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posted by Louisa
16 November 2021

Finished treatment

Last reply: 29 November 2021 14:59
Hi, I'm just finished a year of treatment for breast cancer. After a tough road everything has gone very well and my oncologist said he is very happy with my response to treatment and seems quiet positive about going forward. I am of course very relieved and happy that my treatment has gone well, however I feel somewhat lost at sea. Its like the tsunami has hit and now I'm just in open water bobbing along, also the fear of it coming back is always there. Has anybody else felt like this following treatment and does time really help heal? Thank you x
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posted by Emm
28 November 2021

Help! Cancer suspected!

Last reply: 28 November 2021 21:16
Hi all, I attended the A&E about 3 months ago because of a hard lump and pain in my neck and my voice is hoarse too. The doctor told me they suspect cancer and are concerned for me and they needed to see me within 2 weeks but I later received an appointment letter for 4 months time. My pain got worse and I started losing weight unexplainably and feeling generally unwell. GP later sent me for an ultrasound which showed a solid nodule in my thyroid. He sent the hospital a letter for me to be seen urgently but no word yet. Prior to this, I have suffered from an undiagnosed severe abdominal pain and constipation for 5 years and colon polyps were found over 2 years ago. Please can anyone advise me on what to do because I think I am having a serious health issue that needs an urgent medical attention. Thanks!
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posted by Tee
18 November 2021

Mam newly diagnosed and terminal

Last reply: 24 November 2021 13:14
Hi I am hoping someone can help me. My mam went in for routine apt in hospital for her heart (she hasn't had one for 2 years due to covid). They found shadows on her lungs which was not like something that would be found in the lung. It was found to be breast cancer and she has spent last few weeks in hospital and was transferred to the mater and then released. We have now got word that she has apt in Tullamore hospital next week. She is on oxygen now and very weak. The original cancer was breast but now in lungs and lymp nodes. Can you please advis of what questions to ask the doctor at appointment..they have already told her that they will not be operating but that is all we know. Thanks for any advice just a bit lost
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posted by Cancer Nurse
23 November 2021

Lung Cancer

  November is International Lung Cancer Awareness Month There are approximately 2,500 cases of lung cancer diagnosed in Ireland each year. Lung cancer is the fifth most common cancer diagnosed in men and women. It is important that we are all aware of the symptoms of lung cancer. The symptoms of lung cancer can include the following: Coughing up blood A cough that doesn’t go away or a change in a long term cough Repeated chest infections that continue after antibiotics Pain in your chest especially when you cough or breathe in Unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite Difficulty breathing A hoarse voice or difficulty swallowing These symptoms can caused by conditions other than cancer. It is important to have any symptoms or a change in a symptom reviewed by your GP. Detecting cancer early can make a difference. If you have any questions or concerns and would like to speak with a cancer nurse please contact our Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am -5pm. Kind regards, Cancer Nurse  
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posted by Twinkle3
13 October 2021

Current Wait Times for Symptomatic Clinic

Last reply: 16 November 2021 20:29
I am just wondering what everyone's experience has been regarding waiting times to be seen at the Symptomatic Clinic? I discovered a lump on my breast about two weeks ago. I was seen by my GP a few days later and she agreed it needed to be assessed and sent a referral to the Clinic in Galway. I am reading about wait times of up to 8 weeks given COVID backlogs. Does anyone know if I am likely to be waiting that long? I have a very strong family history of aggressive breast cancer unfortunately so am absolutely worried sick. I also have private health insurance but not sure if this is something I can use to get an initial assessment or where? Any help would be really appreciated.
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posted by Rolexwatch1
28 October 2021


Last reply: 15 November 2021 16:44
Hi I have just finished Tamoxifen after 5yrs, and started on letrozole about 6wks ago. I have not had a period in over 6yrs since chemo, I had blood tests which showed I’m in menopause but this wk I have had heavy bleeding (I presume a period) has anyone else had this experience
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posted by MIKEWALSH
10 November 2021

Mouth cancer

Hello Folks, I had 35 sessions of Radiation and 6 Chemo for cancer in my 'lower back tongue leading to tonsil' which I finished in early October 2021. {last month}. I've lost 3 stone ( i.e40 pounds or 18 kg). I can only take Fortisip - liquid food and my taste has changed terribly. I feel that the mucus membrane is gone from my mouth and throat and so it's hard to deal with any food. I find it to be a lonely place as there is not much follow up from my consulting team which is because they presumably are waiting for the treatment to do its job for the first months. I'd love to hear from other people who have a similar experience to mine and if they have any advice regarding my worries about taste and eating and when I can expect results of treatment and anything else they might feel I should know. Kind regards MikeWalsh
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posted by davidbirchill
01 November 2021

Blood Cancer and Booster Vaccine

Last reply: 09 November 2021 16:53
Hello I was diagnosed with a blood cancer this year and I'm due to start treatment at the end of the year. I haven't received any information about the booster vaccine and when I asked in St James I genuinely didn't understand the answer. Does anyone know if people with blood cancers fall under the bracket of immunocompromised and should we expect to be offered the third vaccine? Thanks David
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posted by hope47
11 October 2021

Tamoxifen- Nausea & headace

Last reply: 06 November 2021 01:48
Hi, I just started Tomoxifen a month ago. Side effects not too bad so far except for a bit of nausea in the mornings. Occasionally I have really sharp shooting pains in my head. Anyone else experience similar symptoms and any remedies that might have helped? Also, apart from grapefruit is there any other foods I should avoid while on this treatment? Thank you 🙏🏻🥰
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posted by mrsb
07 October 2021

DCIS - constant sweating

Last reply: 03 November 2021 12:41
Hi all, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in June 2020. I had a lumpectomy, 25 sessions of radiation treatment and am currently on Tamoxifen 20mg. I had numerous infections post surgery which delayed the healing process and I also have lymphoedema. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had issues with severe sweating? When it starts it’s from the top of my head to the tips of my toes and can last for some time and I’ve even had to change my clothes on numerous occasions because of it. I know hot flashes and sweating are a side effect of the tamoxifen but just wondering if what I’m dealing with is ‘normal’? It’s getting to the point now where I don’t even want to leave the house as I never know when it’s going to happen, how bad it’s going to be, how long it will last and I feel like I constantly smell as I can’t use any of the deodorants I used before being diagnosed. Thanks, MrsB.
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