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posted by Honeybee
07 June 2022

Pancreatic cancer

Last reply: 30 June 2022 19:32
I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on May 25 th I will meet Dr Donal Maguire on June 21 at . Has anyone out there had this cancer and beaten it Caroline
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posted by Aine
15 June 2022

Her2 positive breast cancer

Last reply: 22 June 2022 17:06
Just finished my 3rd round of chemo for her2 positive breast cancer finding the weakness very hard I have 3 more rounds
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posted by MsPaws
13 June 2022

Found a very small lump in breast

Last reply: 22 June 2022 15:53
Hi, Last week I got a shooting pain in my right breast, as I was reaching for the pain to ease it, I found a small pea size lump/shape. I am not even sure you would call it a lump, but it is small like a pea and hard. It does not move and is in the area close to the nipple (does not feel close to the surface if you understand). If you press in you can feel the small hard piece. My other breast does not feel like this and I have never felt this before ( I am 34). The shooting pain is gone but I have had a small amount of soreness/pain or discomfort in my breast since. I have made an appointment to see my GP this week, I guess I am feeling nervous, I don't want to be wasting a doctors time but at the same time I don't want to ignore it. Is a physical exam from the GP enough to know something or should a scan or something be done to properly determine what it is? Thanks to anyone who reads and I completely understand if there is not enough time to respond to my query.
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posted by lb1986
20 June 2022

Post esophagectomy

Hi, I am 6 weeks after esophagectomy and still very weak and struggling to put on weight. Just wondering has anyone else experience with this? Have some other complications also. Thanks
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posted by Fairyandbutterfly
14 June 2022

Axillary clearance and chemo ahead. I'm 39 with an almost 8 yr old and a 3 year old. I feeling completely detailed after yesterday's lumpectomy and node results.

Last reply: 18 June 2022 22:23
I don't know what to feel think, say or do. I turned 39 in April and as a present I was told I have breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy on May 31st and nodes were removed. They thought tumour was 2cm and that it didn't look like any nodes were effected. I got my results yesterday. Tumour was 3.4cm and 5 of the 6 nodes have cancer in them. I now have to have every single node removed armpit. I think its called axillary clearance. I was told I'm borderline stage 2/3 but that can go up based on results of axillary clearance. Chemo will start about 6 weeks after this next op. And last for 6 months(maybe more, maybe less). I have 2 young girls. Amira, meaning princess, is nearly 8 and a huge worrier and over thinks everything (like me) and Yara, meaning little Butterfly, is 3 and a huge Mammys girl and was breastfed up until 2 weeks before my first op. I havent told either of them yet what's going on. I was hoping to have lumpectomy and radio therapy as was thought initially based off ultrasound and scans. Now I will have to tell them. Have you advice about how to tell a complete worrier and Mammys girl almost 8 yr old. I don't know how or what to say. And also I'll have to say something to my 3 yr old. How do a explain things but not have it scary? I'm scared. Amira will be 8 on Friday and all thats going through my head is .... Will I be alive for 9th? Its so over whelming for me. I also have a tumour consistent with looks to be a meningioma which is parked aside for now. I feel like I've a huge mountain to climb and I don't know how to do it and still be a mammy. My husband works long hours. He's gone from 5.30 am til about 6.30pm so I do everything else, school runs,(about 25/30 min from home) activities (about 35 mins from home) and playdates, parties etc. Plus all in the house. We've cats, dog and chickens. Is there anyone who is in similar situation to me? How did you manage everything? How sick were you? Have you recovered? Did it get worse? I feel alone, I don't know anyone similar age with young family with this horrible diagnosis. Plus since my op, I cane home to a 5 day tummy bug inn3 yr old then I got uti and the bug, now I'm over them and she gets a uti (started antibiotics yesterday evening) yesterday (yes day of results) and 40.2 degrees fever I'm struggling to keep down. How do ye manage cancer, chemo and surgeries with young family? Sorry for long post. I feel completely derailed and overwhelmed. Thank you for reading.
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posted by SusanK
27 May 2020

