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posted by Friend123
09 August 2021

A second biopsy

Last reply: 16 August 2021 16:18
Hi , I have a swollen lymph node found during investigations for not related condition. The first biopsy came back clear. The node has not gone down and I am been send for a more detailed biopsy. Anyone have any experience of this ? Thanks Mary
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
11 August 2021

Take a survey to help with our cancer research

Want to help out with our cancer research? If you or a family member Are waiting on cancer surgery, Have had cancer surgery within the last year, Or you are involved in the care of surgical oncology patients, Trinity Exercise Oncology Research group would like to hear your thoughts on exercise before surgery. You don't have to have experience with exercise to take part. Please feel free to share with any friends of family who you think may be interested in taking part. Link to questionnaire: Contact:
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posted by Resolute
10 August 2021


Last reply: 11 August 2021 10:23
Hi there, following breast cancer, surgery and radiotherapy I did 5 years of Tamoxifen and I am now in my third year of letrozole .. Mensturation stopped completely when I started Tomoxifen but I now suddenly have some bleeding/brown discharge .. is this normal or so I need to make an appointment with my doctor?
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posted by anthony80
04 August 2021

Male Brest cancer

Last reply: 10 August 2021 14:43
Hi all anyone other males going through this or have gone through it I’m 43 and facing chemo next since surgery x2 This just came out of nowhere for me like a lot of cancers I suppose
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posted by Gursey1985
30 July 2021

Life After Chemo

Last reply: 10 August 2021 13:27
Hi Guys Hoping you can help. I finished treatment for breast cancer in january..My last scan was clear..I'm taking tamoxifen for the next 5 years and trying to push forward..However i just can't seem to shake the feeling not wanting to do anything off..I feel like a shell of myself and have really low days..I was 100 miles an hour through treatment and had so many plans for when i finished it..I fear recurrence alot..I want to be on my own alot too..I watch people find themselves and become so motivated after treatment but I'm just not there.
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posted by PeterGovan1
29 July 2021

Rectum cancer

Last reply: 10 August 2021 13:15
Hi everyone 43 year old male, was told yesterday I had stage 2 bowel cancer. I was told in the gastroenterologist opinion it hasnt spread to lymph nodes . He told me I have to have 4 months of chemoradiation and surgery which was a lot to take in. I am seeing a surgeon next week and will have scans after that. I'm terrified tbh , love to connect with other Patients
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posted by hederahelix
05 July 2021

2 year wait for referral

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:14
Hi guys I was referred by my doctor to the breast clinic with a lump on my breast 12 weeks ago. I was put on a 12 week wait period and my doctor received information from the hospital about this. She gave me a number to call if I hadn't received a letter in a couple of weeks and the lady who answered quite quickly got me off the phone with a solid answer of "you're down for a year, ok? Bye". I'm residing in Waterford at the moment. I called my doctor and she told me to call again after the 12 week period had ended and I did today. I reached a voicemail of the same lady directing anyone to call another number. Once I called this number I was told that my wait will be up to two years! I asked her if there is any point in me waiting 2 years with this and she said "well it's up to you" and that they wouldn't have any more information about the 12 week period because they are new to taking over the department. I will be calling my doctor again who said she will see what she can do following this but who knows how this will end. I'm 29 with a history of breast cancer in my family. I can't afford private healthcare as I'm a student who has been receiving grants to support my cost of living here. Has anyone else been dealing with this conflict? This seems absolutely ludicrous and terrifying for me now to deal with and I can't find too many personal stories about it or how to handle it; all I can find are recent statistics here and there regarding wait times. I mean, why even bother saying 2 years to me. I will be beyond the point of saviour once that time has come. I can't believe this is going on really. Breast cancer is a common enemy in our female society. How it's not the top priority is beyond me. Please reach out to me and help me out with some resolutions or personal stories. Thanks so much for reading. Jade
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posted by lecky
03 August 2021

Wait times for triple assessment breast cancer clinic

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:08
Anyone know what current wait times are for follow-up at breast cancer clinic? In this case for the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG. I found a lump in my breast recently. Went to GP a couple of days later. She sent a referral to the Symptomatic Breast Cancer Unit at UCHG. That was two weeks ago. No contact from them yet. I rang them last Thursday and was told the referral wasn't received. Back to GP and was told it went through whatever secure system they use and had been acknowledged as received. Back to UCHG and was told they did have it after all and that all incoming referrals would have to be "triaged" and didn't know when xxx would do that as he was typically only there on Mondays. I have a history of breast cancer. Diagnosed in 2009 - I had a lumpectomy in the other breast and chemo and rads. Had surgery in NY so I don't have any contact with a breast surgeon here. Wondering what to do next. I don't want to leave this hanging. My next mammo not due until end of September.
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posted by Dane7
15 August 2012

Did Chemo work for you?

Last reply: 09 August 2021 21:04
Ladies Just received news last Friday that post 5 chemos chemo didn't really work for me and only a very small shrinkage of my tumors occurred. Has anyone been in this boat? Oncologist expected a very good response .... hence my surprise, disappointment and let's be honest, fear that it is not the case. Anyone else experience this at all?
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posted by Trishafitz2021
03 August 2021

Punch Biopsy

Last reply: 06 August 2021 10:31
Hi there, I had a punch biopsy on my hand, I was wondering how lomg will I be waiting for results? Thank you!
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