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posted by cal89x
10 September 2022


Last reply: 12 September 2022 14:48
Hi there, My mum had an appointment the week before last as she suffers with cysts a lot. On the day she was told yep her cysts were back and they were drained and not else was done or showed up on the mammogram or scans. She said her doctor did mention to a trainee doctor. this patient has been here before, knows the routine and something about coming back in 6 weeks. My mum then got a letter in the post 3 days later asking for her to come back in 6 weeks for another mammogram and ultrasound. Is this normal? Someone had mentioned that this was normal procedure if they didn’t get a chance to chat to you on the day and there is nothing to worry about. Thanks
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posted by jackiecav
04 September 2022

Need help

Last reply: 05 September 2022 16:42
Hi my father has stomach cancer and we are not getting any support where do we go for help local doctor not helping and just keep referring us to A&E he is wasting away in front of us and we don’t know what to do he is in the VHI
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posted by twig88
21 August 2022

Meeting Oncologist

Last reply: 04 September 2022 17:19
Hi I’m just wondering how long you be waiting to meet with your oncologist? I had my surgery (lumpectomy) on 28th July and my follow up appointment on the 12th August and was told I’d be meeting with my oncologist to discuss starting chemotherapy but i haven’t received any appointments yet. I’m just eager to get started.
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posted by Elpalda
02 September 2022

Amidex tablets and tofj

Last reply: 04 September 2022 12:44
Hi, I'm 95% vegan and am trying to increase my protein. I started putting tofu into soup. I take 1mg of Amidex tablet every day. Is it ok to eat tofu when taking this tablet? Is there any food I should avoid? Many thanks, Elaine
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posted by TheDebbler
14 March 2022

Chemo Brain: a year after treatment ended.

Last reply: 03 September 2022 01:08
I successfully finished treatment for Stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma in December 2020. Not long after my treatment began I noticed a decline in my cognitive ability. To this day I still have issues with fatigue, memory loss, inability to focus for long periods of time, executive dysfunction and heightened anxiety. This is life altering for me and impacts on every aspect of my life, but no one seems to be taking it seriously. I was told it would improve a few months after I finished chemo. It has not really improved at all beyond my energy levels improving a bit. There seem to be no resources available and very little research done. I found one study from 2020 in relation to this and the results indicated that up to a third of HL Survivors deal with long term cognitive issues after treatment. As this is a cancer that effects a lot of young people the effects over a lifetime can be extreme. Why is no one talking about this? I read another study about the impact of reduced estrogen on dopamine levels in the brain as well. It indicated that a reduction in estrogen for more than 10 days can permanently impact our ability to produce and regulate dopamine...which directly impacts executive function, memory, focus etc. Why is this not being discussed with female patients? Someone telling me to use a planner/diary, write stuff down and that I just have to make myself do things is unhelpful. It is insulting! This goes far beyond what such unhelpful advice can remedy. I have mentioned my problems to my oncologist at every single follow up appointment and there is no help being offered to me? Have ADHD drugs ever been used to help people in this country with long term chemo brain? I read a study from the US where they had some success with this. Why is this not being adopted here? Why is this crippling side effect being dismissed as not important. It has ruined my life. Has anyone had any success with getting help for this?
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posted by carrie79
26 August 2022

scared - uterine or cervical Adenocarcinoma

Last reply: 31 August 2022 08:57
Hi I recently had a D&C and polypectomy due to symptoms which coincided with a positive hpv and abnormal (low grade) smear. Turns out the results of the D&C were not good and doc was also surprised. It’s Adenocarcinoma and after that I haven’t a clue. I’m just scared to be honest. I don’t know what’s in my body. Where it is or how far it’s spread. Google has me written off and i don’t know how I’ll cope between now and my appointment in the mater which I don’t have yet. I only found this out today. Im trying to stay sane and away from Google. If you could point me in the direction of what to do I would be so grateful Thanks
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posted by lovelife
29 August 2022

Breast cancer

Last reply: 30 August 2022 13:20
Had radiotherapy last April had problems breathing last week sent to A&e we’re I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis caused by radiotherapy.. I am very distressed as information doesn’t seem to be available and what I’m reading on internet is awful
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posted by parky
29 August 2022

Prostate biopsy

Last reply: 30 August 2022 09:25
Hi, I have received an appointment to go for a prostate biopsy. Any advice on the procedure or what to expect? Feeling very anxious about it.
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posted by Catlover
24 August 2022

Recovering from Treatment

Last reply: 27 August 2022 00:23
Hello I finished treatment for Breast Cancer last April 2021. I had Chemotherapy and Radiation. I still have a lot of tiredness. I would really appreciate it if anybody who has gone through the same thing could give me advise about this.
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posted by andyocallaghan
21 August 2022

Stress dealing with my wife's cancer

Last reply: 25 August 2022 14:22
Hello...first post! My wife is in the middle of phase 1 chemo for Leukaemia. She is six weeks into the treatment. I was doing well initially, occupying myself with housework etc., But last weekend, I hit a just crept up on me. I went from sleeping well to having a lot of difficulty.... I've tried sleeping tablets or relaxants, but no joy so far.... Plenty of pain/stomach aches etc., and feeling very anxious... Just wondering if anyone else here has had these symptoms, and any suggestions to break this cycle.... Many thanks for any help that can be offered Andy
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