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posted by spudburf
20 January 2014

Mastectomy advice

I've made my choice so no need for any replies! Love this site by the way - great to see other people's opinions and advice. Hi all, I'm looking for advice on choosing a surgeon for my mastectomy and reconstruction. I'm in the process of finishing my last round of chemo - 10 weeks to go! Yey. and I have to let my oncologist know which surgeon I want as I need to have a mastectomy and reconstruction in a few months. Do I choose a surgeon and plastic surgeon or do I choose a surgeon who can do both?? I'm in Cork and there are only 2 surgeons that are trained to do both. Finding it a hard decision to make!! Any tips from someone who's been through this? Thanks.
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posted by sunshine71
12 December 2013


[color=#8000FF:3e1qfcfm]Hindsight is a wonderful thing! Just back from getting some new bras. Got my first ones from the surgeon, lovely white contraptions.....but wore them for quite a while as they were so comfortable and I was afraid I wouldnt find mastectomy bras as comfortable. I waited a year after surgery to get a 'proper' fitted bra and then they felt so good. Now, having lost a little weight, I went to get some new 'smaller' bras. Decided not to be sensible and didnt go for that good old 'nude' colour.........have to say feels great to have a black bra again , feels like forever since I wore one. And I feel great. So my advice is if your not sure about getting a mastectomy bra go in and try them on won't know until you try and you might be surprised how good you might feel. [/color:3e1qfcfm]
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posted by Amaryllis
03 November 2013

Tamoxifen & itchiness

I've been reading the posts about Tamoxifen - thanks as always for your great insights. I've been on it since June and apart from hot flushes every night, haven't noticed any other major side effects....except in the past week I've suddenly developed this awful vaginal itch which is driving me crazy..... Has anybody had anything similar and if so what do you do to relieve it?? Thanks Liz
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posted by youngk
20 August 2013

Has anyone had a TUG reconstruction?

Hi there. Saw my plastic surgeon again this week. It appears I have not enough fat on my tummy for the DIEP flap recon I was looking for (He says it looks like a tummy because I have lazy muscles!!) So have agreed to have the (double) recon done with flaps from my thighs. Has anyone had this procedure? any helpful hints on what to expect as I prepare for it? Karen
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posted by Dane7
09 August 2013

Double Mastectomy No Reconsteuction

Hi Ladies Had mastectomy last September right hand side and am due to have left mastectomy next month. Anyone in this situation not have Reconstruction done? Thanks Dane
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posted by Ania
07 August 2013

Just had enough of the drugs!!

Ladies, I desperately need your advice cos no one else understands!! I am 12 months into my cancer treatment, had chemo, surgery, rads and tamoxifen and I have just had enough! I'm done. I have had severe reactions consistently throughout my treatment and because I was so young I was just told I was stressed out. During chemo at varying stages I lost the ability to speak and walk, my head has been melted from all the drugs and I am just not able to make decisions, or be independent essentially, my head is just so badly fogged from everything. Anyway tamoxifen was suppose to be my last treatment, I was on it and due to severe reactions it was stopped for 6 wks and I felt great, then tried it again and only lasted 4 wks on it and my tremor came back (started with chemo but faded slowly after 6months) so it has now been stopped again. I just can't take it anymore, I seem to be really sensitive to drugs and no matter what, I suffer side effects. I just want to be normal and get back to some sort of life but I can't do that on drugs. I am going to tell my oncologist I have had enough and am refusing further treatment cos I can't take it anymore. I have had to give up my life for the last yr and am still waiting for final reconstruction in early oct but then I am off to aus to start again. As far as I am aware the tamoxifen reduces my personal risk of reoccurrence from 15% to 10% which I personally think is useless to me cos if u get cancer in ur 20's there is no way I will get a forty year free pass, if its going to come back it will and I have a tried everything to give myself the best chance but enough is enough! Ye know the pains associated with all the different medications and know that it's not easyi would like to hear your thought before I make radical decisions, any advice really appreciated!!!!
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posted by deefed
11 April 2013

Sorry havent been around much - fancy a beer?

Hi Ladies So sorry have not been on for AGES!!!! last time I think I posted was when had finished final chemo. Due mascetomy on Tuesday week in Vinnies. Just wanted to let you know if any ladies are interested am having a post chemo booze up this Saturday in the Goat Grill in Goatstown will be a good crowd and having a DJ to celebrate getting this far. If any of you around and would like to come please feel free. I will be back soon to read all new posts life has been hectic! Dee XX
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posted by youngk
05 March 2013

expander implant before Diep recon?

Did anyone else have an expander implant fitted when they had their mastectomy and then have a Diep reconstruction later? just wondering how it turned out as I was recommended to have the expander to preserve my skin, but the plastic surgeon says it might make recon more difficult and he would not have recommended it! I was reluctant to have any implant but thought it would give the best end result, now I'm not so sure! Karen
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posted by encee
14 January 2013

Seperated Tendon job anyone?

Hi ladies Just wondering if anyone has had to have their tendon seperated following Latissimus Dorsi reconstruction? It looks like this is on the cards for me. I blocked my ears when the surgeon started talking about it the other day & told her we might talk about it over a cup of tea in a few months! But of course now I'm curious and keeping true to myself, I haven't been able to see much about it on the normal, reliable websites. Anyone been through this?
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posted by Dane7
21 September 2012

Cmf chemo to sensitise before radiotherapy

Hi all Just had mastectomy following 6 cycles of chemotherapy Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. The team have now told me I need CMF chemotherapy to sensetise before radiotherapy. Did anyone else have this? If so how many cycles were done and how many months did it take? Thanks Dane
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