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posted by Cancer Nurse
26 January 2022

Life and Cancer-Enhancing Survivorship

Hi Everyone We would just like to remind you about our patient education online workshop, Life and Cancer- Enhancing survivorship (LACES) The LACES course is a single session of approx. 2.5 hours duration and is delivered by The Irish Cancer Society’s specialist cancer nurses The aim of these workshops is to empower those who have gone through cancer treatment by providing them with information aimed at improving their quality of life. The workshops cover a wide variety of topics such as finances, food and drink, movement and exercise, mental health and wellbeing, body image and intimacy as well as   information about counselling and local cancer support centers. It also addresses ways around self- management and empowerment.  For more information about this service see If you would like to know more about this workshop  and are unsure if it is the right time for you, phone our nurses on our support line at 1800 200 700 and we can chat to you about it. Kind regards Cancer Nurse     
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posted by carlsberg
20 January 2022


Last reply: 25 January 2022 10:29
hi so i recently went to a counselling session in one of the dublin centres. i didn't find it overly helpful and thought id come away with more sense of relief (i have talked to close friends and my mam endlessly so i haven't bottled everything up) anyway i thought maybe its just more like an assessment 1st time, went again a couple of times with my partner in tow as weve had lot of issues throughout my treatment and recovery, and it really didn't help. i didn't find the counsellor suited us or helped, it actually made things worse..she kept saying she was here to listen, which of course was needed, thought shed be critical and dive in deep to sort isssues.. maybe im wrong in expecting that and we'd need a more particular counsellor? we both agreed she didnt help or suit.. so i didnt go again, i thought it be rude to ask them for a different counsellor what do i do now? i still need someone proper to talk to, i feel my other half needs to go individually and potentially couples if he does solo sessions.. i looked up some private counsellors but at a glance i cant afford their rates.. im dublin/kildare, i had been going in person but zoom call would even be possible.. can i go out of county for help esp if its zoom?
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posted by jeano
18 January 2022

Prostate cancer - diarrhea

Last reply: 25 January 2022 10:23
Hi everyone this is my first post. My dad had prostate cancer that has metastasised. He has been on and off hormone treatment, he’s had surgery on his spinal cord due to radiation. He’s having bad bouts of diarrhea at the moment, I was just wondering if this was a sign of something. Also he is very panicky lately and getting breathless. Anyone with any advice, it would be greatly appreciated Thank you Xxxx
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posted by Alisha42
13 January 2022


Last reply: 25 January 2022 10:22
Hi I got diagnosed with breast cancer 8 weeks ago and had bilateral mastectomy within four weeks when I got the biopsy done before op there was no cancer in lymnodes then after operation it was in 3 of them 4th was negative I have since had to go in and get another op to remove lymnodes in left arm and get a few tested in right arm. They also had to replace one Implant as it has completely moved I am now at home 3 days afraid to move incase the implant moves again it has been an awful lot to take in in 8 weeks can someone advise me if the implant should be ok as I’m up the walls worrying and my back is killing me because I’m not standing properly due to fear of moving the implant wrong . I know it probably sounds silly but I can’t go through another operation I’ve to start chemo in 6 /8 weeks and I’m trying just to deal with this
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posted by Blondie25
14 January 2022

Irregular vaginal bleeding

Last reply: 17 January 2022 12:40
Hi. I have been having fresh vaginal bleeding after having a bowel motion and also fresh blood after intercourse. It is usually just when I wipe, I may have some spotting after this but majority of time is at the time of going to the toilet or straight after sex . Sometimes I could also have thick mucas red/brown discharge I have been also having pain in my lower abdomen. My gp has had to rewrite my referral as a locum consultant put me on the 2 Yr waiting list instead of urgent. I now have to wait another 8 weeks because of this delay! Has anyone else been through this and results have been good? Smear test in Nov was negative but I know it's not 100% . Thanks
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posted by MC27
08 January 2022

Liver Cancer-Pain relief

Last reply: 12 January 2022 14:36
HI. Just wondering if anyone has managed Liver Cancer pain with Canabis Oil? Been reading it might be helpful in certain circumstances. Unfortunately current medications are not providing relief. Thanks for any consideration.
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posted by LauraE135
06 January 2022

