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posted by jilly21
07 February 2022

Gallbladder cancer

Last reply: 14 February 2022 14:54
Lost my dad on the 18th March 2021 to colon cancer now been told my mom has stage 4 cancer of the gallbladder. Has anybody gone through this I believe cancer of the gallbladder is quite rare. Heartbroken daughter
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posted by No1mom
01 February 2022

Breast clinic appointment

Last reply: 13 February 2022 11:50
Hello, I am 45 yr old female and recently found a lump in my breast and went straight to my GP who sent a referral to the Breast Clinic in St. James. I'm finding it difficult to think about anything also and feeling very stressed. Just wondering if anyone can give me an indication of the wait times for an appointment. Many thanks.
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posted by Alisha42
23 January 2022


Last reply: 13 February 2022 08:48
Hi I had mascetomy and reconstruction 8 weeks ago but had to go back and have replacement boob done and lymnodes out when can I start driving feel ok and not on medication that cause me not to be able to drive
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posted by DollyWest
09 February 2022

muscle pain in leg

Last reply: 11 February 2022 15:11
Partner having chemo for metastisized tumours affecting kidney, nladder liber and abominable lymph nodes. Half way through chemo ( fingers crossed we get more time) very painful cramp in lower leg muscle, doctor said it is side effect of chemo, and my partner could not heat what else to do about it, he is distressed and due to covid has to go alone. Is there anything we can do ?
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posted by SHING
06 February 2022


Last reply: 09 February 2022 14:18
Hello, My father has stage 4 gliosarcoma and along with his communication skills deteriorating, the cancer is affecting his ability to move about safely (he gets confused as to how to sit from standing and struggles now to walk more than a metre or two independently. He is an amputee (one leg below know) and he has gotten around fine until now with prosthetic, crutches and using stair lift at home. I wonder if anyone knows of a resource to access a foldable wheelchair so we can help him when he needs to go to the car and from the car to another building, but also so we can talk him out for air. We are in Dublin City. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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posted by Gursey1985
29 January 2022

Tamoxifen Menstrual Cycle

Last reply: 01 February 2022 16:57
Hi Guys Hoping you can help..I finished treatment for breast cancer in January 2021..In January 2021 i started tamoxifen I'm on it 1 year and hadn't had a Menstrual Cycle for 20 months.. 20 months until today that is..I started my period today and am a little anxious..Oestrogen positive was my cancer..Because I'm having periods again this this increase my oestrogen levels putting me at risk of recurrence..Apologies for the big long spiel
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posted by emerbarry01
10 January 2022


Last reply: 27 January 2022 18:22
I recently finished chemotherapy prior to surgery for breast cancer. As the response to chemo wasn’t as good as expected I am now being put on a treatment called Kadcyla instead of herceptin. I’m worried about the side effects of this drug. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by irelanduk
24 January 2022

Chest CT / called for full body

Last reply: 27 January 2022 10:31
Hi there, my Dad was sent for a chest scan and received a letter requiring him to attend a full body scan. Can we presume something was found in chests scan? No correspondence from consultant, has follow up appointment in March. It's a long wait...
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posted by wexfordgal
12 January 2022

What’s your BC story?

Last reply: 26 January 2022 20:59
So breast cancer? I’m currently awaiting my triple assessment but have a strong family history so I’m quite concerned . I have a lump above the nipple about 2cm deep enough down and my breast is leaking a creamy to cloudy discharge the past while. Just wondering what symptoms you all had before your diagnosis ? I know everyone’s journey is different but I’m just curious Thank you
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posted by Anisa
21 January 2022

Supporting my mam

Last reply: 26 January 2022 10:33
My mam was diagnosed with Stage 4 Uterine Cancer and has had 4 infusions of chemo - she got Covid in December and was hospitalised, our Christmas miracle is that she survived. She had re 4th chemo last week and she's not drinking her required fluids and isn't eating much (she's drinking those food sup drinks so that is something) but she was so bad the other day she needed to get 2 bags of fluids as she was so dehydrated. It is breaking my heart that she's not doing what she's supposed to do to help herself it's like she's given up - I think the 11 days in a Covid ward really affected her mental state. I know chemo affects peoples personality but OMG she's changed so badly she is awfully bad towards my poor dad who is only doing his best to care for her, I broke down in tears with her the other day begging her to drink her water to help.. it's like she has given up and doesn't care about living or her family. I can't bare looking at her knowing she is not doing the bare min to keep herself alive. She won't go to counselling, she tells the chemo team everything is fine, what can I do to help her
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