Breast cancer
posted by shirls
02 July 2012

What Should I Expect

Last reply: 28 August 2012 21:53

Hi Girls,
I'm starting my chemo this Friday (6 x TCH) Any advice on how I should expect to feel. I would appreciate any advice you can give.



commented by Madge1
03 July 2012

03 July 2012 11:49

Hi shirls
Nothing really prepares you for it. I had six rounds of TCH starting on June last year. Effects seem to be different for everyone. The first one was bad for about five days and then perked up as each each one went on it got worse but when your living through it you really take it as it comes the nausea was terrible but there are so many drugs out there tell the nurses and they will give you ones to suit you. I don't know if you'll have to take neulasta injections if you do the pains from that are bad but the nurse told me the pain in lower back was cells regenerating so it's all in a good cause!

I finished in October really didn't realise how bad iwas until people started telling me how well I look now. Had surgery in November and radio in January and February finished herceptin in June have got the all clear and don't have to back until December. I can honestly say that I feel better now than before I knew I had cancer. There will be some horrible days for you but there will be good ones too.

Be kind to yourself and never feel bad about letting people do things for you just concentrate on you and remember it will all be worth it.

Take care of yourself

Madge x

commented by GlassHalfFull
27 August 2012

27 August 2012 19:04

Hi Shirls,

Well you're what? 2/3 TCH's into things now?

How are you doing? I finished my 6 x TCH in June. For me no. 4 was the worst one. I bounced back better after the others but no. 4 knocked the stuffing out of me.

I found keeping a diary very helpful coz it seemed every cycle measured up exactly the same as before. The worst things for me were the nausea, the constipation, and managing the food issues. I never really hit on anything that worked for me. Dry crackers on my two really bad days were about the best. Being honest the whole food thing I found quite depressing at times. The spirit was willing but the taste buds didn't allow any satisfaction. Good news is about a month after your last one you'll be back to normal again with the help of God.

I did enjoy the good days though. It was such a novelty to feel well that I was quite 'manic' on the good days. I filled those days with lots of coffee/lunch dates with girlfriends. I have the luxury to be able to do that thank God. And having a few little things like that gave me something to look forward to. Little goals....

If you're feeling up to it let us know how you're getting on. We'd love to hear from you. Keep the faith. It's feckin' awful but it's not forever.

Sending my love & best wishes.
Sarah. X

commented by shirls
28 August 2012

28 August 2012 12:29

Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your kind message, God knows I need it today. Had my 3rd TCH on Friday and can honestly say it's been the toughest yet. I feel so low and am in a constant state of tears. The nausea and tiredness are unreal, but my biggest problem is just dealing with the whole diagnosis, getting my head around it. So much has happended since I found that little lump in March. I never ever would have thought I'd be dealing with breast cancer at 35. On a positive note it's reading messages like yours that gives me the faith that just like you I will come through this, you should be so proud of yourself,
Thanks again for your kind thoughts,

commented by kazoo
28 August 2012

28 August 2012 21:02

I, too, found the second and third the worst. I had 8 lots, finishing up last Oct, and the final 4 weren't too bad so hang on in there, it will get better. Like Sarah says, enjoy stuff when you're having the 'good' days and just rest on the bad ones. Make sure you accept all the help you're offered and let the tears flow. Eight months on from chemo, I still cry sometimes, cancer's a bitch, but you get through it and become a stronger person. And on the bad days, you can always log in here and find support. We all do that. Wishing you all the best. X

commented by wilmaone
28 August 2012

28 August 2012 21:53

Hi shirls

Hang in there 3rd was the worst for me too!!!Had been getting along nicely till no3 it knocked the stuffing out of me!!But the last 3 were not as bad.I finished 6 rounds tch end of march had surgery still on herceptin till november and tamoxifen for 5 years.Like you never thought i would be dealing with this at 39.It is crappy but you will come out the other side.Be kind to yourself ,rest whenever you need to and enjoy the good days.Its totally normal to feel weepy i frequently still do its an entitlement for having this lousy disease.

Hugs and good thoughts

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