Mass found in colon

Last reply: 07 January 2022 12:06
Hope this is okay to ask here, I'm looking for some guidance re results. Sorry if this is long winded! 15 months ago, I had my gallbladder removed. Prior to surgery, I really cleaned up my diet as I was quite overweight (mainly bc I was so sick if I ate anything fatty) and upped my fitness. I lost near 2 stone in 2 years. When I had it removed I felt amazing, the gallbladder pain was completely gone. I started to eat a bit more freely and stopped loosing weight but also wasn't gaining. Fast forward about 6 months from gallbladder removal, I started to feel sick again. I had loose stools daily, serious urgency for toilet and colicky pain all over my abdomen. I put it down to my body getting used to no longer having a gallbladder. Then I noticed I was loosing weight, I thought great as I had wanted to lose more. The stomach pains and the lose stools just kept getting worse. I could barely leave the house without fear of where a toilet would be. My stools are often very dark (not black but dark) and tarry, with sometimes mucus. I put off going to the dr for many many months as I had a very sick family member who was my priority. My family and partner all had a chat with me as they were concerned about the weight loss, I was down 2 stone in less than 10 months with basically zero exercise and vomiting on and off and still having toilet issues that were getting worse. I made an appt in November with my GP(it was my first time with this GP as she is new to the practice). My GP said that the weight loss, toilet issues and pain were slightly concerning. She sent me a referral for ultrasound, colonoscopy/EGD and bloods. All bloods were normal, incl. coeliac disease. Ultrasound was also normal apart from gas obstructing parts of pancreas. I then had my colonoscopy mid/end December. I was given the report/finding sheet after but not much was said. There was a total of 16 biopsy taken, no polyps found but they did find a mass at cecum, 2-3cm away from appendix. It was said that I need a CT TAP to characterize and that I need to see my consultant(I haven't met him yet as the coloscopy was in a different clinic and my appt was rushed through) with biopsy results and CT results by February. They also took FLT bloods, U/E, FBC, which worried me bc they didn't seem to do that for anyone else. I completely put to back my head for Christmas and didn't give it a thought. I rang my GP yesterday for my results. She asked had the DR discussed and I said that I received the findings but no one talked me through them. She went on to say that only some the biopsy results were back and that they were normal. She then asked me did I know a mass was found and I said yes should I be concerned. She said well yeah it is kind of concerning, which absolutely floored me as I had just been ignoring it so far(coping mechanism) I then said I haven't received a CT appt and she urged me to contact my consultants secretory asap. I rang the secretory today who was very nice and as soon as I explained to her she told me the biopsy results has just come back this morning. And that she will arrange my CT and APPT for as soon as possible. I was happy enough with that but then started thinking about it too long and thought okay if they have the biopsy results then surely that will tell a lot and they should let me know. So my questions are: 1) Would it be appropriate to ring the consultants secretory again and ask where and when I will receive biopsy results? as I'm so anxious I just want to know now or would my GP also have them now, would it be possible to ring them for the results? 2) If biopsy is (hopefully)good news why would I need a CT TAP? is this standard to organize CT TAP regardless? 3) What are the possibilities this mass could be? 4) Has anyone else had a similar experience? I cannot imagine waiting much longer for results bc its driving my crazy since I spoke to my GP Sorry for being so long winded! Anyone reading this with concerns for their health, please please go speak to your GP, do not put it off like it did.
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posted by Robin123
29 November 2021

Tamoxifen- first few weeks

Last reply: 04 January 2022 23:07
Hello, I am have been through mastectomy, chemo and rads. Its been a rough journey with lots of side effect during treatment and a visit to hospital for infection. Anyhow I'm now out the other side - 12 months on, and I started in Tamoxifen 2 weeks ago. Thing is I am getting bad headaches since starting this med- I know it was noted as a possibly side effect. Just wondering if anyone else went through something similar? How long will it take for the headaches to ease? I'm also more tired than usual but tbh the headaches are bothersome. Hot flushes too but nothing too bad. Thanks :)
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posted by rubiablanch
09 November 2021


Last reply: 06 December 2021 14:43
Hi there Aswell as having metastatic cancer i’m also concerned about money. Any policies I have are for when I die but I need it more for while I’m still here. Has anyone been given good advice on this? Thanks so much x
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posted by Mrs_H
21 November 2021

COVID and School going children

Last reply: 30 November 2021 11:54
Hello I have finished 4 x AC Chemo sessions and am starting weekly Taxol and others Chemo sessions from this week. My daughter is and there are cases of Covid in her school. The school are great and communicating with parents - so I kept herself off for the last 10 days. I also don't want her to miss out too much - and am in a quandry as to send her back in or not. What are others doing? Thanks
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