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posted by Terry Kav
18 December 2018

polycycthemia vera

Last reply: 01 February 2023 21:34
Im looking to talk to someone else with polycycthemia vera.
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posted by Stephen D
18 February 2022

Polycythemia Vera Diagnosed Young.

Last reply: 01 February 2023 21:27
32 Male just diagnosed with PV. Will be beginning treatment shortly (just venesections and aspirin for now). I have really frustrated feelings at the moment. On the one hand getting a diagnosis of a rare cancer makes me upset but given the straight forward nature of the treatment and largely unaffected life expectancy ( when treated) I dont feel like I have any right to complain.
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posted by alrorek
18 January 2023

Recurrence of breast cancer

Last reply: 26 January 2023 09:38
Periods of time (how ironic as I always been irregular) It’s nearly a year after 1st diagnosis, 9 months after lumpectomy, finished 4 weeks of radio 5 months ago and now going through a follow up ultrasound because I’m afraid (it) has come back🥺
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posted by kransom
17 January 2023

Skin irritation on face

Last reply: 25 January 2023 09:36
My skin on my face seems to have gotten very bad since starting chemo. Particularly on my two cheeks it’s red with raised bumps like pimples. This wouldn’t be the norm for me as I don’t get acne or the like. I don’t know what skincare I should be using or what might help? Has anyone experienced this or would have any recommendations on skincare to use on it?
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posted by lovelife
21 January 2023

Breast cancer

Last reply: 24 January 2023 16:48
What do you do if you find out 2yrs after having breast cancer that your surgeon deliberately lied to both you and your gp.. was told by my surgeon that the margins were clear after a 2nd operation within a week and then just this weekend I discover that the margins haven’t been met 0.6mm from the superior aspect of the medial shave Have been told that this has put me at higher risk of recurrence
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posted by chickaroo82
28 December 2022

Hospital referral

Last reply: 18 January 2023 10:24
Hi there. I was given a colposcopy in UHG and am now being transferred under gynae to St James's in Dublin. I have a CT booked with Galway, quickest appointment in January. James's have received my referral but does anyone know how long it usually is to get an appointment to see a doctor? I don't want to be asking the secretary so I'm wondering if anyone here might know from prev experience?
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posted by Roderick
09 January 2023

Radiation Options - Lymph nodes or not

Last reply: 16 January 2023 11:50
Greetings I am a Gleason 8 (3+5) PSA 10. Apparently I am T2C N0 M0. The cancer is 1.8cm along the anterior of the prostate. It seems to be contained within the prostate. The radiologist recommended IMRT and this seemd fine. However, i saw a second radiologist and they said, given the grade and extent of tumour, they would suspect that micromets could be beyond the capsule and they recommend radiation not only of the prostate but to also include the lymph nodes. Now in terms of risk management the latter approach seemed sensible but of course risks of damaging the surrounding areas will increase. I am at a loss as to what to do!
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posted by rachhh
28 December 2022

non hodgkin's lymphoma - high grade

Last reply: 13 January 2023 11:02
My Mam was diagnosed with cancer 18 months ago. My world has been turned upside down. I feel so alone and numb. The treatment she has had so far has failed and the cancer has spread through out her body the Car T cell did not work. I was told today that it’s really aggressive and less then 5% she will make it. My Mam has always been my best friend we live together and do everything together. I don’t know how I would survive if anything happened to her. If anyone is going through a similar journey or can advise where I can get support please reach out to me I am so numb and overwhelmed.
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posted by emsarah11
12 January 2023


Last reply: 12 January 2023 16:33
Good Afternoon, i have had a double masectomy, and have two prosthesis i find them very heavy and hot can someone recommend a lighter one please.
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posted by noddy
06 January 2023


Last reply: 10 January 2023 23:23
Hi all I had a head Ct in dec and thought nothing more of it as it came about from an off the cuff remark about headaches . I assumed these were from ongoing treatment tdm1 and just happened to mention . Anyway when I’m last week for treatment I was given the shock that they had found something on the Ct . It’s very very small and I’ve been told highly treatable if it’s something to worry about . I’ve now to have head mri to find out what it is exactly . To say my anxiety levels are through the roof is a massive understatement !!! Mri may not be for at least 3 weeks yet which is torture . I’m so so upset as am due my last treatment in 2weeks and had dared to get a little excited . Every time this time round that I have gotten to the finish line I’ve been tripped up . Has anyone had anything similar which turned out to be nothing ?? This is my second breast cancer diagnoses (I was a month off 10yrs clear ,it came back in recon breast in same spot ). Please any advice greatly appreciated . TIA
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