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posted by Ferntree
26 February 2022

Face flushed after first chemo session

Last reply: 02 March 2022 07:48
Hello Any advice or experience please. I’ve had treatment one of Taxotere 1 hour and ½ hour cyclopophosphamide yesterday. My face is badly flushed, Slight neasea and slight breathlessness. No doctor on the oncology ward now. Referred to A&E which I don’t see as viable. Just don’t know what I’m dealing with. Thank you
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posted by Ferntree
26 February 2022

Face badly flushed after treatment one of chrmo

Hello Any advice or experience please. I’ve had treatment one of Taxotere 1 hour and ½ hour cyclopophosphamide yesterday. My face is badly flushed, Slight neasea and slight breathlessness. No doctor on the oncology ward now. Referred to A&E which I don’t see as viable. Just don’t know what I’m dealing with. Thanks
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posted by lolliec123
05 September 2021

Birthmark Change

Last reply: 26 February 2022 00:43
Hi, I have a very large birthmark on my leg which up until last December had no change. Then I got a black mark on it which then turned into an ulceration. My GP sent an urgent referral as he reckons I have 4 out of 5 characteristics of melanoma. I got my appointment within 4 weeks which is the 14th of this month with the dermatologist but I was wondering what to expect at the appointment. It is an extremely large birthmark so would the call me back to biopsy it? Thanks everyone x
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posted by DOE
20 February 2022


Last reply: 25 February 2022 11:24
Hi I've just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Biopsy report shows Gleason score 8 in 2 ( 2 of 5) of the 21 scores submitted, 6 in 6 of the cores. Calculated volume of prostate is 40ml. No perineurial invasion or extraprostatic extension. ISUP 2014 prognostic grade group 4 Tumour replaces 80% of the most involved core. PSA 5.4 up from 4 last Sept. My urologist gave me the diagnosis by phone. he said the choice was between surgery and radiation treatment. I asked his opinion and he said that although he is a surgeon in my case he wouldn't recommend surgery and has referred me to a radiation specialist. Has anyone a view on why he would not recommend surgery? also, the biopsy report hasn't stated the stage off my cancer - does anyone know is this normal. I am very concerned that with Gleason 8 I am not pursing the right option and also concerned about the pace at which this can develop.
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posted by Ferntree
20 February 2022

Pain after Axillary clearance

Last reply: 25 February 2022 03:12
Hello, I’m away at the moment otherwise would seek medical assistance. Had axillary clearance done Jan 10 but my under arm is still frozen and upper arm feels Like it has an elastic band around it. I’ve been doing the physio exercises consistently but there’s no change. I start chemo next Friday. Am I ready for it? Will my arm ever improve? I’ve no idea what to expect. Really appreciate any input or shared experience. Thank you
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posted by tinytrina
16 February 2022

Partner has burning sensation in throat

Last reply: 22 February 2022 11:55
My partner has stage 4 neck and throat cancer diagnosed last year he under went surgery to remove parts off his tongue and then 6 weeks off radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he has constant burning sensation in his throat and while doctors are offering him pain relief it’s not really helping the burning , is there anything that will help, I’ve tried smoothies etc and went through his diet etc but feel nothing seems to be working , he finds it hard to eat and is losing weight again which is something I don’t want.
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posted by libra1975
17 February 2022

Having a drink

Last reply: 21 February 2022 09:59
Hello, I am 46 and was diagnosed with breast cancer recently. 9 days ago I had lumpectomy. All is healing well. Today I got the great news that my lymph nodes are negative. So I am wondering if it is OK to have a drink tonight to celebrate? Not going mad, but 2 glasses of wine. Any advice be welcome.
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posted by Fifil
10 February 2022

1st smear following LLETZ

Last reply: 21 February 2022 09:07
I've had my first smear following LLETZ 6 months ago. I'm very worried about all this to be honest. I'm attending the Colposcopy clinic for 8 year with 1 clear smear in that time. The nurse told me about Pepilocare (home treatment for HPV). Has anyone used this with success? I've very expensive Also I've heard AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) can be used to treat HPV. Has anyone used this either? Again it's very expensive
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posted by Ferntree
13 February 2022

Chemo after axillary clearance

Last reply: 15 February 2022 11:56
I’ve had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance in early January. My focus now is physio as I don’t have full flexibility in my arm. It’s been a slow recovery. I sleep two hours during the day. I’m dreading chemo as in my heart I don’t think it’s the right thing to do - I dread the long term risk of chemo fog and fatigue. Are there any other viable options available?
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posted by n_d_2022
14 February 2022

Waiting for results

Last reply: 14 February 2022 15:18
hi all, i found a lump in Dec and had a mammogram 2 weeks ago. I had a follow up appointment this morning where I had a mammogram followed by ultrasound and a lot of biopsies. they confirmed there are two lumps so took biopsies from both as well as from my lymph nodes. I was given an appointment for 10 days time to go back for results. My head is all over the place. i was asked by the dr. taking my biopsies if there was a history of breast problems in my family (there's not), she also asked if i'd recently had my vaccines, which I hadnt. I was told i could bring someone in for my results appointment. So all of that has me in a spin, or do they always tell you to bring someone even if nothing sinister? but then from reading other posts it seems that they try to prepare you if the news will be bad, which I don't think they did, or the rush appointments through - is 10 days considered rushing or is that standard? I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here, I know no one can predict my results but I also know this community will understand how I'm feeling. I'm finding myself emotionally flip flopping from "it will be fine, they didnt rush my follow up" to "they wouldnt have told me to bring someone if it wasnt bad news". Like other posts I've seen, I think the waiting will be the hardest part. If it was good news, grand, if bad news, I'd rather know now and have a plan in place. anyway thanks for reading, like I said I'm not sure what I'm looking for other than needing to write this down.
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