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posted by KatieStaniford
09 March 2022

Waiting for breast clinic appointment - will my age affect the waiting time?

Last reply: 12 March 2022 11:28
Hi I am a 27 year old woman. I recently found thickening on the top of my breast a few really hard tiny bumps near my arm pit swollen collar bone blue vein sticking out around nipple dip/flattening near armpit which seems more pronounced then the other side I had a small lump on the same side 4 years ago but no mammogram was done all symptoms are on the same side I have absolutely no pain or discharge My grandmother and her grand mother had breast cancer so somewhat of a family history, I went to my GP 15 days ago and they referred me to the Mater breast clinic as urgent. I know pre Covid urgent cases will be seen within two weeks and now it 4-6 . I literally feel like my world has been turned upside down. the feelings I have are totally debilitating. Does anyone know if my age will have an impact on the waiting time for me? I already am finding it extremely hard to cope with the fact it may be a 4-6 week wait. I am trying to convince myself it's nothing serious but with my collection of symptoms I just have a gut feeling. I just feel so overwhelmed right now - whatever it is could be getting worse and I am doing nothing about it.
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posted by Sons
07 March 2022

Papillary thyroid cancer

Last reply: 11 March 2022 13:51
Hello I was diagnosed before Xmas with papillary thyroid cancer I had the lump removed which was 5.8 cm and left lobe after biopsy came back as papillary cancer . I had the rest of my thyroid removed last Thursday the 3rd March that has now gone for biopsy. I am just wondering can this biopsy come back as a different cancer ? I am very confused with it all and have to wait 2 wks for results. I’m 40 yrs of age and have young kids so I’m stressing over this . I have been told I will prob need rai therapy but have to wait on these results . Any information will be great full . Regards Sonya .
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posted by Fifil
01 March 2022

Pelvic discomfort

Last reply: 11 March 2022 13:46
Hi, I've rang the Colposcopy Clinic and my recent smear is clear and I'm being discharged. I've to receive my letter in the coming days. I'm delighted but I've pelvic discomfort today, and on and off, in the last few weeks since my smear. I wonder should I go for a private smear to be 100% sure? Does anyone know where this can be done outside of Dublin?
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posted by Penelope
04 March 2022

Mastectomy & Reconstruction

Last reply: 10 March 2022 19:51
I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I have to have a mastectomy, I am thinking of having reconstruction on the same day. Has anyone done this? What was your experience?
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posted by libra1975
07 March 2022

Start of chemo

Last reply: 10 March 2022 15:38
Hi, I had my lumpectomy 4 weeks ago and still haven't heard from oncology. I asked the breast nurse about it, she said they'll be in touch soon. Is that normal? The waiting is driving me crazy, I just want to start treatment.
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posted by madz72
21 February 2022

The wait

Last reply: 09 March 2022 13:45
Hi, I’m new to the forum. I was referred to the breast clinic today in Galway.. Gp said wait time about 2 weeks, I called the clinic and they are saying up to 8 because of Covid backlog…. My question is to everyone that has had to wait for an appointment, how do you manage, I have been in bits all day and have no idea how to handle this, thankyou
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posted by Johanne18
28 February 2022

Stage 4 non aggressive ovarian cancer

Last reply: 08 March 2022 16:50
Hello I’m 42 and recently diagnosed with Stage 4 low grade ovarian cancer. Are there any other women with this type of cancer?
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posted by libra1975
03 March 2022

Head scarvss

Last reply: 05 March 2022 11:25
Hi everyone, can anyone tell me where to buy cotton headscarves or other head coverings? I got scarves of amazon but they weren't great. If anyone could recommend a shop, that would be great.
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posted by Caroline F
04 March 2022

House Cleaning

Last reply: 05 March 2022 07:15
Hi all, I'm new to this .Hope you all doing well. I am considering getting a cleaner for general house cleaning as I just can't get it done. I'm finding that it would work out expensive even fortnightly . Just wondering if anyone has used a cleaner and the cost please? Thank you in advance
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posted by libra1975
13 February 2022


Last reply: 02 March 2022 17:28
Hi, I am 46 and was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Last Tuesday I had surgery to remove a 2 little tumours and a big cyst. They also took a sample from the lymph nodes. The breast seems to be healing well, but I find it hard to cope with the pain in the armpit. The area is still numb and swollen. The pain is going into the shoulder and sometimes down the arm. The painkillers don't do much to relieve the pain. And I am only able to sleep about 4-5 hrs before I wake up again. Any advice?
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