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posted by FunkyChick
16 November 2012

Tamoxifen & Hair Loss

Last reply: 29 December 2012 21:25
Anyone got any experience of losing their hair while on Tamoxifen? Went through all treatments last year & got a lovely head of curls back post treatment. In the last week I've lost lots of hair in patches, from the back of my head only (thank God). My GP says Alopecia due to stress. After recent very successful re-con I think I relaxed for the first time since I was diagnosis & that's when the hair loss began. I am no longer losing hair but have bald patches at the back of my head. Luckily I can cover over with other hair at the moment. Am on Tamoxifen since July2011. Anyone any experiences or advice?
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posted by anriocht
17 November 2012

Reconstruction v. Breast Prosthesis

Last reply: 02 December 2012 15:00
I found out in last week that I need to undergo a mastectomy and will be having it in next few weeks. I was hoping to hear from those who have had reconstruction and how you found the recovery and most of all the end result. I would also love to hear about those who did not opt for the reconstruction and decided to have breast prosthesis instead. Have to admit that I am somewhat put off by the surgery time, recovery time of a reconstruction and also the risk that it may fail. Feel it is a big decision and would love to hear from any of you. Many thanks
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posted by Fighter
17 November 2012

Exhausted after radiotherapy

Last reply: 18 November 2012 22:01
I had 25 rounds of radiotherapy, finished it on Oct. 1st. I am still completely wiped out after it. Is this normal? I have energy in the morning but then all of a sudden my energy just goes, as if I've just run out of power. A lie down for half an hour recharges me. I go for a walk most days, eat well and get plenty of sleep. When am I going to feel normal again?
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posted by Josephine
20 November 2012

St. Luke's lodge

Last reply: 09 December 2012 19:35
Hi all Just wondering if anyone stayed in the lodge in st Luke's? It's being offered to me as I have to travel a long distance everyday for radiotherapy which is starting tomorrow in st. james hosp. On one hand, I'd like to save myself the hassle of travelling and conserve some energy but on the other hand I'm worried about being away from the kids. I'm also thinking would it make the days very long and lonely. Has anyone stayed there? Any thoughts?
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posted by Neadi
21 November 2012

still here

Last reply: 23 November 2012 00:07
hi everyone. I hope everyone is well and best of luck with rads chemo etc.... I'm still here:-( drains are still pulling too much fluid , but i may get home today.... So five days on, still adjusting to the newness of it all, and just really lookingforward to getting home.... just very afraid of the coming chemo - wish i didnt have to do it
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posted by wilmaone
21 November 2012

clink clink penny has dropped!!!

Last reply: 28 November 2012 22:05
Hi all Well its only taken a year but the penny has dropped well the whole money jar actually!!!I HAD CANCER.Arrrrrgggh!!i finished herceptin last thursday and what a memorable one it was 6 attempts to get vein.Then woke up saturday with cystitus which is now full blown kidney infection.Thought id be sooo happy to be finished but its the strangest feeling.Dont take me wrong i am happy just dont know if im coming or going.I have follow up on monday i assume to check all is well and for the last two weeks or so ive had pain and dull ache in armpit on and off ,dont know if its head playing tricks,scars or the unmentionable!!(had this before diagnoses too)Just have to mention it on monday although i dont want too.This cancer crap is really head wrecking. Hope your all getting on ok xx
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posted by Neadi
25 November 2012

Pathology report

Last reply: 28 November 2012 14:39
Hi gang! Tomorrow we go up to find out what the surgeon and his team found as a result of my mastectomy and auxiliary clearance on nov 15th. Does this vary greatly from the original diagnosis??? Am so afraid that there are still some nasty surprises waiting fir us still on the journey.... My nurse tells me I'm "cancer free" but still won't or can't believe it until I hear it from mr surgeon!! Also my drain is still pulling loads of fluid from my's always very slow in the morning, but when I get up and move around it drains and drains......was hoping to get rid tomorrow but don't think it's likely now......
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posted by Neadi
30 November 2012

Hurdle 1

Last reply: 30 November 2012 16:48
Yay! I can now say that I am according to the surgeon : cancer free!!!! Hurdle 2 and hurdle 3 await me and I have to meet oncology in 2 weeks time. But it's a relief to finally hear that it's gone and everything else they give me is to make sure it never comes back!!!! Now if I could get rid of the drain, life would be excellent!!!!
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posted by Neadi
01 December 2012

Pain after mastectomy

Last reply: 02 December 2012 18:57
Hi there!! Just wondering if this is "normal"??? I'm two weeks post mastectomy and things according to medics are going fine. However, the numbness is wearing off, still have drain, but I keep getting pains in my arm and at the top of my "breast". I have fluid build up at the top also which they won't remove for some reason, but just wondering is this was normal? I was flying along until Thursday and just lying down is uncomfortable and a pain in the ass!!! Hmmmmm......
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posted by shirls
01 December 2012

Awful Nails

Last reply: 02 December 2012 20:08
Hi Ladies, A minor thing really but just wanted to check whether any of you ladies had problems with your hand nails after chemo. I have developed awful looking red/purpley marks on all my nails. Sort of look like a burn. They are taking up 3/4 of each nail. I was at a beauty salon today but the best advice the poor girl could give was to cover them with a dark polish ! Is there anything I can use to help get rid of these marks? Shirls
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