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posted by tilly21
11 June 2021

Lung cancer

Last reply: 21 June 2021 11:12
Adenocarcinoma with mpe stage 4 and he only went to hospital because he was having trouble breathing and 4 days later thats what hit us in the face, like being hit with a frying pan. My lovely husband, who is relatively fit, non smoker since 2002, has been told that at most 12-14 months is his life expectancy and he is only 63. I am in total shock and stupidly I dont know how to feel im just numb. I insisted our children needed to know so that they can make plans and he is glad I insisted. Oncologist was a very nice professional man who showed us exactly where the cancer was but I dont understand as it is limited to the right lung with no metastized disease elsewhere in the body. I cannot get my head around it and my poor husband after 2 or 3 days has started his plans for when he us no longer with us. I thought it would be me going first
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posted by el1981
07 June 2021

Hair loss

Last reply: 18 June 2021 21:13
Hi I had my 1st cycle of TC chemo 16 days ago & my hair started to fall out in clumps on sat & now 2 days later I’ve barely any hair left …I won’t b surprised if I’m completely bald in 2/3 days …I’m absolutely devastated as I didn’t expect it 2 happen so quickly to be honest Thanks
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posted by AB1976
15 June 2021

Waiting time for appointment

Last reply: 16 June 2021 13:58
Hi found a lump on my breast and my doc referred me for an urgent mammogram 3 weeks ago but haven't heard anything yet. It's been the longest 3 weeks of my life it's all I think about day and night. Can anyone give me any idea of how long it usually takes?? I'm sure with covid and cyber attack that it has probably made waiting time longer, if I had some idea I might not feel so anxious ( probably wishful thinking)
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posted by Mul1974
13 June 2021

Hair loss

Last reply: 14 June 2021 16:50
posted by Mul1974 13 June 2021 Hair loss Hi my wife starts her Radiation and oral chemotherapy tomorrow she’s very worried about hair loss can anybody please confirm that you do loose all your hair on this regime or you don’t Were getting mixed reports thank you all
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posted by Mul1974
13 June 2021

Hair loss

Hi my wife starts her Radiation and oral chemotherapy tomorrow she’s very worried about hair loss can anybody please confirm that you do loose all your hair on this regime or you don’t Were getting mixed reports thank you all
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posted by Mary A
21 March 2021

Endometrial carcinoma

Last reply: 09 June 2021 23:39
Hi, I would like to chat to people diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma. I am fortunate to have recovered from a total hysterectomy and do not need any further treatment. I am quite shaken from having the diagnosis even though I am very fortunate and so much luckier than others with this situation. I’d so much like to link up with others who have had a similar experience .
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posted by Itsme1307
08 June 2021

38 year old- awaiting mammogram result.

Last reply: 08 June 2021 15:31
Hello I hope this post finds you well. I discovered a strange mass in my armpit approx 6 weeks ago- was a strange bump within that. I do regular checks on myself and this really stood out as different. I got check at gp, i thought she’d tell me it was nothing to worry about. But she felt something that she couldn’t tell what it was. She referred me on urgently. So I received letter from st James‘s, saying they’d see me (today) but for a hand exam only. That if any other test would be required it would be booked for another day. Again, initial doc couldn’t really feel it, she got more senior woman to come in and then she referred me on for a mammogram there and then. Which is fab, I appreciate it. But now results are 3 weeks away. I had melanoma last year and I’ve had lletz procedures a few time due to pre-cancerous cells. I’m so grateful for screening, but I’m so nervous now. I’m a single parent of 2 boys and the idea of being sick for them, or worse still. Is literally my worst nightmare.
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posted by Itsme1307
20 December 2019

Excision biopsy

Last reply: 08 June 2021 14:27
A few weeks ago I noticed a black dot on the inside of my arm. My gp referred me to dermatologist who I saw last week and today I had an excision biopsy. I photographed it over the past 4 weeks and it has changed so rapidly. I know I’ve had it removed now but the wait for results is terrifying. Trying to keep my mind off it but can’t help but get consumed by the ‘what if’s’ It was very small, black and raised, jagged edges but filled out over past few weeks and became darker. I’m a single Mum so I’m just worried about the possibilities. Now with Christmas I know the results will probably take longer. Anybody have any idea? Or advice? Or been through similar? Thank you
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posted by AnnH
21 May 2021

Post mastectomy advice

Last reply: 07 June 2021 21:48
Hi everyone, I had a single mastectomy on May 4th without reconstruction and was hoping someone could advice on where to buy some kind of really soft camisole/vest that will create a barrier from clothes but wont rub or move and irritate skin as I am very sore and sensitive.I dont want to wear a post surgical bra as I got a post op infection which as left me really sore. no matter how soft the shirts/ tops that Im wearing are as they move they are rubbing and causing painful irritation at least a bra would create a barrier but because of the infection I would rather wait until everything is properly healed. I am finding myself holding the material of whatever I am wearing away from my skin all the time. Is this just par of the course and something I just have to put up with? Kind regards, AnnH
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posted by el1981
24 May 2021

TC chemo

Last reply: 06 June 2021 22:24
Hi so I had my 1st round of TC chemo last thurs which I am happy to be getting started with & puttin an end 2 this shit show ….thank god the side effects haven’t been bad …I took my anti sickness even though I wasn’t feelin ill as was told it’s easier 2 prevent the sickness than try getting on top of it …the muscle aches on day 3 in my legs was the worst 4m me but nurse said these could come 4m anti sickness injections ….they were more annoying than sore if that makes sense but I just took my pain killers n went 2 bed super early wit a hot water bottle under my legs & feel a lot better 2day thank god …..just wondering if anybody has any tips on gettin through if it does get worse as each cycle goes on Thanks
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