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posted by AdaJ
11 August 2023

Pathology results from Mastectomy

Last reply: 16 August 2023 11:26
I was diagnosed with ER/PR+ breast cancer in February 2022. I was advised to have two surgeries after which they were unable to reach clear margins. On this basis I was advised that chemotherapy was necessary. Five weeks after chemotherapy my surgeon advised a full mastectomy, completed in October 2022. The final pathology from the tissue following my mastectomy stated there was no disease present in the breast. Has anyone here has a similar experience with the same ER/PR+ T2N1 diagnosis?
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posted by Lainey16
06 August 2023

Bone scan results

Last reply: 08 August 2023 12:37
I have been scheduled for a full body bone scan on Wednesday for a lesion on my sternum,I am going on holidays on Sunday and I'm just wondering does anyone know how quick I could get results,would love them before my holiday
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posted by RB238
01 August 2023

Recurring Breast Cancer

Last reply: 02 August 2023 20:39
Hi, I've been diagnosed for a 3rd time with breast cancer March 2023. In 2017 I was diagnosed with Invasive ductal carcinoma, HER2 positive. Had Lumpectomies in both breast. AC chemo therapy (4 sessions) Taxol for 18 sessions & 8 weeks of radiation. In remission for 4 years. In February 2022 I found a lump behind my left nipple & because of my history I got checked out & they discovered 2 small tumours under my breast. Had 4 sessions of chemo & than a double mastectomy in November 2022. No treatment follow up. In March 2023 I again found a small lump on my left chest wall. After investigation etc it has been discovered that the cancer has come back and has now spread into my skin & the muscle of my left chest wall which is horrendously painful. I'm 8 sessions of chemo in. Long story I know but I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced something like this? I'm told there is a new "Super" drug called Astrazeneca. Has anyone heard of it? Any information or advice would be lovely. Thanks
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posted by twig88
01 August 2023

Post radiation on breast

Last reply: 03 August 2023 14:33
Hi, I had a lumpectomy July 2022 followed by chemo and then radiation. I finished my radiation 7th June this year so 8 weeks ago. I’m beginning to have some pain in my breast near my scar and towards my armpit, also my breast feels like there’s a lump near my scar also, could this be something to do with the after effects of radiation?
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posted by Bowie11
01 August 2023

Dad has melonoma

Last reply: 09 August 2023 11:24
Recently found out my dad has melonoma from a mole in his leg. He has gotten it removed and is getting tests done. He got an ultrasound on his groin and is due to get a PET/CT scan. I’m so worried and panicked and I read that these are only requested for advanced melonoma. Is this the case? I am in a constant state of shock as his diagnosis and can’t get it out of my mind, feels like a bad dream.
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posted by Lainey16
01 August 2023

Breast mri but found lesion on chest wall bone

Last reply: 11 August 2023 17:05
Anyone have a breast mri that showed up clear but they found a lesion on my sternum bone,I'm so worried,anyone experience of this
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posted by fritche
31 July 2023

Radiation therapy after lumpectomy

Last reply: 02 October 2023 14:46
Hello everyone, I am 6 weeks post op now and I was told that I will be contacted by the hospital for the radiation therapy and I am so worried because they never start my radiation yet. I just want to ask for anyone who had undergone lunpectomy and radiation how many weeks you have waited before the radiation had started? Thank you and God bless us all
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posted by Genevieve
29 July 2023

Hair re growth & removal post chemo

Last reply: 29 July 2023 15:45
Hi there, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last November. I’ve had chemo & a blilateral mastectomy with right auxiliary clearance & reconstruction. Still have radiotherapy & anti hormone treatment to go. My hair has grown back so fast since my last chemo at the end of March. I have some hair fuzz on the side of my face, not sure if it’s menopause related! Has anyone experienced this & if so did you have it removed? And how? Also, I can’t shave under my arms anymore as the nerve endings are gone since the surgery. I did a patch test with VEET this morning. Just wondering what others have done? Thanks 😊
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posted by Valerie62
29 July 2023


Last reply: 01 August 2023 01:38
After 3 clear mammograms last one in February I am been called back for an ultrasound. Should I be worrying like I am?? Many thanks x
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posted by Cancer Nurse
26 July 2023

Screening Exam for mouth head and neck cancers by your Dentist

Screening Exam for mouth head and neck cancer Did you know that a screening physical exam is part of a regular dental exam? The dentist checks your neck, mouth, and oropharynx - the “oropharynx” is the middle section of your throat, including the roof of your mouth, base of your tongue, and tonsils. A careful examination of the mouth and neck only takes a few minutes and can find these cancers at an early and curable, stage. So, if you have any lesions (ulcers) present for more than three weeks you should be referred for further investigation.
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