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posted by olgamoody
18 August 2022

Bowel problems after radium for prostate cancer

Last reply: 25 August 2022 14:14
Hi 👋🏻 My dad finished his treatment 3 days ago and is in agony with trying to go to the toilet. He feels pressure to go (poo)but it’s like he can’t. He’s in movicol, microlax etc. He is wearing a pad as there are bouts of very watery stools with blood. He’s very distressed. Is this normal? Unfortunately gp or nurse in the hospital he attends wasn’t much help 😔
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posted by Claire B
23 August 2022

Biopsy results

Last reply: 24 August 2022 17:25
Hello, This is my first time posting. I had a biopsy done just over 3 weeks ago and the consultants secretary has asked me to come in this Friday for results. I wasn't advised to bring a friend with me for results. Is this generally a positive sign or could I potentially still receive bad news? This whole journey for me started in early June. The waiting for appointments, biopsy, results etc has been incredibly stressful. Any guidance you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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posted by Babyboo
07 August 2022

Implant/lipofilling after LD flap

Last reply: 23 August 2022 20:26
Hey there, I had mastectomy and LD flap surgery last summer. The reconstructed breast is still smaller and I would like a bit more symmetry. Any advice on lipofilling /+ small implant- side effects of surgery etc, Any recommendations for nipple tattoo also? I have 2 toddlers so easy recovery would be ideal. Thanks
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posted by twig88
13 August 2022

Breast cancer & pregnant

Last reply: 18 August 2022 04:35
Hey, I am 23 weeks pregnant and got the news at 19 weeks that I have breast cancer. I’m post op….lumpectomy and lymph node removal and got the good news today that nodes and margins are clear. I am now facing the journey down the chemotherapy road and just wanted to see if there are any women on here who are pregnant or who had been pregnant while going through chemo? X
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posted by mary elizabeth
11 August 2022

advice on products safe with chemo

Last reply: 16 August 2022 04:10
hi My mother in law was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in the lining of her gallbladder. It is terminal but she is doing chemo for life extension. She was given a gift with some natural oils in it. She is on a really strong dose of chemo so is afraid to use it. Can anybody advise on this matter? it has 100% natural corriander seed and grapefruit in it. there is lavander, sunflower oil, watermelon, lemongrass, cedarwood and almond oil in it. the second product is sage and cedarwood. They are oils and pillow spray.
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posted by chellh
09 August 2022

Mm cancer

Last reply: 15 August 2022 15:00
Hi my mam has recently been diagnosed with mm cancer I just want to talk to people who are in the same predicament as I am. I live in wexford she lives in Cork so I don't get to see her that often .I feel so useless that I can't be there for her
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posted by ScottDurkin
09 August 2022

Anxiety after Melanoma

Last reply: 15 August 2022 12:03
Hi all, About 5 years ago (19 years old) I was diagnosed with superficial melanoma. I had the procedures and checkups and all was good. Thankfully! Ever since, I’ve been battling anxiety from it. Always wondering if I’ll have more problems, constant worrying about every freckle and always thinking the worse for no reason. If anyone can relate and has received help to cope with the anxiety, I’d love to hear from you as I’m not sure where to go and it’s affecting my everyday life.
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posted by LS
13 August 2022

Lynch Syndrome

We run a Facebook (Private) support group for all those affected by Lynch Syndrome. I have inherited one of the predisposition Genes (MSH2) and know how hard it can be to find information and navigate the medical system. We are also aware that the current system is far from perfect and can be confusing. When you are trying to understand your inheritance or potential inheritance and navigate the medical system we believe speaking to others in the same boat who really understand can make all the difference . We are a caring group of people there to listen and offer support . Anyone can find us by following the link below or entering Lynch Syndrome Ireland you will be directed to our open Facebook page.
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posted by LeaB
08 June 2022


Last reply: 10 August 2022 15:58
Hi all. I was diagnosed with CMML 1 on June 2nd, all very new and scary. Anyone else out there with Leukemia? Take care Lea
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posted by Aine
30 June 2022

Her2 positive breast cancer

Last reply: 07 August 2022 20:44
Hi I am getting my round 4 of chemo on Monday for her2 positive breast cancer but I haven lost my eye lashes or brows and my hair seems to be growing back does this mean the treatment is not work I am so worried also I have an achy feeling in my breast and under my arm
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