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posted by twig88
02 June 2023

Stage 1 breast cancer

Last reply: 14 June 2023 23:44
Hi, I’m just wondering anyone who was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer if you had any other tests/scans such as bone scan, cat scan, mri etc??
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posted by Cancer Nurse
14 June 2023

Mens Health Week

As this is Men’s Health Week, we the cancer nurses on the Irish Cancer Society Support line would love to hear from you! We are here Mon-Fri 9-5pm & our free confidential phone number is 1800 200 700. Whatever your concern is, we would like to support and advise you accordingly.  You can also contact us by emailing So often people can be so busy in their own lives or caring for others, they may not make the time to see their GP or they may not attend screening such as Bowel screen. Just a quick phone call to our nurses here on this support line, could help you to clarify your thoughts and concerns about cancer. Many also worry about their risk of getting cancer and how can they reduce this risk. We can discuss this with you and email or post our booklet called ‘Spot Cancer Early Manual for Men’  which also has information for men on how to reduce your risks. I do hope we will hear from you Kind regards Cancer Nurse
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posted by mylo0307
17 May 2023

Kinda anxious

Last reply: 08 June 2023 17:28
Hi, I hope it's ok to post, I found a lump just under 2 weeks ago due to my dog constantly sniffing my left breast, i know, sounds totally strange! I've had lumps and an abcess in the same breast before but when i felt this 'new' one, it just felt 'odd'. I made an appointment to see my gp on the 9th & she referred me immediately and said I would be seen within 2 weeks. The same breast sometimes feels burny, shooting stabby pains on & off and it can be intensely itchy. I am a fairly logical thinker and i am 99% sure the appointment will go well. I am in next Wednesday 24th at 10:30. So, all in all, its been quite quick from finding it, to seeing my gp and going to the breast clinic. I wont lie though I am quite anxious only because it doesn't feel 'familiar' like the other lumos ive had previously. Im attending the appointment on my own cause id only be stressing more worrying about the person waiting for me. I've no idea what to expect at this appointment. Am i right in thinking an early appointment would mean possible tests if they feel its necessary? As im going on my own, is it ok for me to drive IF they do a biopsy? I feel quite alone to be honest, im only 38 so my friends & husband are like youll be grand, itll be nothing, try not to worry. Its easier said than done though, i guess thats why im posting here, for a listening, non emotionally involved ear. Thanks a mill for reading. All support & advice hugely welcome!!
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posted by Dotniff
07 June 2023

Chemo delays Cork

Last reply: 08 June 2023 14:49
Hi. Has anyone else here had their chemo (adjuvant in my case) delayed in CUH? Or have you had the same experience? Mine has been put back from starting next week until July 25th. I am already 8 weeks post surgery. Thanks.
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posted by aloevera
18 May 2023

Side effects of T-DM1 vs T-DXd

Last reply: 02 June 2023 15:21
Has anyone been given either trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) or trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd)? If so, what kind of side effects did you experience with either of them? I’m after completing neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer and surgery, and my oncologist has suggested these drug treatments. As the drug treatments could last approximately 10 months, and I need to consider their impact on my ability to return to work, I need to get an idea of the likelihood of side effects. Please let me know.
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21 May 2023

Looking after my husband

Last reply: 02 June 2023 10:38
Hello there, I'm currently looking after my husband who has cancer, and I've stopped work to become his carer..he is on chemo, his tumours are shrinking, and some tests are very positive...but I'm not in a good head space really myself, as I keep thinking the worst case scenarios and its making me sick too. Am I the only person who feels and thinks like this?? I really need some kind of support I think...we live with my elderly father too..who has been great...but I know he doesn't want to see me crying, and my family are just OK, not a great I silly and selfish to feel so lost and sad I need to be perfect for my looking after him 7 days a wk. Thankyou folks in advance ❤
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posted by Hopeful
24 April 2023

Taking supplements while on treatment

Last reply: 25 April 2024 17:39
Hello. My mam is currently undergoing treatment for lung cancer, she is receiving chemo ( carboplatin + paclitaxel ) and immunotherapy ( pembro ) and she will also need one session of radiation in the coming weeks. I was wondering whether it is safe for her to take supplements while on this treatment? I have read that ginger and turmeric are good for fighting cancer so she has been drinking herbal teas with ginger and I was going to get her some turmeric supplements but I am not sure if these will be ok as I have also read that they may interfere with the treatment and its best to get them from diet? Any advice is appreciated as it can be hard to get a hold of her medical team on the phone and she isn't back in for treatment for another two weeks
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posted by joerirsh
24 May 2023

How long to get diagnosis for possible prostate cancer

Last reply: 01 June 2023 09:10
My doctor has recommended me to get an MRI scan and possible biopsy. How lng should this whole process take before I get any results. Thanks
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posted by maya
24 May 2023

Facial treatment

Last reply: 30 May 2023 16:00
Hello i am stage 4 cancer patience, i will have to use herception+ perjeta infinitive. I wonder during the treatment can i have facial treatments like botox,dermal fillers and laser resurfacing? Thank you
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posted by mtcmolloy
29 May 2023

Event: Art Exhibition fundraiser for the Cancer society of ireland

Last reply: 29 May 2023 10:57
A week-long art exhibition is being held in Finavarra, Co. Clare this weekend to raise funds for the Irish Cancer Society. The event will be opened on Saturday at 6pm by RTE's Katie Hannon.
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