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posted by Greenday
02 October 2022

Radiotherapy and Implants

Last reply: 02 May 2023 22:17
Hi I am due to start 21 session so of radiotherapy next week. My margins were close and near the chest wall hence radiotherapy. However I was so disheartened to find out that capsular contracture is a possibility. Have you experienced this after radiotherapy or did you manage to avoid it ?
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posted by ShivS
20 April 2023

How often is a biopsy wrong?

Last reply: 28 April 2023 22:11
I had my biopsy back on 2 breast lumps. They have come back benign but the consultant wasn’t happy with them. He said the biopsy said they couldn’t be 100% & that they’d need to excise & test to be certain. He also said the scans & feel looked to be cancer but we should take the biopsy as a good sign. Is it often that it could be wrong?
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posted by ShivS
06 April 2023

Biopsy results

Last reply: 22 April 2023 16:36
Hi I have just received an appointment for my biopsy results on 2 breast lumps. The appointment came through 1 week after my biopsy. Is it normally this quick? I was told 2-4 weeks initially. There’s no mention to bring anyone to the appointment but I don’t know if that’s standard procedure since Covid or if it’s because it’s all ok. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight? Fairly nervous. Thanks.
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posted by GRNHL
14 April 2023

Low neutrophils

Last reply: 19 April 2023 13:17
Hi, I have had my 6 rounds of RChop for NHL, I've always had a problem with low neutrophils throughout my Chemo. Now 6 weeks later im on immunotherapy and I still have low neutrophils. Is there anything that I can take such as foods or vitamins that will help with this?? I was getting injections but my team won't prescribe these anymore. Thanks
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posted by rachhh
19 March 2023

Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Last reply: 12 April 2023 16:45
My Mam passed away 3 weeks ago today, she had non Hodgkins lymphoma she went through five rounds of treatment including a car T cell. I am so lost without she was my whole world. It was just the two of us we don everything together. I am so lost, how to cope?
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posted by Cancer Nurse
28 February 2023

Rare Cancers

Last reply: 25 February 2024 16:44
Rare Cancers February 28th is Rare Diseases Day. We would like to take a moment to highlight rare cancers. There are over 200 different types of cancer. Rare cancers are uncommon cancers, only a small number of people are diagnosed with these cancers each year. They are defined as rare when the amount of people who are diagnosed with it is equal to or less than 6 new cases per 100,000 persons in one year. Around 1 in 5 cancers diagnosed in Europe is rare. Having a rare cancer can be difficult to cope with as there may be less information available about your type of cancer. People with a rare cancer may also feel more isolated as they are less likely to meet another person with the same cancer. It is important to know that you are not alone, we can provide you with information about help and supports that are available for you. More information about rare cancers can be found on our website: Rare cancers | Irish Cancer Society. If you would loke to speak with one of our cancer nurses please call the Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.
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posted by joe52
03 April 2023

Blindness after cancer

Last reply: 12 April 2023 14:26
Good Afternoon. My partner was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2020. Since then she has recovered well from the treatment she was given but now she has lost her eyesight in both eyes since July 2022. Has anyone experienced this or know of anyone who has experienced this after cancer. Both her Neurologist and Opthalmic consultants do not know why she has lost her eyesight and so we so not know who to turn too next for help. They say she extraordinary case and that they have not seen this before. Can anyone help on this matter??? Any help or advice would be greatly accepted.
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posted by C123
21 March 2023

Node detected

Last reply: 12 April 2023 10:16
Good morning, i recently had a cardiac mri its showed 11mm auxiliary nodes as an extra finding. I had my first appt within 5 days of referral. Had mamogram yesterday and have to go back for a scan. Has anyone had similar. My doctor was very rude no eye contact no time to ask a question. Thanks
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posted by Er34
06 April 2023

Herceptin tomorrow

Last reply: 09 April 2023 13:34
Hello. I've had my chemo and my surgery. Now tomorrow I start my herceptin. Its a shot in the thigh every 3 weeks. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Are there any side effects? Will I need to remove my trousers? Thankyou
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posted by Sunnyshe
04 April 2023

Joint pain/stiffness

Last reply: 04 August 2023 23:13
Hi. I've recently been started on 2.5mg of Letrozole daily, as part of my breast cancer treatment. I've also just completed a course of Radiotherapy. This is week 4 of the Letrozole treatment, I've noticed my joints have become quite stiff and painful, just wondering, will this settle over time, or is this going to be long term, its making me a bit miserable to be honest. I'm due back to my Oncologist in the next few weeks.
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