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posted by lizzie.a
27 October 2021

Newly Diagnosed

Last reply: 02 November 2021 13:58
I've just been diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumour. I've been referred to the specialist team in St. Vincents. I have received an appointment for a pep scan, at the end of November. This is about a 5 week wait and I'm wondering is this the normal wait time? I'm quite anxious at the thought of the wait and feel I'm in limbo at the moment!
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posted by Eamon R
12 May 2021

Pancreatic Cancer Support Group

Last reply: 30 October 2021 12:31
Hi All I was wondering if anyone is aware of a support group, specific to Ireland, in relation to Pancreatic Cancer ? I had the Whipple Procedure in January of this year and am currently undergoing chemo post operation. Any replies or suggestions welcome Many Thanks
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posted by turtlepower
21 October 2021

PET-CT scan wait time

Last reply: 28 October 2021 16:47
Hi everyone, my Mum has been diagnosed with invasive lobular breast cancer this week. She is waiting for her medical insurance sign off on a PET-CT so the hospital can stage her cancer (we know it is in her lymph nodes). We have been told this can take 4-6 weeks to get a scan date and all forms signed. It is being looked after by her consultant. This seems really long to me, is this normal? Thank you
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posted by michellew12
23 October 2021

Dad newly diagnosed

Last reply: 27 October 2021 16:10
Hi everyone, new to this. My dad has very recently being diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer. My main reason for posting is looking for advice on how to tell my daughter who is 11 and very close to him. Has always being a healthy man so this has being a very sudden and massive shock to us all. Thanks
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posted by shaunthesheep80
14 October 2021

Terrified of a test

Last reply: 15 October 2021 16:35
Recently had a smear, which was negative. GP referred me to gynaecologist. This happened previously due to cervical ectropian. Went for appt today expecting a colposcopy. But it was a consult. GP saw dark lesion on vagina, and consultant booked a biopsy for two weeks and mentioned ruling out melanoma. He said it was rare, but didn't mention any alternatives for what it could be. This was totally unexpected, and I am freaking out. Stupidly googled it. I have 2 young kids, thinking the worst. I'm terrified
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posted by Oak
07 October 2021

Period after several years

Last reply: 13 October 2021 16:46
Hi, I was treated for BC in 2021/13 - involving surgery, chemo and radiation followed by tamoxifen and then letrozole. I came off letrozole in January. my periods never really resumed after chemo and so I would say it's at least 5 years since I've had any period, including spotting, etc. My blood-work from 2/3 years ago indicated I was in menopause. This week I have a full on period with a good bit of discomfort in the area of my stomach where my uterus is and involving my left ovary. I'm wondering if this is common and could it be my body adjusting to coming off the hormone treatment. I've had some pain in my non-effected breast which I went to the GP with and have an appointment in the Breast clinic early next month. I'm wondering will I just wait until then or should I have the occurrence of the period checked before then? If it's common I'm happy enough to wait. Thanks for your time. I'm 50 years old.
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posted by Fifil
04 October 2021

Presence of precancerous cells following LLETZ

Last reply: 13 October 2021 16:42
Hi, I had my first abnormal smear about 8 years ago. I've been in and out of the Colposcopy clinic since then with only one normal smear in that time. I recently had my first LLETZ and got my results which confirm presence of precancerous cell (as they expected). No cancer cell were found. I another smear in 6 months. I'm very worried. It's alway been low grade changes. They think use of steroids might be the reason my body hasn't dealt with this it's self! What happens if there are still abnormal cell in my next smear? Thanks
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posted by moss54
04 October 2021

Lung cancer, brain tumours

Last reply: 13 October 2021 16:14
Hi my name is mossie, has anyone here gotten brain toumours after getting lung toumour
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posted by IrishHiker
05 October 2021

Buddy system?

Last reply: 07 February 2024 18:23
Hi I was wondering whether or not you have the ability to set up a "buddy system" for folks. I have an MPN, Essential Thrombocythemia and it would be nice to connect with someone else who has the same diagnosis.
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posted by pauliii
03 October 2021

Stomach Cancer

Last reply: 08 October 2021 15:12
Hello all, My husband, 43, has been diagnosed with a stage 4 gastric Cancer last week! We were shocked as he had no symptoms other thank an occasional heartburn. We were told it was probably caught early given his young age, no symptoms and general good health. How I wish that was true! Last week the scans showed it has spread to the abdomen area and we were told it is no longer operable! Here I am writing to you desperate! We have three kids age 12 and under (youngest is 1.5). We are both foreigners living in ireland for 15 years now and have no family here! I am terrified of what is to come 😱😱😭😭😭
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