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posted by shinners
04 January 2013

Back Pain

Last reply: 10 January 2013 16:48
Hi Guys Have been having problems with bad back pain since before Christmas. My GP gave me the usual, difene, paracetmol and anxicalm. I always suffered with back pain prior to being diagnosed in Jan 2011, but I am now stressing that there may be some nasty lurking in my body. Finished all my treatments in July 2012 and am now on Tamoxifen. Had my 3 month check up with Oncologist in early Dec( prior to back pain ) and am not back until March. Should I just keep taking the meds for the back pain in the hope that it will eventually go or should I talk to my oncologist. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks Sinéad
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posted by deefed
06 January 2013

4 AC finished now 4 Taxol to be done

Last reply: 12 January 2013 09:14
Hi All Finished the four AC and now starting 4 Taxol. Just wondering if anyone has done the Taxol after AC and if so did you find it different the symptons afterwards? Is Taxol worse or better do you think? Please be honest I can handle it Thanks in advance girls for any feedback. Dee
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posted by Neadi
10 January 2013

One down five to go!!!

Last reply: 12 January 2013 17:12
Well gals I went and now only have five more to go! It wasn't as bad as I thought although I spent the day staring around like bambi caught in headlights!! Finally got to meet dee in person which was brilliant!!! Dee you're even more inspiring in the flesh and you're brill!! So now we wait and see what happens!! Dee keeps telling me it'll be ok!! Mary thanks for thinking of us!! Anriocht you were so right! I am wrecked!! On the way.....
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posted by Neadi
07 January 2013


Last reply: 10 January 2013 08:30
Just been for my lovely info session and have to have a neulasta injection. What exactly is it and what should I expect???? Thanks Xx
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posted by WicklowLady
08 January 2013

Just got my operation date yippee!!!!

Last reply: 10 January 2013 18:48
My lovely friends, just wanted to share with you that I'm going in on Monday week 21st Jan for my lumpectomy oh I can't wait to get rid of this cancer HAPPY DAYS . Things can't get better I'm finished chemo and I'm having my op, life is good. I'm so happy. oh God I hope nothing happens to burst my bubble. Think all cancer patients have little, only little, doubts in the back of their mind. I'm here for you all if you need encouragement xxxx
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posted by Neadi
08 January 2013

Does anywhere do decent curly wigs???

Last reply: 24 January 2013 23:37
What a frustrating day.... Went to a load of wig shops and pretty much got the same answer. "you have lovely curls but we won't be able to match your hair" Is there anyone out there who managed to get a decent curly wig. Am so fed up....
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posted by Ania
09 January 2013

Scar cream??

Last reply: 12 January 2013 00:26
Hi all just wondering if anyone got any recommendations from plastics or hospitals for creams or lotions that help reduce scars after surgery? My plastics guy wouldnt recommend anything, but surely there is something out there that helps, right?
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posted by NAS27
09 January 2013

No chemo today ..

Last reply: 14 January 2013 18:56
Hello all.. Went in for Taxol number 10 today but they didn't give it due to the neuropathy which is too bad at the moment . Kinda was expecting it a bit ...glad and a bit sad at the same time !(so near yet so far!) I had really bad pains all over my body last night ..didn't have the best sleep so was wrecked when I went in at 8.30. Have lost my eyebrows and and eyelashes but my hair is growing back!Also have a rash on my face from the taxol..Nurses were so great and supportive ...will see how I get on this week ....more rest will do me good . Anyway treated myself to a new pair of runners as all my shoes are hurting me so am happy about that. Hope you are all good x S
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posted by anriocht
09 January 2013

Mouthwash?? Mouthwash with cloves extract v. Corsodyl

Last reply: 19 January 2013 11:37
Hi all, I know one of you very, very kindly gave a tip to those of us starting chemo on the importance of not using Corsodyl as it blackens teeth and one of you mentioned a mouthwash that you got in a health store which was better and it had cloves in it and other good ingredients too. I have searched through all the posts and I can't seem to find the details, I know my brain isn't very good at the moment anyway. In fact, the oncology nurse was surprised yesterday that I was prescribed Corsodyl, as not alone does it stain the teeth, it can also irritate the lining of the mouth and obviously this is something we want to avoid when having chemo. Also just wondered if any of you found KIN mouthwash good. I lost my aunt to cancer in September and when she was undergoing chemo, she found this good also. Thanks a million, Mxx
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posted by Ania
09 January 2013

Herceptin rash

Last reply: 12 January 2013 13:45
Hi ladies another question for ya! I have had 11 sessions of herceptin to date. Just before my 10th one I developed an itchy rash on my head and I thought it was just my new hair. Now just before my 11th I have an itchy rash all over my face and chest. Nothing like this before, could it be a reaction to the herceptin? Anyone else ever had a reaction to herceptin?
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