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posted by H0mepage
21 July 2022

Surgery and radiotherapy following chemo

Last reply: 07 August 2022 20:41
Hi I'm coming to the end of my chemo for Her2+ breast cancer 🙌. Will be having surgery and radiotherapy afterwards and just wondering what is the usual timescale ie how long after chemo will surgery be and then how long to radiotherapy?
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posted by CHegarty6959
30 July 2022

I have to decide on what treatment

Last reply: 06 August 2022 21:09
Hi My name is Claire and I diagnose with breast cancer . I had the operation where they remove the cancer and one lymph node which came back postive. So the sent it of for Oncotype DX which came markers 12 which is very good. But because of new research they co.e up with two options and my makers where low Im 50/50. So i have to decide whether to get all the lymph nodes removed radiation treatment and tablet but they say Im high risk of getting lymphedema. Or not to have the operation and just have radiation ct scan ones year and tablet . So I dont what to do has anyone else come across this Claire
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posted by H0mepage
04 August 2022

Maintenance Herceptin

Last reply: 06 August 2022 07:17
Hi. I'm just completing my 6th chemo/herceptin session and will be going onto maintenance Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year. Have surgery and possibly radiotherapy to look forward too but putting on my positive hat I've a holiday booked layer in year (booked before diagnosis) which I'm hoping to make. Booked for a month so just wondering if anyone has experience of stretching time between injections Or getting an injection abroad? Can reduce hols to three weeks just if it was possible would be a great post treatment treat. TIA.
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posted by Nick Groom
25 July 2022

After effects of radiotherapy and chemo for throat cancer

Last reply: 02 August 2022 15:04
Has anyone else on this forum undergone radiotherapy, chemo and had a trachea tube fitted as part of treatment for throat cancer? I finished the treatment 12 months ago and had the trachy removed 6 months ago. Since then I have developed internal and external lymphodoema. I also experience considerable pain and discomfort. I cant seem to get any answers as to how long the lymphodoema will last and whether the pain is normal. Any thoughts welcome
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posted by emsharon81
28 July 2022


Last reply: 29 July 2022 16:06
Hi my mum has a chemo port in her chest. Next to the port a lump has appeared. Mum not sure how long it has been there but it has got bigger over the past few weeks
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posted by jonathanadler
25 July 2022


Last reply: 27 July 2022 10:44
Hi all, I'm a hormone receptor-negative, HER2+ metastatic breast cancer patient receiving Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab on the first week of each cycle, Paclitaxel on the second week and then a third week off. I have osteoporosis that predates this relapse and take a Prolia (Denosumab) 60mg injection every six months to protect my bones. This is my first injection while on chemotherapy and I'm wondering if it's safe? My doctor said it was fine, but didn't really stop to think about it and I'd value a second opinion if anyone has had any experience!
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posted by libra1975
22 July 2022


Last reply: 25 July 2022 15:11
Hi, I am about to start Tamoxifen for five years. I had surgery and completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I am still receiving herceptin every 3 weeks. I was wondering whether it would be OK to have the occasional drink, not even every week. Thanks for any advice
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posted by Hope59
15 January 2021

i want to connect with Lung Cancer fighter

Last reply: 16 July 2022 06:49
I am Hope 59 I want to connect with someone who is in shock at their diagnosis ....November had having Chemo finding the whole thing terrifying want to hear about someone like me and how perhaps we can try and help each on the the only road we can entertain......the one of Hope....finding nights the worse. Please connect there must be others just like me.
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posted by Jackie61
13 July 2022

Post Menapausel Bleed

Last reply: 15 July 2022 15:15
Hi there, I had a hysteroscopy d&c followed by ultrasound on 21/6. My consultant said after procedure she would ring me in 4 weeks,she had no report ré ultrasound at that stage, no fibroids or polyps but thickening in lining of womb. How long do histology results take? I am so worried. Thank you.
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posted by OM
27 June 2022

Breast cancer

Last reply: 01 July 2022 18:54
Hi...I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 IDC her 2 neg not in nodes. Finished AC therapy and I am due to start taxol for 4 rounds. AC was not great as in tired and weak shaky feeling but that was it basically....not bad really. How do women find taxol therapy? I know chemo affects people differently but just a general idea would be great. I'm done with no energy for few days after chemo with kids on school holidays.
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