2011

Has anyone been on Femara?

Last reply: 04 September 2011 18:07
Hi guys, I'm in my forth week of Femara, hormone therapy and I definitely feel like there is a reduction of the lump in my breast, is it possible for this to shrink completely? Ok maybe this is wishful thinking that I may not have to have a mastectomy. I have cancer in the lymph nodes as well and not sure if this actually reduces it too. I'm so confused over what should be happening. Part of me feels if I need surgery should it be happening sooner rather than later and will things change dramatically with the hormone therapy. thanks in advance for any advice on this. ger
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posted by Wall100
16 August 2011

Anyone with DCIS with micro invasion stage 1A HER2+?

Last reply: 18 August 2011 08:46
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has stage 1a with micro invasion <5cm which is HER2+? I am trying to decide whether to take aggressive treatment and have chemo and heceptin? My oncologist had said it is my decision and to weigh up the risks but his 'gut feeling' is not to have further treatment. Any experience would be appreciated. Also if any of you went for a second oncologist opinion in Dublin area - who did you go to and how do you organize it? Thank you
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posted by ceedee
18 August 2011

Critical Illness Cover

Last reply: 15 October 2011 16:45
Can anyone tell me how long it takes to come through,I applied more or less straightaway last March and all reports have been sent back to the Insurance Company. Im feeling good at the moment and would love to bring the family on a special holiday. Hair starting to come back and im in great form. Thanks CeeDee
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posted by wexlass
21 August 2011


Last reply: 26 August 2011 11:09
Just wondering if anyone has heard of them. I had a nutritional therapy appointment the other day and they recommended taking them. Salvestrols are natural compounds in the diet which are converted inside diseased cells, by a specific enzyme, into compounds that can destroy the diseased cell. They are part of a natural rescue mechanism and may be essential to maintain good health. This is an article they gave me to read about Salvestrols: ... udies1.pdf Just wondering if there is anyone out there who is taking them and has noticed any difference.
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posted by wexlass
25 August 2011

OMG! waiting is torture!!!

Last reply: 04 September 2011 18:33
Having had to wait 3 weeks till my consultant returned from holidays and in the mean time seeking a 2nd opinion, spoke to breast care nurses in Beaumont and the Mater, spoke to wonderful women who have had mastectomies and reconstructions, googled till all hours of the morning(s)...I thought I had myself around to the idea that a mastectomy was the way to go!!! I have been so anxious the last few days...fluctuating between the fact that (a) the cancer will be gone and (b) what will I look like with a "foob"? Met my consultant today, and following much discussion, and finding out a lot more information about my situation, we've decided to re-excise for one last time and hopefully get a clear margin. If not clear this time, then its definitely a mastectomy. I am much happier this evening and even if it isn't clear this time, I know I'll have given it a good shot at preserving the breast. It's a pity I hadn't had this conversation 3 weeks ago, then I wouldn't have had such an anxious 3 weeks, but I guess this is where I'm at re-excision on Aug 31st...results on Sept 15th...fingers crossed! This site is a God-send, even to write on here is therapeutic! Bless each and everyone of you on your journey! Micheline.
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posted by wexlass
02 September 2011

Morphine...It does not like me!

Last reply: 02 September 2011 22:14
Had 3rd surgery on Wednesday and morphine again caused the BP and heart rate to drop. Made me feel very, very groggy and I was so sick on the way home...had to pull into the side of the road (apologies for being graphic)!!!!!! I am going to tell them to put it in BOLD on my chart not to give me morphine again should I have further surgery. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience and what other form of pain relief did you use and was it effective? Energy levels are a bit down today but I forget I have had 3 anaesthetics in 3 poor body has been through alot. Ah well, just have to be extra nice to myself so Hope everyone else is doing well. Micheline.
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posted by ger53
04 September 2011

I got new puppies!

Last reply: 09 September 2011 02:39
Ok - not foobs ....but real live happy beagle pups and I'm in love with them. I'm sorry I have not been following any of the forums or answering any posts as I'm so wrapped up in my new pups, Coco and Bonnie. Its like having kids again, cant take my eyes of them, not just to protect them but because they are so adorable. They have given me a new perspective on life and I'm not going around thinking the whole time about my breast cancer. I'm living now and enjoying life more. The conversations in the house is all about the pups and when we have visitors its all about the pups, not about my cancer which is great! Its another dimension on how our brains have something else to concentrate on and how happy I feel inside. Aside from being diagnosed with BC I also am not working which for me after 35 years working felt like I was missing something. Now I realize that so many other things make you happy and content, work was a means to an end really, other than the relationships you develop whilst working. My children are for the most part up and running, so this is my empty nest syndrome as some one put it to me and I'm loving every minute of it. Hugs to all and Mimiraffo I will give you a call soon, sorry I missed you recently. Ger
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posted by wexlass
15 September 2011

Clear Margins

Last reply: 01 October 2011 19:45
Today I got great news...after 3 attempts, they managed to get clear margins! I have to have radiotherapy for a few weeks but I am preserving my breast. It has been a roller coaster since April 4th...but life is so freaking good now! I have so much to be thankful for. Whilst my journey still continues...I hope all of you are doing well on yours. Bless each and everyone of you. I will keep looking in on you all. Micheline.
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posted by glucosesweet
26 September 2011


Last reply: 04 October 2011 00:04
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