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posted by ash mammy of 2
09 May 2022


Last reply: 18 May 2022 13:39
Hello 👋🏻 I have my appointment in the breast clinic on Thursday as you can imagine I’m up in a heap as I have a very large lump roughly 5cm so I’m imagining if it is cancer it’s going to be later stage? Could you tell me please how long I’ll be waiting for results? I honestly don’t know how much more of a wait I can take I’ve downplayed it to my husband as he’s a major worrier and obviously I haven’t told my teenage children yet. Thanks in advance xxx
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posted by pudswife
12 May 2022

Results for Breast Biopsy

Last reply: 18 May 2022 13:34
Had a biopsy two weeks ago and when I rang the hospital for update they said could be another two weeks before I get a result. (They had said two weeks when having the biopsy). Is this Covid or staffing delays, anyone else experiencing the same thing? I don’t think they would leave it this long if cancer showing?
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posted by jeanie21
26 April 2022

Pregnancy after breast cancer

Last reply: 13 May 2022 21:51
Hi, I was diagnosed with early breast cancer last year at the age of 33. It was found by accident when in for a chest X-ray for an unrelated issue and so was a huge shock. Thankfully it was a type that’s not very aggressive and it hadn’t gone anywhere. I had a lumpectomy, 3 weeks of radiotherapy and am now on tamoxifen. When I was diagnosed myself and my husband had just started trying to get pregnant so it was pretty tough to have to put those plans on hold as well as dealing with the diagnosis. My oncologist has said if I do two years of tamoxifen then it has been proven safe to come off it to try and get pregnant. I’m just wondering is there anybody out there in a similar position who has done the two years of tamoxifen and had a successful pregnancy? Thanks
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posted by LisaO
11 May 2022

Lip growth

Last reply: 12 May 2022 16:58
I was with a cosmetic doctor yesterday getting some treatments done and in passing mentioned a lump(white flat) that I had on my lip. Have had it years (5+)but recently it's been crusting and getting bigger. He said he thought it was pre cancerous or early cancer. He decided to cryo it on the spot and told me to go back to him in two weeks. I'm now so so worried. He's not a specialised dermatologist and I'm concerned that maybe a biopsy should of been done. I can't stop googling and really cannot cope right now.
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posted by Tammy001
01 May 2022

Cancer Advanced

Last reply: 04 May 2022 18:12
My father was diagnosed quiet recently with stage 4 advanced bowel cancer which is in his liver lungs and lymph nodes, he had a stoma bag fitted for the bowel, the oncology team said chemo would kill him so won't give, he has terrible back pain and we are in shock and helpless, he is in hospital but sometimes is incoherent and trying to get to speak to a nurse or doctor on the ward is difficult, we had to do all the chasing for answers as no team would call us or meet us, I am angry and upset, I'd appreciate any advice or help please
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posted by Aoifes
04 May 2022

Dad, Possible Lung Cancer

Last reply: 04 May 2022 18:03
Hi All My Dad has COPD, he recently had a chest Xray that showed 'something', doctor ordered a CT scan of his Thorax and Abdomen with contrast dye and he had that this morning, they said it could take 10 days for results. I understand they are looking for cancer but my question is, has anyone gone through the same experience and tests and it turned out to be cancer? My dad is 72 and a smoker, he is now living with me full time as he also has Dupuytrens Disease. Any replies welcome, thank you x
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posted by Fifil
10 April 2022

Cancer advice

Last reply: 01 May 2022 19:52
A family member has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer. They will need chemo and radiotherapy at least but we don't know the treatment plan yet. Are there any self help book or websites I can suggest they read? They are interested in altering their diet, supplements etc... anything really that could help or help with side effect of treatment and potential hair loss. Also is there counselling available for this person and their immediate family members. It's been a real shock. I think seeing a dietitian might also be good it this service available too? Thanks
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posted by Iamstrong
26 April 2022

Pulmonary nodules post breast cancer

Hello, I am 1.5 years out from diagnosis and mastectomy for stage 1 breast cancer that didn't spread to the nodes. I requested a CT scan recently and was advised yesterday that there are 2 tiny nodules on my right lung. Naturally I'm in bits but I'm also confused as I was told I had clear margins as well as clear nodes and mastectomy. I also chose to have chemo which was optional. Anyone else ever get these nodes post breast cancer and they are benign? Thanks
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posted by MO'D
03 April 2022

Herceptin, Pro's and Con's?

Last reply: 23 April 2022 03:04
Any advice, positive experiences (or otherwise!) appreciated. Just about to complete radiotherapy after having breast conserving surgery in January. I have been advised to start taking herceptin re aggressive cancer type but am afraid of possible side effects. I've had negative reactions to a variety of medications in the past and not sure how to proceed for the best.
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posted by lotus
15 April 2022

Wait for Radiotherapy

Last reply: 21 April 2022 16:51
Hi, I am just wondering if anyone is experiencing long waits for radiotherapy treatment? I have health insurance, so going privately, but it has now been 13 weeks since my surgery and no date yet. I had the CT planning appt 2 weeks ago but they said it would be another 3-4 weeks before I heard anything. I am anxious about the delay - I was never told initially that there would be any delays and had to keep calling week after week only to be told I was in ‘the pile’ and they couldn’t give any idea of time scale. Is this the normal? Could I have had radiotherapy quicker in another centre?
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