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posted by libra1975
13 April 2022

Shampoo during chemo

Last reply: 21 April 2022 16:26
Hello, I had my first chemo last week, 2nd tomorrow. I have cut my hair really short. I was just wondering what kind of shampoo is recommended? I have read baby shampoo, but also heard it is too alkaline and a pH neutral one is better. Also, after hair loss, do you still shampoo your head? Any advice is greatly appreciated
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posted by hellokitty
18 April 2022

Enhertu Chemo Drug

Looking for other people on this drug. How are you getting along on it?
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posted by Debbie Harrington
07 April 2022

Hair regrowth After Chemo & Radiotherapy

Last reply: 12 April 2022 13:51
Hi there, I finished Chemotherapy at the end of February and finished Radiotherapy on 22nd March. I am worried that my hair won't grow back. I am becoming quite anxious about it. I didn't lose my eyelashes or eyebrows, which I am very grateful for, but I only have a very small scattered bit of white hair on my head. I was OK during my treatments but now feeling quite low and miss my lovely blonde curly hair and worried that it will never come back ever again. Has anyone any advise to suggestions on how to help the hair growth along? Many thanks
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posted by suic
10 April 2022

DIEP Breast Reconstruction

I'm hoping to hear some people's experience with DIEP reconstruction. I have to make a decision quite soon whether to have reconstruction while having a mastectomy. I'm 33 years old, with 2 young children and I'm concerned about the risks and recovery time.
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posted by dasuat
08 April 2022

Breast Cancer Health Insurance

Last reply: 10 April 2022 08:17
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. First chemo session last week. My question is, is there anyone who can advise on health insurance other than the insurance company? I have been public so far and it has been excellent. I have private insurance but I don’t really understand how it works and when I rang the insurer, they were very vague in answering my questions. I wanted to know if I was covered to be treated privately and they kept coming out with things like- well you can choose to see your consultant privately in the public hospital. After much pressing (and I tears) they said I was covered). I am happy to go public but not if it gets my insurance company off the hook and ends up costing the tax payer! I just want clear answers. I find it disgraceful that they were not more straight with me! When I went for my first breast check I clicked the “have insurance” box and just assumed whatever cover I had would kick in! Obviously not. I am wrecked from chemo but this is niggling at me. Any advice? Thanks
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posted by Iona
14 March 2022

Recurrent infections

Last reply: 06 April 2022 10:30
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing ok. I had a lumpectomy in November. Everything went well and I am progressing through treatment. Just completed 20 sessions of radiotherapy. My main problem is infections in the breast! Had a bad infection over Christmas - 6 weeks after surgery. Second infection in February during radiotherapy! And now into my third infection. Strong antibiotics each time! Finding recovery very difficult with all these infections! And I’m wondering how many more I’ll encounter! Has anyone else experience of post-op infections please? Thanks for any info.
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posted by jeano
25 March 2022

Diarrhea with prostate cancer

Last reply: 30 March 2022 15:59
My father is stage 4 Prostate cancer but doing very well on hormone treatment. However he as at least one bout of diarrhoea a day - fi you know what is causing this and do you have any suggestions for what he might do to alleviate it. Thank you for your time, Jean
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posted by noddy
10 March 2022


Last reply: 29 March 2022 16:14
Hi I am just wondering ,I have done 5/6 chemos (wasn’t given last as side effects were too much) had my first herceptin injection on Tuesday ,which was day after lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy . My question is can herceptin cause oral thrush? I suffered dreadfully with it during chemo and have it again now . Any advise greatly appreciated .
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posted by Olivia N
23 March 2022

DIEP flap bi-pedicle reconstruction

I am due to have a mastectomy next week, and have been given the option of a DIEP bipedicle flap reconstruction. I ride horses for my sport and hobby and it is an important part of my life. I have been advised by the plastic surgeon that my stomach muscles will be weakened by the surgery as they cut through them to perform this surgery. My concern is whether I will be strong enough to continue riding after the surgery. If I can ride, even after several months off, then this is ok. It's the long term that i'm concerned about. Unfortunately the surgeon cannot advise on this, so I was hoping that someone on this group may have had the same procedure done & that they can let me know how they are physically since. Thank you, Olivia
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posted by NiamhT
10 March 2022

Medical alert Bracelets

Last reply: 16 March 2022 10:07
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has bought or had a bracelet made up to alert medical teams. I would like to get something as following node removal, my right arm is now compromised and should never be used for blood pressure or for taking bloods etc...Thanks
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