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posted by Mire
05 November 2022

Lymph node

Last reply: 07 November 2022 10:31
Hi, I have had a swollen lymph node for a year or so it hasn't gotten bigger and it is rubbery to move. I am scared to go to gp. Recently had blood work done and all was fine. Can you have swollen lymph nodes that are not cancer. Thank you
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posted by Mire
06 November 2022


Last reply: 12 June 2024 16:04
Hi All I am just wondering i have been having tummy pain since July. I have had 3 ultrasounds , mri and ct scan. So far they have found a 6cm fibroid and some cysts on my left kidney. But they don't think that's causing the pain. The gastronologist wants me to have a endoscopy and colonscopy and I am really scared it's something serious. My bloods are all ok they even checked the tumor markers. Anyone with some advice or that has been through something like this please let me know. Thank you
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posted by Bryan54
22 January 2019

Just finding out

Last reply: 04 November 2022 09:29
Hi Im after being with the doctor today and found that I have a very raised PSA 23 and now waiting for next step. Im all over the place. Of course i have myself dead and buried at this stage. Any advice from someone going through the same, outcome etc thanks
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posted by Whatelse
25 October 2022

Colouring hair

Last reply: 02 November 2022 16:47
Hi, new here. Sounds very fickle but finished chemo in the summer had surgery now waiting on radiotherapy. My hair thankfully has started growing but it is Silver/Grey..... not what I would choose. I wear a headscarf currently but I was wondering has anybody dyed their hair before the recommended 6 months or what did you use? I couldn't be in public with it as it is I'm in my early 40's. Thanks
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posted by mariem
24 October 2022

Tamoxifen and facial hair

Last reply: 25 October 2022 16:23
Hi everyone, I was just wondering has anyone on tamoxifen experienced an increase in soft facial hair? I started tamoxifen about 10 weeks ago (after chemo and radio) and just recently noticed increased fluff on the sides of my face. It’s nearly growing faster than my head hair which seems a bit unfair! Could it be the change in hormones?
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posted by Fifil
22 October 2022

Hair loss

Last reply: 25 October 2022 12:43
Hi, can cancer patients use Biotin shampoo? Someone I know was using it before his diagnosis to prevent male pattern baldness. He has continued though out chemo and radiotherapy. Is that ok?
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posted by martin1982
02 October 2022

Guy I care about pushing me away

Last reply: 24 October 2022 23:31
Hi all, Just reaching out for some help really. Long story short- guy I’ve known a long time has stomach cancer (recurring again, he had it before I knew him too). This summer gone by I felt myself growing close to him. We had just been friends for a few years. We went on a few dates. I could feel myself really falling for him big time. Was like I hadn’t seen what was in front of my eyes for a few years. Anyhow, I could suddenly feel him pull away from Me. Grow cold distant and put off any attempts to see me. It hurt. I eventually got it out of him that he was back on Chemo drugs and radiotherapy for the cancer. In his words “just a few dodgy cells”. He said he said he didn’t want to drag someone else into it all. I respect that and of course I kept in touch. Tried helping him out in little ways I could. Fast forward to this week. I tentatively asked him how the treatment had been going. He said not sure as the treatment hasn’t appeared to improve the situation with the cancer. All through text so I don’t have a full picture and again respectfully letting him tell me what he wants to tell rather than more pressure from me. Which he does not need. Only thing is I’ve been shattered all weekend worrying and thinking about him since those words. I realise this is not about me it’s about him and I want to continue the support. I can just tell from the tone and mood of the texts he is very down beat. He suggested he may not continue with the treatment. Which I have to say absolutely floored me. Had anyone any advice or experience of anything similar? Thanks for listening:) Martin
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posted by Anne Kinnane
30 September 2022

Preventative mascatomy

Last reply: 24 October 2022 23:22
Hi I am having a preventative double mascatomy with expanders on the surgery on the 4th of October any advice on what i need or how long before I can go back to work feeling ver nervous
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posted by claire cc
20 October 2022

3D Nipple Tattoo Recommendation

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in June 2020 and I had an immediate implant reconstruction in December 2020. I got upset daily when I caught a glimpse of my new breast in the mirror as they were unable to keep my nipple. I found a most wonderful and skilled tattoo artist based in Dundrum Hannah Vard Ryan. I went to Hannah twice the first time was in July of 2022. To say she is an angel on earth is an understatement - she completely puts you at ease and takes time to listen to any concerns/nerves you may have and discusses in detail the process. The first session took c. 2 hours and was not painful and I went home with a pep in my step. Seeing it transforming over a number of weeks was very heartening. She provides you with detailed home care and is always available if you have any queries. I had my second appointment last Sunday (great she works Sundays no need to take time off work :)) . I was in there for about an hour chatting away to Hannah while she worked her magic - when she completed the job and showed me the finished result in the mirror I was beyond emotional and feel like the old me is slowly coming back that is thanks to Hannah. She is an expert in her field the 3D effect is unbelievable. I would recommend Hannah to anyone she is so kind, considerate, professional and an all round lovely woman and I wish her all the best with her career she really is a gem and the light at the end of a dark tunnel for us all. As I said to her she is the full stop at the end of a very tough chapter. Happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Hannah can be contacted at where she has numerous photos of her fabulous work.
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posted by Sunshine23
28 September 2022

RCHOP Chemo and Radiotherapy

Last reply: 12 October 2022 15:57
Hi there - recently diagnosed with Non Hodgkins Lymphoma and will be starting RChop chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy. I am dreading it all. What can I expect? Tips to help make the process a bit easier? Anyone been through this and can tell me what to expect? Thanks.
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