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posted by Christine Eichbaum
25 May 2022

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Last reply: 02 June 2022 20:59
Hi, I have been diagnosed with stage 4 BC about three months ago, am on Ibrance/Anastrazole and starting on Zometa injections. Had initial BC four years ago, after that clear Mammograms. By chance they detected nodules in my lungs through a CT scan, and now have confirmed it to be secondary BC. It is also in my bones and lymphnodes. Would love to hear from someone in similar's an avalanche of treatments and a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts...
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posted by Pisces25
22 May 2022

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Last reply: 02 June 2022 17:52
I’m 40 years old and on Tuesday I was diagnosed with breast cancer, invasive ductal carcinoma. Everything since then has just been a bit of a daze, moving through the days but without really being present. I had an MRI on Thursday gone and have a CT scan Friday coming and a bone scan the following week. The waiting it so hard, I want it dealt with immediately. I am a mother of 3 children, 20, 16 and 15 and my youngest has her JC in 2 weeks so I’ve made a choice not to tell any of them until that’s over to give her the best chance. I don’t know if that’s the right thing to do. I’m absolutely petrified. I know I need to be strong and positive but right now I’m anything but. My mind is wandering to the worst places, I can’t sleep, I’m lost and in limbo and I’m really angry. I just want to wake up from this bad dream
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posted by libra1975
18 May 2022


Last reply: 27 May 2022 20:51
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. After my lumpectomy I developed cording in my armpit, going down past my elbow. I got physiotherapy for it, and it was as good as gone. I am doing my exercises every day. But now it's actually back again. The therapist signed me off last week, saying my range of movement is great. I told her then that it felt like the cording is coming back, but she just said to continue with exercises. Has anyone else experienced that? I thought, or hoped, once it's gone its gone.
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posted by dublinsouth1
16 May 2022

Prostatectomy query

Last reply: 26 May 2022 22:21
Hi all, I am a 44 year old man who only last week was diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer. while I am considered very young to have cancer of the prostate I think I am lucky that it was spotted so early. however there is always doubt and worry. I am due to to have a full radical Prostatectomy at some stage over the summer. I am just hoping to speak to somebody else who may have had an RP. Specifically I wanted to know what life is like after the procedure.. Specifically around continence and erectile function etc? Nice to meet you all and now be part of this community.
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posted by Cathyhyn
17 February 2020

Metastic breast cancer

Last reply: 25 May 2022 13:40
I was diagnosed with cancer for the third time at Christmas . Am totally traumatised . Have had radiotherapy and am now on bone strengthening treatment every four weeks . Am very tired is this normal:
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posted by worried22
25 May 2022

Mammogram Recall

Last reply: 25 May 2022 13:27
Cancer diagnosis 7.5 years ago Triple positive all the therapies Been recalled back after mammogram check up and in a heap Convinced it is back again could it be scar tissue causing a distorted image all these years on ? Thanks - going insane
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posted by MollyM
21 May 2022

Lymphoma of CNS

HI, Has anyone experience of this type of cancer? I know it is relatively rare. Has anyone suffered with bowel incontinence as a result of this cancer ? Was it possible to get a colostomy bag? Many thanks
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posted by Deirdre4791
19 May 2022

Triple assessment

Last reply: 19 May 2022 21:08
Hi. I found a lump.Female48 Doc thinks it might be a blocked duct. Sent referral letter on the Thursday.. I got a call to come the following Wednesday for an assessment. A mammogram would have been done that afternoon following the initial assessment but there was a radiographer after ringing in sick. So, they said they would write out. I got an appointment in the post, inviting me to appointment on 1.6.2022,(initial appt on 27th April). Can I take comfort that it might not be urgent as there was a 5 week delay.? Also, is the triple assessment standard for all lumps, or should that make me worry. I am trying not to be worried, but I have discomfort and wonder should I have fought for an earlier appointment? I have been trying to research these questions but not getting many answers.. Kind regards Deirdre 0860668715
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posted by BerM
05 May 2022


Last reply: 18 May 2022 14:07
I've been taking Letrozole for 6 months now. I finished Herceptin 3 weeks ago ( having had chemo, surgery and radiation). I have a lot of soreness in my upper legs, they feel very heavy most of the time. This seems to be getting worse instead of better. Should this improve now that I have finished Herceptin? Should I just live with the pain and keep walking? Any supplements I could take to help? Thanks.
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posted by Harperkelly1
05 May 2022

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Last reply: 18 May 2022 14:01
I was recently diagnosed with Breast cancer at present the consultant said its primary however ive to go into for a 2nd biopsy as 1st one was not adequate enough for lymph nodes so he said at present stage 1 but obv that could change? I am 43 and I'm in utter shock as was not expecting this outcome my mother died at 51 of endometrial cancer and I always thought in the back of my head more of me possibly getting similar but never the breast I'm distraught like many others but especially about telling my young children and what the outcome might be just in limbo past two days
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