Father - new diagnosis Non-small cell Lung Lancer

Last reply: 17 June 2022 02:59
Hi All, I'm new to the forum. My dad has just recently been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer about 3 weeks ago. sadly it has spread liver bones, brain. Prior to this he was a fit and well 66yr old.Primary indication of diagnoses was what we though was a bad chest infection(or Covid) so news came as a shock. He is home with me at the moment and we are starting radiation treatment tomorrow to tackle the brain. I'm really just looking for information from anyone who has dealt with this type of lung cancer at this stage. As i say he is relatively well at the moment just weaker and very tired all the time. He has only had 2 instances of pain(at night) days apart and in both instances pain passed after a while. We are waiting on our palliative care appointment so in the meantime i'm looking for some information on what to expect from an escalation in his pain levels. Thanks
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posted by Beechfield34
12 June 2022


Last reply: 15 June 2022 13:34
Hi. I finished treatment for triple negative cancer in Feb. Follow on mammogram last April. Came back clear. Told the doctors I was sore. They said it’s normal after lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I pushed it and asked for an ultrasound. Got it last Thursday . They did two biopsies - one on the scar tissue and one on another lump they could see. The lump is away from the breast and couldn’t be seen on the mammogram . Scary. Other than a recurrence what other lumps could be in the breast? I’m worried sick
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posted by Fairyandbutterfly
05 June 2022

Close friend has barely contacted me since my diagnosis.

Last reply: 14 June 2022 11:02
Hi was diagnosed with invasive ductal breast cancer in April 2022 and due to other ongoing yet to be diagnosed issues going on, I had extra tests, scans done before I had surgery last week. A close friend has barely been in touch since my diagnosis. I had sent a few msgs without a reply until I passed her while driving and I waved at her. I got a msg to meet the next day with our young kids for a playdate. We met up and had a chat. It was mostly me answering questions about my cancer and plan and tests etc as she hadn't been in contact prior(bar a few texts about generic kids stuff) to know what was going on. My surgery was booked for her birthday. When leaving the playdate, there was no good luck or hug or any mention of my surgery etc. There was nice normal messages for the next 2 days about normal everyday things, kids, summer etc then nothing for 3 days. On the day of the surgery, I was in hospital a few hours and people were messaging me with nice messages before surgery so I was replying while waiting. I sent her a little birthday gif to acknowledge her day. It was only then that she replied asking if I was in hospital already and thinking of you. I replied a short message (as nurses drs etc were in and out to me for tests and talks) saying I felt positive and calm and i told her the time I had to be in at. I was supposed to be home that evening but due to an "episode" (reason for my extra tests etc) post surgery i was kept over night until all had settled the next day. I was sent home with 72hr holter and started on beta blockers until I'm reviewed by cardiologist in a few weeks to try figure out whats causing these spontaneous attacks. Obviously I was in a bit of pain post op too and with extra issues I felt a bit off plus I arrived home to our 3yr old with a vomiting bug. I got no msg from my friend until 3 days post op asking how I am, how was op, and that she didn't want to be annoying me asking how I am etc. I replied with a shortened version of how all went including episode post surgery and result of that being that I've to be followed up by cardiologist too. I didnt get a reply to this. I got a short msg 2 days later about a kid birthday party venue question and that's it. Is it normal for a close friend to distant herself and avoid the whole cancer situation? Do you have advice on how I can approach this with her without causing insult or upset? I definitely dont want sympathy, I never want to be looked at with the "aw poor you" look. But I want to be able to chat about our lives, mine and hers good and bad like we used to. I feel if I leave it, that our friendship may end and I don't want that but I also don't want to put her on the stop with a straight out awkward question. I don't know if she cares, or if she doesn't know what to say or she doesn't want to know. I'm not sure what is going on to be honest. Sorry for the long post. Thank you for listening. 💛
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posted by tesssa
06 June 2022

Breast surgery

Last reply: 09 June 2022 05:13
Tomorrow I am going to have a breast lump removed at st Vincent's hospital and I am very scared, has anyone had this type of procedure and can share their experience?
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posted by pamy
30 May 2022


Last reply: 03 June 2022 16:20
Hi I've been taking tamoxifen for the last 3 months & the last 2 weeks I've been getting joint pain every day. Pain, inflammation & swelling in my hands. Hip pain, sore knees & feet. It can be very painful. Does anyone know if these side effects go away or what can help them.
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