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posted by Josephine
21 October 2012

Dexamethasone-racing pulse?

Last reply: 28 October 2012 11:17
Hi all The night before I have the taxol I have to take 20mg dexamethasone at midnight and another 20mg at 6am. I find it sends my pulse racing constantly and really it doesn't stop doing that until 5 days later. If I walk upstairs, it gets even worse. Did anyone else follow this protocol and have a similar reaction? Thanks Jo
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posted by sasha
22 October 2012

Driven demented waiting

Last reply: 27 October 2012 10:55
Only u gang here are the only ones that can appreciate the sleepless nights and pounding heart that's become me over the last 12 days. I am in Eccles st. this thurs morn for my results of a core biopsy. I'm 39 so the statistics are pointing towards a good outcome. But I can't cant can't cope with the wait. My biopsy was on 9th oct. so I'm assuming if it was anything suspect they would have been in touch????
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posted by Neadi
23 October 2012

Opinions on soy products

Last reply: 05 November 2012 11:17
Hi there everyone! I was just wondering what everyone thought about dairy v soy products in the ol diet?? I've read so many conflicting views and opinions on this, was just wondering what the general consensus was?? Thanks xx
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posted by deefed
25 October 2012

Help Ingidgestion nearly unbearable

Last reply: 06 November 2012 17:52
Hi Guys Wondering if any tips on how to beat indigestion. I literally feel someone is squeezing around my heart indigestion is so bad can hardly breathe. Had it the other night as well it got so bad actually got sick twice - its like acid reflux or something and the next door neighbours can hear me burping. I got some anti-acids from chemist which dont seem to have done any good. Is this normal when going through Chemo? I have had heartburn and indigestion before but this is really painful. Trying to eat tiny amounts as often as possible. Any hints appreciated. People keep saying eat this eat that - but need to get a list together of what fruit and veg really arent acidy. thanks! Burp Burp
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posted by deefed
31 October 2012

Pulling my hair out!!!

Last reply: 10 November 2012 01:24
Hi Guys Well its finally happened day 12 after chemo - was sort of stupidly thinking maybe it wont happen. Literally pulling my hair out at the moment. Had an hour of tears on my own and feeling sorry for myself. Then realised an hour later that it really didnt help me and I felt worse. So now its all systems go, gonna get shaved by my hairdresser on Monday and get my wig sorted. Went on a shopping spree on annabandana they have fabulous prices around £6 for a lovely chemo bandana some other places are outrageous with prices around £20 plus for a scarf!! This for me is the second worst thing on this Cancer trail apart from hearing that I actually had cancer. A lot of women say bald is beuatiful with my head - mmmm dont think so. Its a huge shock I think when it happens and it really makes it real. Sort of think OMG will look sick. Great thing is though (apart from eyelashes and eybrows it goes from other places in your body so no more waxing!!!). I am 47 (mental age around 20) and for my age its amazing I have no grey hairs - the worst thing for me would be if it grew back grey as it would be such a shock. Hairdresser reckons it wont and a couple of people I have asked said so as well so fingers crossed! Hope all is well with you guys. Dee
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posted by WicklowLady
01 November 2012

Does chemo side effects get worse the more you get?

Last reply: 06 November 2012 09:47
Hi, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer on 17th August. It was like a bolt from the blue. I am attending Vincent's private and I cannot praise them enough. Both my surgeon and oncologist are female and are wonderful people I will be indebted to their expertise for the rest of my life. It's all positive, got it early lymph nodes are clear. Does anyone know if the chemo side effects get worse the more you get. I've had three and have three left at three week intervals. The first two were ok just very tired but this one was not good. I felt sick and the feeling in my mouth was dreadful and tired and restless. I just feel its taking me longer to feel 'normal' again. I have my chemo in a Monday and take anti sickness steroids until Friday then on sat/sun I am out of sorts for a few days. Just read here that the third one is the worst and the remaining three may not be as bad. Oh please tell me they won't be as bad as the last one, I hate feeling like this. Can't wait for Christmas Eve which is my last one. Only thing I cold stomach last weekend was Bovril!! I will so appreciate feeling well again. Mary Diagnosed early stage breast cancer 17th August Have undergone 3sessions of chemo out of six every 3 weeks.
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posted by NAS27
02 November 2012

starting taxol

Last reply: 05 November 2012 13:31
Hi there , I have just finished 4 sessions of the 3 weekly AC/5fU chemo in which I found the first 10 days pretty tough on and off .The side effects improved as I went along though I had to enlist help to mind my nearly 3 year old .On day 6 and 7 my balance used to get really bad and awful tension in my head . Anyway woohoo I am finished that cycle of chemo next on to the weekly Taxol. can anyone tell me how they are getting on with Taxol . I believe it won't be as strong as the AC but could have different side effects .Also I have to take quite a few steroids the night before ...sleepless night perhaps?! first time posting ,have meant to for ages ...! Thanks Sandra age 38 Diagnosed in may 2012 Her 2 positive Low Expessive 2+ 2 xsurgery lumpectomy sentinel lymph node ,5 removed AC /5FU chemo x4 Taxol X 12 raditherapy 36 sessions Started chemo 3 weeks ago starting 2nd session Thursday
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posted by Neadi
02 November 2012

Devastation again :(

Last reply: 14 November 2012 06:25
Ok, the sentinel node biopsy came back with micromets in what he took. Needless to say I am completely and utterly devastated. I think this is worse than the day I was diagnosed because the doc was so shocked. Now no immediate recon, chemo and rads for sure. I'm just so sick of this now. Just devastated.
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posted by deefed
05 November 2012

Bald and Happy

Last reply: 11 November 2012 09:07
Had a great day today so happy the way everything went. You can check out my Baldy Pics if you like ... ld-photos/ My head is fecking freezing though Thanks all Dee xx
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posted by Dane7
06 November 2012

Secondaries - breast to bone?

Last reply: 11 January 2013 23:49
Hi all Anyone experienced secondaries to the bone? Have severe rib pain and have had bone scan today. Scared witless only diagnosed in March this year. Have done chemo (which didn't work), mastectomy and am about to start radiotherapy next week. Has anyone has bone secondaries Or rib pain post mastectomy Dane
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